What have you purchased recently?

Wow, talk about above and beyond. That’s why I really like Allnic products. Looking forward to your impression with your new Allnic 300B tube amp!


I can’t stop looking at your new Allnic 300b amp LMAO @hifiDJ

I just noticed this after the 5th time looking at it. What is that? Is that what I think it is :eyes:

Yeah, it’s a little postcard from Ado’s Blu ray discs. Lol


:fire: Fuego :fire:


Really nice that you can start out with the western electric 300b.

I still have to upgrade mine.


That amp is a really lovely looking thing.


Not audio related:

Kowa Prominar 12mm MFT


Some initial thoughts on Symphonium Titan after a couple days.
Huge bass without pushing other frequencies out of the way. Sub-bass is one of the, maybe even the best I’ve heard in an IEM yet. Mid-bass is authoritative, solid textures and detail, Kick drums thud not the quickest but reminds me of how my kick sounded when mic’d with a AKG D12e back in the day during sound check in an empty club – That thud with the room reverb and texture morphing back into my chest every time the ball hit the head.
Mids and upper-mids are clear not pushed too far forward but are more present than on the Davinci for example, and treble is nice, has some air to it but is smooth it is not as extended as the Oracle MKIII but it’s not blunted either. Over all I would call it “balanced” but leaning with an unmistakable bass prominence.
I’ve been using the Titan exclusively with the iBasso dx260 from the balanced port. The Titan takes a little juice (3 ohm/105db). Have not yet tired it with the dx180 or from a desktop setup yet.
Genres played were mixed selections from across my library. I really enjoy it with my 70’s/80s R&B and funk, but equally well with the blends of contemporary and smooth jazz, and progressive rock too.

Regarding pressure build up – I have not heard those reports nor have I experienced it for myself.


With my HEkse about to leave and myself to step into the unknown, I thought it was a good idea to get ears on something that was on my list to AB against the HifiMan while I still had it.

I’m fairly impressed with the package from HEDD, but sound, my initial impression (20 minutes in) is that it stages weird and sounds a little too dark for my tastes. It impressed me with the percussion heavy verses of Tool’s ‘Lateralus’, but not much else has done it for me so far. I may leave it burning in and come back to it tomorrow.


Curiously, it sounds much better just running it on my Mojo. Less congested, stages more out in front, FR sounds less dark, but still dark. The Mojo is maxed out and it’s still a little quiet. Going to leave it burning in now. Could be that it doesn’t synergise with my WA22.

Anyone else got much experience with the HEDD 2?


HEDD 2 via a Mojo was very fun with my post-work CoD session. Intense. It wasn’t necessarily that the positional cues were brilliant or anything. The guns sounded particularly real though. Maybe the most real I’ve heard them sound :face_with_monocle:


I haven’t heard the HEDDphone 2, but I did get to try the v1 here at home a few years ago.

I remember it being very transparent to the source gear being used. It was extremely detailed and though it lacked the fullness in bass which I really prefer, I would’ve owned it had it not been for the comfort issues.

I think it’s definitely a synergy issue with the Woo. Any of its tube characteristics will come through on the HEDD (it’s very transparent to source). Those characteristics probably sweeten other headphones like zmf, but won’t do the same for the HEDD.

I appreciate your impressions on the HEDDphone 2 and I’m looking forward to hearing more impressions.


Cool to understand, thank you.

After overnight burn in, and a tube swap, HEDD 2 sounds more natural. But even with a more neutral tube set-up, the staging still doesn’t sound quite right to me; a tad congested/confused. I’m comparing it to my HEkse. The HifiMan obviously stages bigger, but the images are better defined within that stage.

I don’t feel that I should really go into too much detail in describing what I can hear from the HEDD 2 considering my only amp at the moment is the Woo. What I will say that the HEDDphone does exceptionally well is toms. Toms sound incredible. Queen, bloody hell! Tool’s ‘Lateralus’, amazing. Rage, Daft Punk, ELO; the toms sounds so real, full and three dimensional. The only time it didn’t deliver the goods was when a mix was too dense/mastered to death, Make Them Suffer’s ‘Ghost of Me’ as an example. It’s a shame that it doesn’t work it’s magic on the rest of the drum kit…

In short, pretty much everything sounds good on the HEDD 2, but I’m too used to excellent staging with my HEkse, which clearly has excellent synergy with the Woo. For me, staging doesn’t have to be as big, but it does at least have to be coherent. What I heard the HEDDphone do on my Mojo suggests that it is better at staging than it delivers on the WA22 …so no one should pay attention to my comments, unless your only amp is a WA22.


New custom walnut-ambrosia record stand. Will hold about 450-550 records. Thanks @Camus for the recommendation!


Oh…that’s a damned good looking piece🤌


Gorgeous wood, that’s really nice!


after years of procrastinating I finally bought this. on sale and had like $50 referral credit so you know what why not. I have a pair of hd 650’s I’ve been wanting to restore but I cant of the life of me source parts for them and sennhieser doesn’t sell enough of the parts I want to replace anymore. so I plan to driver swap them


Interesting project! Hope you post photos and describe it :slight_smile:


I’ve still never heard a HD600.

Have you heard a 58x, 650, or 660 yet?

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