General Headphone Help/Discussion Thread

I’m actually using the exactly same gear for the HD800S. I think it’s a good headphone that can be enjoyable on this level of setup, but it’s also true that it can scale much higher. But ultimately it’s kinda a subjective question that I think it’s best for you to try one yourself. They are relatively easy to obtain and sell on if it’s not sth you like.

FWIW I’m personally preferring the Arya V2 over the HD800S on my setup, but I don’t know how much of it is down to preference for the tonality or presentation or it’s because the performance of the HD800S has been hindered.


But I think this is what does everything in for me. I thought 800S were ~$8-900 but they are a good $4-500 more than that ( once again only took a quick look ) but thats significant for me especially as this is a side step just to try something different and not a step up a tier. Im down for trying new flavors but not right now when im overcrowded with equipment and short on time.

Add on top the cost of new pads (I replace all pads on used cans) and I think this is more of a future endeavor. I can at least keep an eye on the market and if something killer comes up or one paired with a nice cable then maybe I jump.

I’ve seen them for 999USD on The Music Room, you might be able to get a 5% off or sth

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They are 1300 new, so don’t pay more than like 1100 for a used set. Also keep an eye on the source AV. They have had a number of b-stock units recently for 999.

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I will also note back when the HD800 was new I listened to it in an extremely crowded B&H. Even on their mass plug in try out system with people and machines loud enough to block out your own thoughts, I could tell it was a special headphone.

But man that was 10ish years ago?

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I think it’s still a special headphone even now which is why it is still sold today largely unchanged, same with the 600 and 650, same with other headphones like a th900 for example and others, it still holds up imo. That being said, due to that, they hold their value way too well, so despite their age they really won’t go down in price that much unless a true successor actually comes out.


And that successor will come out right when I buy one. As per tradition!


Looking for inexpensive lightweigt headphones I can plug into a Firefly on a laptop just to get basic computer audio, YouTube and good voice reproduction, decent for YouTube quality music a plus.

Looking at Sennheisers HD-25 and I run into these…

anyone have experience with them? I like the look and the fact that they can be ordered customized and parts easily replaced due to the modular aspect seems good, but nothing much online about them.

Back on the HD800s subject: There wasnt any revision, silent or otherwise, that would make certain pairs differ too much right? It doesnt seem like a very sennheiser thing to do but with the length its been on the market I want to understand listings and such a bit more.

Anecdotally I’ve read about silent revisions of OG HD800 with serial number between pre-3000 , 3000-10000 and 10000+. The later ones are claimed to sound a bit closer to HD800S (more balanced with a tad more bass and less brightness), haven’t read anything like that about HD800S though. It might be also worth mentioning that any new HD800S now will be made in Ireland instead of Germany


If its the same facility as their HD6 series i dont think that is a problem. Its cool to have zee german touch built in but i am more concerned about sound.

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If they are building in the EU I’d say the standards will barely vary. The single market lets them keep all the same infrastructure and supply chains and just move one element - such as fabrication - to an area where they can take advantage of tax incentives or local wages. It’s more common with larger items, like cars, which have manufacturing chains that spread right across the EU but as the economies become more and more integrated with time the possibility becomes open to smaller chains. It’s quite possible that some of the key staff also moved with the factory too. In short, there is likely negligible difference between a Sennheiser factory in Gemany or Ireland other than the taxes they paid on it.


I had no idea about any of the EU stuff to be very honest. I didnt really have any hesitation with it either way. In my mind Senn has been One of the most consistent brands. I always hear they moved this or that but its nothing that seem to make waves or any end consumer difference. Unlike say Audeze where :pinky out: the 2012 vintage prefazor really shows off its tannins.

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I mean it just depends on how much you buy into the silent revisions theory lol, since many ppl swear that Romanian made HD6X0 sound differently from the Irish made ones.

Someone hasn’t been to SBAF recently. There are at least 5 revisions of each model in the series that all sound like completely different headphones according to them.

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The different revisions do differ, but personally I don’t think they differ enough for most to find it worthwhile to go hunting for the “ideal” revision. Perhaps if you are a diehard senn fan or collector but really even then I don’t know if I’d spend too much time doing that


So I really am liking the lcd-x on my bf2 → rnhp chain. I use this on my pc chain and it is 50/50 music and gaming duty.

But there are a couple things that are keeping me from saying theyre 100% keepers.

  • Long term comfort: surprising NOT weight related, the weight doesnt bother me at all even after hours. But the ear pads after 2 months compressed and are too shallow and the fazors now press against my ears. I dont consider myself to have big ears either…
  • Other peoples mics: for gaming i swear people just dont know how to set up a mic and they all blow them out. I helped my friends get great set ups and sound then the next day its back to shit. Normally thats ok but the X does something in that range where there is real fatigue by the end of the night. Adjusting EQ helps but its not a full fix
  • Loudness: it seems to get the X really cooking the volume needs to be a bit on the louder side. You can almost feel the texture rise as the knob turns up. Not ear blasting, but enough that it pushes forward some of the FR oddities.

With this I kind of keep going back looking at those hd800s.

My questions are:

  • How is this with a bf2 > rnhp chain?
  • Will there be a big drop off (or any drop off) in detail, imaging, resolution, general technicalities going from an X to Hd800s? (Speaking mostly regarding the above source chain for this one.)
  • Any issues with glasses wearers?

Yes, this is mostly focused on my pc chain. I am looking at more high end amping in this thread (link coming). But here I am more interested in how will this integrate into what i have currently vs what can i get to enhance another piece.


Someone else can comment on the rnhp synergy specificaly, but I have never once heard X have more detail than 800S on any given chain. I find far less glasses issues with HD800 than with my LCD-R or old LCD-Xs. My worry with HD800S though would be that I personally find them fatiguing as all hell for podcasts so I can imagine blown out mics may be an issue. As far as levels though, HD800S perform excpetionaly well at extremely low levels so I dont think you will have any issues in that department


Knowing the general FR of the 800 this was a worry that I felt may pop up. That and i kind of got used to having bass with an EQ shelf on the X, which i assume will be much less on an 800.

HD800S take to bass boose EQ quite well, but yaj. They will be far below audeze levels stock

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