General Headphone Help/Discussion Thread

Out of the mid-range stuff I own I possibly like the BF2-RNHP the most for a HD800S, it tightens up the soundstage a bit and gives it a very holographic imaging of the sound whilst keeping things fairly organic and natural, but it does sound pretty analytical and a tad lean compared to sth like 1321-V200 which is a bit more smoother and relaxed and wider and a bit meatier


I am, I think the HD800S has a loose-ish fit so I’m personally okay with glasses

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I kind of had a similar question before and M0N mentioned that it is more on the intense side but he still liked it…


I do think i convinced myself to find and try one and the responses here solidified that a little.

I was worried a little that it would be like my hd6XX on that chain, which can be describer as very “womp”. But oddly was really amazing at recreating realistic creaky wood boat sounds.


I’m looking to swap out my DCA Aeon Opens and I’m wondering what kind of upgrade paths there are. I like the sound signature, speed, and comfort level but I’m finding it a bit to compressed.

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The Aeon 2 is said to largely address the compression issues of the OG, but I can’t say from experience. I’ve only heard/owned the Open X. Something like an LCD-2 Prefazor might be a good fit, and i found them comfortable, but they’re a fair bit heavier so ymmv.


If you want to keep things neutral but with good dynamics I think Arya (V2 maybe SE as well) is quite nice for a planar, HEK is ofc nicer but it is more source demanding

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I was thinking Arya or Ananda as a Sundara swap-up anyways. any other suggestions?

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Does it have to be a planar? If planar I think Ananda (or Edition X V2 for a warmer more agreeable tuning), Arya, LCD2PF as @FiCurious mentioned are quite nice. On the budget side honestly the XS is nice as well (just don’t expect it to be a giant killer but that’s just my opinion). The Aeon 2 is not bad but personally I find nothing stands out and it still sounds a little bit dull.

Also from Ananda to Arya is quite a big gap there, what’s your budget if I may ask? And what DAC / amp are you using?

Sorry misread your first sentence, you’re moving up from the Sundara (and Aeon Open I presume)


I’m alright with stepping away from planars but I’ll likely keep one in the rotation. Budget is ~$1k but i could stretch it a little higher if need be.

MLP and a smattering of dacs.

Same feeling with Aeon opens


Gotcha. I personally quite like the Arya but I didn’t like it on the MLP, a bit unrefined and doesn’t have good enough control (I prefer it on 1321-V200). I find the LCD2PF has much better synergy with the MLP to enhance the warmer, wider and relaxed presentation of sound.

I might just throw a few usual recommendations, something like the Beyerdynamic T1 Gen 2, ZMF Eikon, Fostex TH900 which I think pair reasonably well with the MLP.


Can’t comment on the chain, but the Arya is a great headphone. Only thing is that it tilts treble. It’s not a bad thing, nor is it bass lite. There definitely is bass presence, and it’s good quality bass. Just be aware that the overall balance tilts treble.


Thoughts on the LCD-X in comparison? It’s typically only a couple of dollars more. (Rare but in used cases)

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I really like my pre-2021-revision X and its really great on the BF2 > RNHP chain. But it will lean brighter imho. You will also most likely want to EQ if you get a pre 2021 model or it will sound real odd. 2021 revisions and the XC are said to not need EQ or not nearly as much.

The overall stage is semi-smaller to average, but I wouldnt say its very intimate or immediately in your face, it uses the space well.

Detail is superb and is a big reason why I like as much as I do.

Once again the * of mileage may vary on your chain.


In your guys experience do planars go through much break in, like dynamics usually do?

Yep, although it will all depend on the headphone for the extent that it does


Gotcha, its a 2021 rev lcd-x straight out the box i have on loan until pads come in. Its def more “normal” fr wise than the prerevision without eq to the point i would say its not 100% needed. But with sounds better but it seems it doesnt take eq as well as the pre. With EQ attack seems blunted and its a little flatter, less crispy. A little like the senn left right center bubbles and the seperation of pieces just isnt there.

Edit: yes eq can also just be off. Just trying to fix a little bit of the mid wonk the 2021s still have while i have these on loan.

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Hello everyone! So I have a WA8 thanks to my boi @Draaly on the way to me. Originally I wanted to buy a senheiser hd800s or an audio technica adx5000 for my “endgame” organic/neutral headphone. However due to being on a tight budget for a tiny bit I decided to buy either a Senheiser 6xx or a audio technica r70x since I’ve heard they scale and are comparable. (until much later in the year I’ll buy the higher end ones)

So my question is this, which one would be better for me? Again I want neutral but I really need the focus to be organic. It will be paired with the WA8 as the amp and RS6 dac.

I’ve personally heard the 6xx before and it was phenomenal, super organic. Very laid back, but I also don’t need it to be very laid back so if the audio technica is more forward I might actually welcome that tbh.

Again main focus I want on this is neutral but veeery organic and also scaling. That’s the most important factor because it will only be as good as my source gear (and my source gear is great) . I’ve heard the audio technica has more treble and bass extensión but besides that anything else I should really keep in mind when deciding which to buy and which might be for me?
BTW I remember @FiCurious you had both at the same time and used them with the bhc and maybe even wa8 when you had it. Would appreciate any input if possible :eyes:
And would appreciate anyone’s input!


I think @FiCurious’s comparison summed it up well

Although this is with a 600 not 650/6xx. I would say 600 vs a 6xx, the 6xx is more relaxed, more smooth a tad bit wider, warmer bass and a bit more rolled off treble, so just apply that to the above


Hmmmm. That’s a shame lol. Tbh I was kinda leaning on the audio technica partially because I’ve never heard it. But seeing that it’s not as vocal focused is a bit disappointing tbh specially when in this particular situation I am specifically looking for something that focuses more on vocals while remaining balanced.


Also thanks for finding his comparison, as ou know I’m lazy to look for that stuff :theface:

Real question tho, even if mids aren’t as forward. When it comes to soul do you guys think they have the same amount of soul? Even if less warmth? Soul, mid organicness is really the main thing I want tbh