What have you purchased recently?

He was!

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Hahaha. Yah… it’s quite a bit too much…

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Bought a good deal on a setup for a friend consisting of Wilson Sasha II, Transparent cable Super IC & Speaker, and Ayre AX-5 Twenty & QX-5 Twenty, should be pretty sweet


Extremely generous and sweet sweet set-up! Nice… :star_struck:
I was fortunate enough to listen to several Wilson speakers in Atlanta, at a HiFi shop there. I wanted them all, every last one. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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We worked out a deal so I’m paying half he’s paying half, should be extremely nice, the Wilson and transparent cable have extremely good synergy (likely because they use transparent cable for internal wiring), and ayre matches very well with Wilson stuff too. Although I’d have rather put what was spent on the qx-5 toward a different dac but looks mattered here so I guess it has to match (the ax-5 twenty is pretty awesome though)


Bought focal clears OG to make sure im not missing out on anything with the MGs :sleepy: I never thought I would reach this level into the hobby, not even close


Me now vs me in January when I bought an HD 800S and RME ADI-2 and told myself, “This is it.”

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it’s weird to hear you say it. lol

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Cause it’s not mine, I still don’t think I’ll ever say that about something for myself lol

I originally told myself this is it when I got my ATH-w1000 in May, I quit my job that month and “finalized” my system… (formally) Jobless but with a dream I got like a full chain upgrade and 6 cans from there lol.


I remember when I said to my wife that T5p is my last purchase…had no proper dac and amp in that time. I repeated that sentence too many times since then and just resigned to justify each purchase with this. Also my wife is allergic to that sentence after like 5th repetition.


I think we all know that only too well.:grin::grin::grin::grin:
We still love our wife.:heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

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If you’re anything like me and @mochi you’ll prefer the OG :wink:


Mochi pushed me here, yeah its kinda hard to believe given my current MG enjoyment, so I have to know.


I think the Clear is possibly my favourite headphone that I have heard so far, from Mochi’s description the MG takes away what I loved about it

lol since January, I’ve had the HP-2, Clear Mg, Nighthawk Carbon (x2), Aeolus, LCD-i4, TH900, TH909 and 6XX just on the headphone side of things…

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You know you are in deep when you start chasing perfection haha

I thought the clear was my end game, and now I’ve tried a d8000 and Diana v2 since then


The thing is I completely like the way mochi described both the MG and the OG, but the OG has what I consider to be the perfect frequency response chart for me. Only keeping one though bills piling up.



Cardas had an Ayre DAC at CANJAM. Was nice to see a familiar source–I’ve had Ayre QB-9 since ~2004 as my theater reference DAC; I’ve upgraded it a couple times over the years. I’m using May KTE now as my reference, but still have the Ayre hooked up as an alternate source and still have a lot of love for it.