What have you purchased recently?

A dual output sean jacobs dc3 with the 5a boost module, 15v I think. The stock psu are ok but they can def be upgraded. It’s kinda like the situation with the neve where most aftermarket psu make too many tradeoffs and I’ve only found basically one that didn’t make tradeoffs in that system.

Edit: The stock psu model number is std-1543pa if you are curious (actually it says below that the model is ats065-a150). Still very good stock so I wouldn’t worry about upgrading the psu too much

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Do you think there is more benefit from upgrade the PSU or going dual mono?

Absolutely dual mono more than psu, without a doubt. Also if you have more questions we can continue them in pm to not take the thread too far off topic lol

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One last stop in mid-fi before the train leaves the station, lol.

Beyer T1.2 gang!


Those are in nice shape :ok_hand: look forward to impressions

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Let’s just say it’s been an expensive 2 weeks

  • D8000 (non-pro) + 2.5mm silver cable from @Blu
  • Headphones.com Forge 32/300
  • Susvara (complete with hole in right driver)
  • Bakoon 13R
  • Viking Weave Cable for Sus

Did it get repaired?

Lets see if it shows up :sweat_smile:


No. Atill hasn’t gone out. 5hey told me Friday where to send finally but they only check RMAs on Monday so no hurry to get it out this weekend

Uh… how?

The power of UK eBay auctions :joy:


Rofl. Well GG you and whoever didn’t put a reserve

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Yeah, 99p and no reserve on an obscure (for the UK market) iem doesn’t get you much money

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Holy crap!!

Where did you find that Bakoon? I thought I got the only one available recently! :raised_hands:

did you get that one for 4k a couple weeks ago? I bought mind from a friend.

Also, just FYI yall, I think Soo In has a 13r on hand from a trade in

@sa11297 beat me to it. But the buyer was local to me and Sumeet asked me to pick it and two other items he also bought from the same seller. Of course I had to try them and the Bakoon somehow never got sent on (ie Sumeet graciously offered to let me keep it).

In fact, here’s an action shot of right now!


The 1.4 35mm fuji lens showed up last night!!! So excited!

Its been such a learning experience since ive actually never owned or used a fast lens, definitely not as fast as this one. Been learning that so far sweet spot so far for lens sharpness is 4, 1.4-2 is decent for sure but does seem to be weaker for sharpness which is the case for most lenses open that wide but still interesting to experience it first hand! And also dang the depth of focus is such a small field when i took this pic of my mom with our dog the dog was super out of focus because she was slightly in front of her! Good thing im familiarizing myself with it before i take it on an important trip and miss good shots!
Google Photos
Google Photos


Looks like I need to start checking UK eBay. lol

Also I finally made it official with the Gjallarhorn today. I’m now the proud owner of serial number GH5-002. I don’t think these are going anywhere for a very long time. Thanks to my man @j.fopps for hooking me up with these awesome cans.


Damn boi, you bought a lot! Looks so sick, I hope you enjoy

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I didn’t realize you were also a cali guy. Gz on the aquasition too! Sumeet was generous to let it go :wink: