Isn’t that what ZMF cans are emulating? :theface:
I do like the blue on those, more headphones should be things other than black, silver or grey. Is that photo pretty colour accurate?
Its more blue than say a 6XX but it definitely comes out more in pictures and direct sunlight.
I mean they sound like ass on the Fulla but the speaker tap adapter arrives tomorrow
5 character limit
If you want a cheap and pretty nice headband to support that weight, the guy that makes the Nan-6 sells the headband on taobao for like $40. It’s shockingly nice for the price and comfort is drastically improved. Also pads. My God pads.
Yesterday I purchased an iFi Zen Stream. I plan on using it as a Roon Endpoint. It should arrive tomorrow, so im pretty stoked.
Nice, have you tried any pi or bluenode solutions? If so I would love to hear the comparisons.
Cool! How is it? Liking it so far? I’ve been using Steam on Ubuntu for the last couple of years so I know the software will do it, how is the hardware though?
Roon is promoting it heavily now, with a buy a Nucleus get an ifi Zen streamer free. Given all the ifi power goodies it’s got built in, I think it’s a great value. Looking forward to hearing what you think about it.
Damn man. Early buyer. Gz man!
sweet! Ive heard very good things about the analog sticks being some of the best feeling on a portable so far, as well as the size not being so much an issue after a while it just fits really nicely in your hands.
I’m personally gonna wait a few gens to see how it turns out and for the tech to mature, the deal breaker for me right now is battery life. once they can extend the battery to 6-8 hours at least , then i will be more willing to invest the money.
No, I didn’t want to mess around with Raspberry Pi and the bluesound node is limited to coax and optical digital outs. My endpoint will be used with wifi, so it limited my potential options.
While looking at Raspberry Pi units and NUC/Mini PC’s, I became aware of how much the prices have gone up due to supply chain issues and demand.
Welcome! How are you liking your pair and the aged look?