General Headphone Help/Discussion Thread

Help / advice needed for a set of LCD 2.1 PF

These beauties showed up yesterday: (thanks @don for the smooth transaction, killer cans!)

I’m really dig’n the sound, very unique and enjoyable! Definitely something I want to hold on to long term. But after a day with them two physical attributes immediately stand out: headband and cable.

The headband is in great shape, but it doesn’t look like something that’ll ware very well over time (I can’t imagine exposed foam being a highly durable material). Am I being overly concerned, and this foam is durable? Or should I switch it out for a modern LCD-2 headband? I guess I could also put a cloth wrap on it to keep it in good condition. Any recommendations on headband upgrade / maintenance?

The cable is the “vacuum cord” style, reminds me of Grado headphone cables. And the ends going into the headphone connectors are stiff / rigid cable. The heavy cable kinda goes with the style of the headphone, but it’s way long and I would like something a little easier to deal with for regular listening.
Is this crazy cable known for being a significant contributor to the sound of this headphone? And I should just live with its quirkiness? Or can I swap it out for another cable and keep (? improve ?) on the sound? Any recommendations on reasonably priced cables?

Last but not least - general maintenance of this “old” headphone. The wood is beautiful and in good shape. Any tips on keeping it that way? (other than just don’t drop it) I’ve seen other place that there can be cracks in the wood, and that the connectors can break. Any tips to keep this set of cans in good looking and good listening order?



It should last longer than you think with proper care, but if you find it concerning swapping it out with a modern lcd suspension strap headband is pretty solid imo. You could also wrap it if you wanted to which would protect the foam much better. Or add a lohb strap as well.

Personally I’ve always liked norne cables with audeze for something reasonably priced that doesn’t shift the signature all that much. Something from artic cable is also worth a look imo

I’ll let someone else comment on that since I really didn’t pay too much attention to doing anything to the wood when I had mine lol


Hey no problem! And back at ya. Textbook transaction.

The headband is already 10+ years old so if comfort is fine I wouldn’t worry too much about replacing it. I personally like keeping the old style headbands on for the vintage look they’re beginning to have. The new headbands from Audeze are nice though and easy to swap if you decide to go that route.

Sorry about the cable lol I’ve pretty much sold everything so I couldn’t supply an alternative. That’s the original cable though which is nice to have (stored away lol).

I just keep the wood clean. The one you have looked to me like it didn’t need to be treated or anything. Could change with time I guess.


Thanks for the feedback, all very helpful.

I completely agree, I don’t want to take these apart and try to make them something they are not. They are “vintage” and I want to keep that look and feel.

Maybe a goofy question, but what constitutes “proper care” for the headband? Should I try to clean the foam from time to time? Or just leave it alone?

Thanks for the cable recommendations, I’ll do some reading on them. I’ll probably stick with the stock cable for a while, I kind of like the heavy feel (the non-audio part of audio - gives the sound “weight” :rofl:). But something more versatile and light weight will save my desk from being overrun by the cable.

okay, thanks. I’ll do the same.

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Make some effort to protect the foam by making sure it doesn’t get snagged or torn on stuff, not use stands/resting positions that compress the foam in one specific area (if you want to use a stand try to use one that distributes over the entire headband), try to avoid it getting too oily/gross (typically most easily achieved by not wearing it after a workout or if you haven’t showered or something like that), try to keep it in a normal temperature controlled environment (very high or very low temperatures and high humidity can degrade the foam), just basic things

I’d be careful about cleaning it and what you use to clean it, make sure it’s something that won’t harm the foam chemical wise and also a method that won’t be too rough during cleaning. I’d first start with lint rolling it from time to time, then if you feel the need to actually clean it more than I’d grab something like a spraybottle full of water and some very diluted detergent (no bleach, not typical soap either) and somewhat massage that in there a bit. Then air dry (not under heat/sun though), but you really shouldn’t have to do that very often at all, I’d really just only clean the surface with the roller and occasionally only use water as that will be all you need the mass majority of the time


thanks @M0N!

I was also going to suggest the modern Audeze headband as well or the carbon fibre headband. If you go for the modern one you can also swap out the suspension strap for something like this to improve comfort

But if you would rather keep the original headband then this is the Lohb strap @M0N mentioned
The seller is Lohb on Head-Fi, the guy operating Artisan Audio UK you can message him there

I personally use this for foam Dekoni Audio Headphone Spray | Dekoni Audio and this for leather LCD Leather Care Kit - Audeze LLC

But I’d definitely consider getting a cloth wrap like a Geekria headband cover from Amazon since foam soaks in oil from skin quite easily

I usually use this for wood but I wouldn’t worry too much about Audeze since it’s just a ring of wood (as opposed to wood cups)

The modern Audeze stock cable is quite lightweight I think they can be had for under 100USD used LCD Standard Combo Cable - Balanced XLR with 1/4" Single-ended Adapter - Audeze LLC


Thanks for the tip - I’m going to try one of these - could be a good compromise to keep the original style.

I was just enquiring about it not long ago, here’s the brochure I got from Lohb:

For the wood some audeze came with a “wood conditioner” kit and that is just oils and waxes that should still be good. I put it on lightly with a q tip, let it sit, wiped off.

If you dont have that a quality fret board oil is good too since most of them are made for rosewood fretboards. I use Fret Doctor Bore Oil for the Fife and Fret Doctor . But once again 1 drop is enough for each can. I put this on the inside where its not finished where the screws and connectors are.

Keep them in a decently climate controlled area with no huge humidity extremes (especially dry). Dont go from hot to cold or vice versa extremes. Keep it out of the sun.

But really just enjoy them.


Are HD800s still worthy of seeking out and owning? I always received them as being a bit more niche for classical listening but I really havent looked too into them.

Edit: And what would be some good amp pairings / would going beyond an RNHP be needed.

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Hd800S are my most listened to can and I dont do much classical listening basucaly at all. That said, I do use them either on tube (wa8/phantasy ii/forge) or current drive (HPa-21/01M)


I think it’s a great headphone still. I enjoyed it with classic rock, rock, folk, acoustic and jazz to name a few quite a bit. Generally tube amps are recommended and it was recommended to me when I owned my bh crack as a more fun pairing for the 800s so you should be gtg.


I guess really, what I should have asked or at least should follow up with is. If i plan to stay at the rnhp, bhc, mlp tier of amps,… How much would i be leaving on the table if I do not plan to get a bigger amp for the HD800S


I’m not sure if there’s a good way to quantify that, but I’d say it’s absolutely worth the money to step up into the 1k+ range with that headphone at some point. I want to say there’s still a fair bit on the table, but it doesn’t mean that what you have now won’t be enjoyable either


I think @M0N phrased it well. Yes, you are absalutelt leaving substantial performance on the table, but IMO, thats not a good reason to avoid them. With your current gear (and the current price of HD800S) the cans will 100% be worthwhile. Honestly, IMO, asking “what am I leaving on the table” is kind of a bad way to go about it. Instead the question should just be “will this be sufficient to justify the cost of the cans against the other options”


Yes, and will this scale on the future is a different way of phrasing. You have to realize that with most higher end headphones, you are always going to be leaving some performance out on the table. I still think a lot of my headphones have some performance on the table even though if pushed them this far lol. But it doesn’t mean it’s always worthwhile to pursue that performance either, just depends on what you have, what you currently think you are getting out of them, and if it’s really all that feasible in the future


A little bit of bad phrasing here.

I get what I am trying to understand is if I stay with my RNHP, BHC, MLP, would I be doing myself and the headphone a disservice. IE: an HD6## on an underpowered amp vs. on the BHC where it just transforms. I do understand that this headphone scales but I just want to make sure I am not knee capping it.

At this point in time, I really do not want to or foresee me purchasing another headphone amp in the near future. I hate to say it but I do not fully use what I have currently, and the physical space I have right now is kind of all packed out.

I also for some reason thought used these were sub $1k, and looking quickly at listings they are still decently healthy above… So I think that puts the nail in the coffin for now unless I decide to sell one of my other big headphones.

It’s not always easy.
The Sennheiser with its 300 ohm is more accommodating.
Or rather, it is clearly defined what he wants, wants and needs.

The BHC is not a bad amplifier, but it depends on how it was assembled and which components were used.
Since it is a DIY kit, a bad assembly can have a negative effect.
And also quickly reaches its limits.
In other words, there are certainly better OTL amplifiers out there.

The Rhpd will probably run a bit richer and better.
But at a rough estimate it will remain an SS amplifier.
Without being able to influence it as on an Otl or hybrid amplifier.
And accepts its character.

MLP will probably be the better choice, as it is the most potent of all 3 amplifiers you have.
And you can influence it again with its 6922 tubes.
To be able to give it more drive.

In the end you have to try it on all 3 amps to judge.
Performance is not always everything, implementation is more important.
It can be surprising how good it can be when the implementation is right.
The Feliks Euforia is a prime example, it doesn’t have that much power but it can kick ass.
But it would probably have been out anyway, since it price has risen again.

If you’re looking for a compromise, I’d part with the BHC and go for a Woo Audio or Quicksilver as an Otl.
Maybe the Feliks Echo 2, which would give you the advantage of being able to use your 6922 tubes from the MLP in the Echo 2 and would sweeten the trip to the Rabbithole.
Just as a basic idea.
But the Echo is limited for low ohm headphones so it doesn’t like them.

I don’t think the Hd800 is hard to drive, it just demands more to shine.
I’d look for more reviews but you tend to trust @Mon’s words a lot more than any review you’ll find.:wink:


I think where we are coming from is that this is the wrong question to ask. Will they transform if you get even nicer amps? Sure. Even ignoring the different tube flavors current drive make them sound utterly different. Whether you call not using current drive or a TOTL amp on HD800S a disservice is something fairly personal. I would personally buy HD800S in your situation but I also know others who don’t like them on anything but current drive. Ultimately, IMO, while they can change significantly on other gear I think they are worth a shot with your current gear.

HD800 are fairly sub-1k. 800S are not