What have you purchased recently?

I was able to try these at a store last week and honestly thought they were a pretty large improvement over the old pads. I had to use DMS pads purely as a comfort issue and the difference between new pads vs dms on diana v2 was quite stark imo.

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This leather and shape had to be selected purposely…it is actually funny how much harder it is to get a seal now. Good job on Abyss.

Another thing I am picking up on now after more listening…it seems that there may be some better backwards imaging on sounds behind you. It’s an improvement for sure.

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I have already told all my friends with v2 to get the new pads. Tge fact that they can be comfortable without a proper seal (since you aren’t realy supose to have one) even after a couple hours of listening is a massive ergonomic improvement if nothing else, and going off my memory of stock pads vs new there was a sonic improvement as well. Tbh the new pads have me wanting to rebuy diana v2

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I totally agree. I have a short high & tight haircut like I did in the Marines, so pads always seal to my skin much easier. The fact these don’t seal as easy on my skin speaks volumes. These are a definite improvement in comfort and sound. The only bummer…it took 3 and 1/2 weeks for them to arrive. Making the pads in house has been slow going for Abyss. Absolutely worth the wait IMO.

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I’ll have to pick up a pair of the new pads since it sounds pretty nice, didn’t even realize they came out with new pads until now lol


Be currious to see your impressions. My take is kinda “there won’t be a difference if you already had propper fit” but given i know so few people who can actualy get a propper fit with these things they are super worth. Hell, only way I could keep from getting a full seal all day before wad to put the poking out corner on my temple which was obviously horrendously uncomfortable. 0 issues with new pads even after 2 hours straight (which also meant i didn’t demo as kuch stuff as I wanted to cause I was kinda entranced…)


It’s crazy because when they first arrived, I was scared they would be a downgrade in sound since there is more room inside the pads…I assumed seal would be even easier to obtain. Come to find out that wasn’t the case and the seal is harder to get. The materials they use had to have been carefully and purposely selected.


I was genuinely suprised as well tbh. I expected them to make 0 difference at best since they look so wonky and haphazardly put together. Im currious if we will be getting new pads for diana phi in the near future as well.

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that is a point

On tour? Initial impressions?

Nope these are mine. I’m gonna hold back on impressions, I haven’t had alot of time with them yet due to work being crazy right now.


Demoing an Antipodes CX (server) /EX (renderer) combination. This crap is more expensive than my speakers, but boy oh boy it’s quite nice. First impressions are very good.

Also, demoing Roon. That is quite nice too.


I still can’t believe you aren’t into roon yet. Its an awesome awesome software. If you ever some help or need that final push you know where our corner is :wink:

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Also nice on the CX+EX that’s gotta be pretty sweet, will be very curious on your thoughts once you get some time in with it :+1:


I like the versatility of ROON but I also subscribe to 2 services and use the ROON feature that finds me songs at the end of an album allot and I also get into the mixes they make for me. If I only used Quboz I would just stick to that. I like having access to my ripped music but don’t honestly need it or particularly play my tired old albums so sometimes I wonder if I dropped Tidal if I would bother to keep ROON. Just food for thought.


I wish Roon had a basic subscription option with stripped-down features.
I don’t have multiple systems where I can take full advantage of it, but the UI is just much better than all the others that I find myself enjoying looking through my library more.

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I also don’t have multiple setups, hence I have not subscribed yet.

You know what that just reminded me if you do end up subscribing, wait for the black friday sale.
They usually have it every year. Just fyi

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My last two arrivals, Nighthawks Carbon and Audeze Sine modded with nighthawks pads. Thanks @DDT for the hawks I really like them

Expecting some other headphones and electronics to arrive.


Nitecore MT06MD and Nitecore NTP31

Since the 06MD starts of at lowest brightness all the time*, I will hopefully no longer flash-bang myself like I used to with my Lenser P7 when stuck in some dark space with reflective surfaces…

The Pen is a bit gimicky (bolt action…), but no stupid rubberization to gunk up in a couple of years. So a win in my opinion.