What have you purchased recently?

Pretty much my exact sentiment as well, would definitely at least try it out if this was the case


So the multiple set up options is great and since you reminded me, THAT is why I KEEP ROON, it allows my endpoints to be plugged into the Ethernet on the walls at home and makes it very easy and a much cleaner way to get my vast variety of music output to the 3 main systems I run off of it. Thus I take back my stupid comment of ever letting it go, I forgot what a damned pain in the ass it was to stream without it. If you run multiple rooms ROON is vastly superior to all else I had tried before especially using Bluetooth and even worse yet needing a long USB run which absolutely induced noise iinto my systems. Yep, I’m a dummy I forgot about that very major point!


Bakoon #2 for the week. Not origonal packaging and obviously has the dent on the corner but PO actualy wanted a reasonable price so I went for it.


That volume knob looks waaay too shallow.
Hopefully it’s not a problem during regular use.


It turns mega easy. I just put my thumb flat on the front and it doesn’t seem like an issue

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Forgot to post that my wife got me these as an anniversary gift recently


Dang, it’s already been a year?


If you know, you know


37 posts were split to a new topic: Life and Love etc

I needed to buy a smaller power supply and cpu cooler as my new small form factor case had some size restrictions but somehow ended up going a bit crazy and basically bought a whole new computer worth of parts in upgrades…

This is what happens when i neglect one expensive hobby for another i guess. Truth be told I really needed to upgrade the cpu anyways. I am still running a ryzen 1600 and would of likely upgraded already if it wasn’t for the zen 3 shortages when they first came out.


Been spending way too much given canjam is a week away…

Owner didn’t have stock cable sp hart it is for now, but for sub 2k local I can’t realy complain


Nice I’ve really been enjoying mine quite a bit. If you want a nicer better sounding cable I actually have a norne drausk lite for sale right now.

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I had a lot of fun with the utopia on the p6p too.

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Ika stick with the hart until after canjam mostly because I have no idea how things may get all sorts of mixed uo in my collection after the show

Directly out of p6p is alright (some some fatigue from some unctrolled trebble or something), but mk 428 is stellar and phantasy 2 (specificaly at much lower volumes) realy helps them bloom so those are my two current go tos (but I knew that before I rebought). Im curruous to play with them on hoa-21 later this weekend and wa8 whenever that arrives as well

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Little Dot Dac 1 i like it,works good on the Feliks Euforia and Little dot 1+ amp.


Picked up some Kimber Kable XLR cables:


I did a thing…


I’m a big fan of those :+1:

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Can’t unsee the pea shooter from Mario