General Headphone Help/Discussion Thread

Even though the 600 is ~more~ focused as a mid/vocal spacialist, the R70x is still very nice in the mids. R70x is very organic and definitely a direct competitor to the 6 series, but a bit more linear through the mids with perhaps a little less of a mid bass to lower mids hump.


Hmmmm so just as organic but more balanced. So just doing some thinking out loud here. I typically do like kpop with more treble so that would make it an easy choice for that. Although realistically I would be listening to to mostly stringed stuff, ballads etc on this headphone while pop, hip hop would be done on another headphone. So when it comes down to it I guess i just hafta decide on whether that extra treble would be worth it sometimes for other genres that maybe once in a while i would hear there. Hmmmm

Alright well I still got some thinking to do lolz thank you two VERY much for all the help!!

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FUCK IT the audio technica it is. In some ways it seems like it would also be kind of more similar to sundara in tuning where it’s more linear with good extension of both ends which actually interests me alot and less laid back than the 6xxbut with the soul of the senheiser plus better imaging etc . LETS FUCKING GOOOOOOOOOO. thank you VERY much again!!


Also not sure if it’s been mentioned, but the AT is more consistent across amps vs the Sennheisers, I do think the senn can scale more, but the AT play nicely with more amps overall

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Both can scale too tho right? Like the audio technica maybe dosent scale as high but let’s say if I play both in the wa8 with the RS6 as dac they both should be able to scale reasonably well to that ya think?
Because again the focus rn is on gear that will scale so that it lasts me a while before I finally go up in headphone probably around black Friday to get a decent deal on the high end AT or Senheiser

Yep they should

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I was going to pop in and mention that the senn needs to be pushed or everything feels more flat. Its magnificent on the BHC and i would guess the wa8. Not sure if the Hiby can get it there or not.

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thankfully i got the WA8 for that :sunglasses:

altho im actually gonna get the Audio technica so i guess it dosen’t matter lol, hiby would only be used as the dac

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@Littledrummerboy Wait, you are getting the R70x? That would be really cool, that was kind of the next headphone I was wanting to get if I ever do get more headphones, kind of as my baseline headphone for reference stuff if you could say that. If you do go for it I would love to hear what your experience and thoughts on it are.

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Oh ey dope! Even more reason to get it then haha. Yessir, that’s the next headphone im eyeing. Ill let you know my impressions as soon as i do. First just gotta sell something real quickly to be able to affiliate it too lol since in recovering from a recent big purchase and am paying off some things else. But really exciting about the R70X purchase

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Just out of curriosity, you mentioned it in passing but never realy talked about it that I saw. Was more of a “I seem to use traditional cans more” or an active “I like traditional cans better” move for you?

It was more of “I thought the susvara could scale higher and I used it more since it was a better all rounder”. It also was nice to get out of the estat ecosystem which was a big advantage to the susvara. Take with a big grain of salt though, there’s a lot of asterisks on that scaling higher note


hahaha. I figured. Sometimes its just time to cut the fat too tbh. I did that a fwe months back where I just got good offers on cans I didnt use (but didnt realy want to sell tbh) so I downsized and tbh Im far happier for it.


I should clarify that by lack of scaling with the SR, it was moreso that I could use whatever speaker amp I want with the susvara whereas after the 3es elite there really wasn’t an option to take that next step amp wise outside of something fully custom which I didn’t want to do for only one headphone


just a curiosity, but did you ever try a higher end transformer box? Obv those change the sound of the amp but im currious if they scale higher. I would assume Mjolnir SRD-7 and iESL hit limits before the shang sr level but I didnt know if there were ant nutters that made something that actualy worked.

TBH I am kinda seriously hoping an iESL or similar is enough for HE60 off of my stuff since I realy realy want a set of those now but like tubes and there arent many good stax tube amps that are smaller :sweat_smile:

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I considered it, but that’s really starting to get into custom realm and I just figured I’d be done with them before that. I have tried on those exact 2 things and yes they became the bottleneck in the chain reasonably quickly at the level of amps I was putting it on. I’d figure I’d likely end up paying way too much for a custom transformer box so thought it was too much of a money sink at that point for something I literally didn’t use as much as the susvara


Talking to someone with a 13r+ iESL he said he was just getting into bottle necking on his 009 so I kinda assumed I should take that as a fair limit

yah, fair. transformers get obscene quite quick

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I would say the is an overall better headphone than the susvara on most traditional gear, like I’d easily have a sr + lets say bhse over a susvara + lets say 13r, and also potentially lets say a SR + 3es elite over a susvara + aic-10, but going beyond that, in my case specifically driving off either the demone monoblocks + nice pre or my AC living room setup, the susvara would start to get too close for comfort vs the SR with the 3es elite because there’s really not much anywhere else to go up to stat amp wise except insane transformer + really nice 2ch amp


Thats super interesting actualy. Like the total package cost is way higher on the SR in that price range (though not all that different if we use AIC) but I kinda expected you to take the view SR wasnt worth it without a totl enegizer. Thats some good food for thought since I probabaly wont ever graduate from desktop sized gear (at least not until i can buy a house instead of an appartment and I like the expensive parts of cali so…)

Thats oretty cool tbh. Ive felt for a while that the currently avilible enegizers are a massive bottleneck for estats tbh (like BHSE doesnt realy impress me all that much more than maybe a 3-4k traditonal amp for example) so thats an interesting perspective to hear. Mind if I ask what you use as a pre? if you dont want to say fair enough as well.

I was surprised as well, I think the technical ability was just strong enough to carry that forward regardless, not really sure

I just think the really good estat amps are few and they lie in the 10k range, there’s just large gaps between them, and they are very specialized. It’s just a market that’s less catered to electronics wise (partially due to being a smaller subset of headphones, other half is due to the years of garbage coming from KG and sprtizer shitting on any design that wasn’t theirs). It’s just a very inconsistent market/experience

In that setup I used some of the headphone amps I had, but really mainly either the totaldac setup or the pacific, both of which had excellent preamp capability (assuming you have the drivers for the totaldac and the volume option for the pacific). Very occasionally I used a pass xp-32 or my impera ii ref if I could be bothered to move things

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