What have you purchased recently?

Agreed. Couldn’t be happier with this choice

Dangerous music source, pretty happy with it! Totally worth it!


I kind of want one, but I would have to get some better headphone (or speakers) to make it worth it.

Another viking weave audio cable with a sneak peak of my next purchase :wink:


Honestly my other gear is not really high level but definitely notice an improvement, at least it offers the studio sound Imwas looking for, I use it with hd600, ath r70x, hd 560s and iLoud speakers, all sounds fantastic.

However the included headphones amp is good, but nothing extraordinary but since I already got an RNHP is no much an issue to me,

As a dac / preamp sounds really nice, wide and deep soundstage, It’s forward but goes deep too, IMO similar to how mojo presents the stage, is pretty clean and well defined, with great tonal density along the whole frequency (no thin highs) pretty energetic with impressive impact and slam. Well controlled and good timbre.

One thing I noticed the most is how good the cymbals sounds.


I have a thinkpad that I use with an egpu that this will be replacing. Just have had too many problems rack up and I’d like better performance for what I do. Not particularly audio related but this does have Dynaudio speakers that I will never use :slight_smile: Should have it in Friday so I can set it up and calibrate the display before I go over to my SO’s for the weekend.


Today was a good day


—Gross alert for non parents—

That bottle’s contents has the exact same color as breast milk. Add the baby on the front and my mind immediately went to “You bought a bottle of breast milk? Didn’t know that was a thing!!”



Broke my rule of not rebuying but sold my dv2 and in the process of getting ahold of a d8kp again lol

Also bought a nicer cable for the hd800s that I’ve had sitting in a drawer for the longest time


Funny I’ve been thinking of moving mine.
It is though a headphone I love and every time I think I should sell it and listen to it, it seems to defer the sale.

The only reason I’m buying again is for 1 or 2 specific amps otherwise I wouldn’t have done it lol

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Yes mine is still here because of the pairing with the DNA.

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No rebuying at all? Thats pretty strict. I know a few guys who do “can only own twice” but I think your the first with 0 rebuying.

Mind if I ask what amps specificaly? Having sold dv2 they do make good travel headphones imo

I have never repurchased anything FWIW.


I’ve broken that rule with the pass hpa-1, but other than that this is the only time outside of that. But the mass majority of the time if I willingly sold something I won’t rebuy it again because I choose to willingly sell it. Keep in mind this is a foolish rule if you are still moving up the ladder and don’t already have a lot of experience with things

EC studio t, and re leafs. Possibly angstrom but who knows there


My only repurchase so far was utopia because I sold before I found out they actually do sound great on some amps (none of which I owned when i had them the first time, lol)

That does make sense. For me a lot of selling is to free up funds to try other stuff or just for lack of physical space so there have been a few pieces where I have gone “I will 100% rebuy these later”.

TBH I cant really picture D8KP ever having a real miss step with an amp, but these are good to know. Also, those damn releafs. Trying to find any kind of reviews on them at all is basically my kick of the week right now :joy:

How much are these? I’ve never heard of them and they look quite unique.

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I think I ended up paying around 20k (but I’d have to double check) for importing fees + the dual e3 hybrid dc, and the dual spike stand + cables and upgraded power supplies, but I’d have to check. Domestically in japan they are around 7k a piece but much less used so if you only bought one and keeping stock psu and not going for the fancy stand, it’s going to be much less and more feasible and you could likely land one all in under 4-5k depending on how you decide to import it. In hindsight I should have just bought used and omitted the stand, but I wasn’t really thinking at the time lol

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Ah, ok ok. It’s impressive how small it looks from pics. Kind of reminds me of a portable power bank. lol

Actuaoyz speaking of PSUs, I’ve never asked what PSU do you use for these?