What have you purchased recently?

Look forward to hearing from you again, in like 4 months?


I reached my (for now) end game with the clears, this is called the making sure you have the best version stage.

And im broke now


Yay! I’m glad everything arrived safe! I’ve written some opinions about the OG Clear versus the MG on HFG, but I’m interested to hear your thoughts once you get some listening in!

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My initial impression is wow, the clear does honor its name, its really crystalline whilest the clear MG doesn’t feel all that related to the word “clear” due to its warmer nature, they sound really similar but im surprised that the presentation is what changes the most.

Its not just a bit more bass a bit less bright with the MG, the staging pretty different. Female vocals are sounding better on the OG, and bass in general in the MG.




Today I decided to use my audio46 reward points on an open box DCA Aeon 2 Noire. It only comes with a 1/4 inch cable. I’ll have to listen to it 1st and if I decide to keep it, I’ll have to grab a balanced cable. If I don’t like it, I will sell it for a profit and target something else.


I was thinking about offering a guy a trade for his Aeon 2 Open’s, but none of the reviews are great. Also, not keen on the funky cable, mis-shapen pads and taped on pads.

Of course if they sound brilliant, maybe that stuff could be overlooked. :grin:

Look forward to your thoughts on them.

Seems like dhc is starting to come through


Small tip,
If you replace the original cable, you may have to play with the filters.
If you like the sound of the white one notch filter and know it to some extent.
And depending on what cable you use, the filter may need to be replaced.

On my Dca R/T Closed I made a selfmade cable with the Sommercabel So 14 and it sounded a bit darker with the white one notch filter and had to swap it for the black foam filter to get to the level of the white one notch filter and original cable.

I ordered the connectors directly with the Aeon on the Dca site.
The summer cable is okay, but I think the Viablue epc 2 would be better for the headphones if you are looking for a little upgrade.

Dca advertises their $250 cable as having better performance, but I’m not sure it’s worth it.
I find the cable a bit overpriced from a personal point of view.


My DHC Compliment C finally came in the mail today, man this is a really nice cable :grin:


Region free bluray player, an hdmi switch and lots of cables


That is a really nice looking cable.

You didn’t get transparent sleeving :tired_face:

Auteur pads for my Eikons and Cool stand for my Burson. Small tweaks to what I already have. Also wood stands for all my headphones are in making.


no this was bought secondhand at half the price of brand new so can’t be too picky :rofl: regardless this is the prion signature sleeving and it is gorgeous in person, definitely some of the highest quality ive seen on a cable.


Can’t argue with half off :joy:

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yes it was a very good deal and the owner had barely used the thing, something like 40 hours total. it looks brand spanking new :smiley:

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GH50 baltic seas arrived a couple hours ago, bought from @imaphilistine (great guy, he’s also selling some nighthawks!) Not much time on them yet, but they are definitely something immediately special. The bass is really something else and I’ve never had anything that sounded like this. I thought it might be somewhat similar to my Fostex, but it’s immediately clear they are different beasts all together. Also, it needs said that this sounds way different than an LSA HP2 and is nowhere near the same sound as claimed.


Could you describe the differences. I am looking very hard at pulling the trigger on some LSA HP-2’s.