General Headphone Help/Discussion Thread

Auteur may check enough boxes for you.
I used to own one on a tube amp and it is quite neutral throughout the frequency range. It went pretty deep and has a lot of slam and macrodynamics. It was a great all-rounder with the right amount of fun too. I was a big fan of its timbre and presentation. It presented a great stage and can be holographic depending on your source. Best of luck!

P.S. On a side note, if you get a ZMF, you better love the craft and wood aspect of it, especially if you were looking for value as you previously mentioned. I think a decent amount of the price you may for is the artisanal craftsmanship of the headphone. It is beautiful, but they get pricey for what they are and they don’t come cheaply on the used market.


Love the wood and craft aspect of headphones, my ATH woodies are very special in that regard.

The auteur does check enough boxes but im a little worried about it being more expensive, heavy and possibly not better than the eikon, thats why I asked if anyone had hear both.

Any reason you don’t just buy an LCD-X? They are well under 1k used even for 2021 revision and seem to tick all your boxes. Clear OG may be a solid option with their values tanking as well but I wouldn’t clasify them as having excelebt sub bass extension.


LCD X ticks all my boxes! I love it. the reason I dont go for it is my local audiophile buddy’s next purchase is the LCD XC, he can probably sell me his LCD-X after that. His version is pre revision and the xc he wants is also pre revision, I wonder if the rev. cost difference is actually worth it as I really liked pre rev X’s stock tuning.

So I told him I will go for an he6, eikon/auteur or some foster so that we can get to hear more new brands and sound signatures instead of buying the same headphone.

I already own a clear OG, sub bass is good but its not even close to the quantity I want. Thanks for your reply.

What’s your ultimate budget? A borealus may be an interesting choice. Tbh, ultimately, I have yet to come across a dynamic that I feel has excelent sub bass extension so if yiu want to flat down to 0 i would personaly write off dynamics

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I own like 14 dynamics and 1 planar (which is for sale lol), im a dynamics guy for now :sweat_smile: so I also emphasize macro dynamics over bass ext.

Lcd x and clear mg were the first headphones to my ear that provided both enough extension and micro/macro dynamics without compromising the other frequencies, its like I discovered a new tier of bass performance that I didnt know existed.

My budget is 1k including shipping and taxes to mexico, so with a good negotiation used ZMF, fostex and LCDs are on board.

Never heard of the borealis, looks like a super nighthawk, will look into it.

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I agree, I think the Auteur would be a good choice. The BHC is a good amp for the Auteur. The RNHP I am not sure because I sold mine well before I received my Auteur. I do very much enjoy my Auteur currently on my Quicksilver, Violectric V281 and Violectric V200.

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The Aurorus Borealis has been compared quite often to an HD650, but with a strange build. Personally, I’d like to hear them myself, but they sell for way too much considering their build quality IMO.


Geez that build really does scream at home garage machine shop

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It certainly does…the seatbelt as a headband strap has got to be the kicker.

@M0N is it reasonable to expect that amps that have a good synergy with Utopia have a good one with Clear as well?

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Yes imo

I agree with m0n. If it works with utopia it at least won’t have a major misstep with clear (though thats not to say it will work just as well with clear as it did utopia). The other direction, however, is a far less safe rule of thumb IMO. Imo clears are fairly forgiving to warmer/darker sources while utopia are far far less so.

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Yes that’s what I thought but wanted to confirm. M0N mentioned in couple of write ups that utopia is picky about source. But my thoughts were that if it is good for utopia it should not be bad for clears as well. I guess there are always some exceptions but generally should be good.

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I am personaly yet to find an amp that works well with utopia that I didn’t like with clear at all, so I think you are good to go there.

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Not sure this is the best place to ask but I am looking into some solution for my long calls either headset or microphone+hp/iems setup.

Any suggestions? It needs to be comfortable to handle few hours of calls. Doesn’t need to be great sounding for the headphones part but microphone should be able to eliminate somehow the fact that my wife has a call next to me.

A couple years ago, I used the Senn 37x, which worked pretty well and was comfortable enough for me to make it through days with 6+ hours worth of calls. I’m not sure how well it did at cancelling out voices in close proximity, but it does have pretty solid directional noise cancellation to limit outside noise. I’m not sure how the 38x might differ/improve.

I also have an Audeze mic cable, but have barely used it, given how much it limits what I would plug it into.

Yeah Sennheiser is on some sort of list of options. I would just sometimes prefer to use IEMs.
I am using hyperx cloud 2 for last couple of years but the started to be more uncomfortable with the volume of calls I have currently.

That’s where usb mic came in the play.

yeah, especially as more calls moved toward video, i ended up just moving to speakers and built-in mic. i’ve thought about picking up a yeti or something, but nobody seems to complain about my mic, so i’ve just stuck with it.

Nvida RTX voice was really good at killing anything but my voice over my mic, which wants to pick up everything.

Not sure if that is an option but it works great with little cost outside some voice compression.