Sennheiser high end headphone thread, HD800 / HE60 / HE90 / HE1

You know I just realized…was the hd700 bad?

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It was pretty broadly disliked, but a lot of people were expecting a 600 successor, which it isn’t.
Been a very long time since I’ve heard one though.


It’s like an experimental version of the 800 that really shouldn’t have been released, too flawed, it does have it’s fans, but they are pretty few, and honestly I think from a technical perspective it’s not at the level for it to be in this thread


A little bit of a side step, but does anyone know a spot that has stock of hd800 ear pads and dust covers? Or even a good dealer i can call and hunt them down at?

Usually I buy from the senn store but they are backordered at least a month. The girl on the phone was very nice and went digging for me but it ended up whatever they have now is for technicians stock.


One thing ive loved was that with earlier HD800s units, Sennheiser kind of said fuck it and slapped regular hd800 bands on there.


Looks like the big company swap over for Sennheiser went into effect on february 1st. It looks like my order has gone missing and they do not have a solid date for their backorders anymore. I just get the “keep calling back later” line. From what i got from the CS member was this change was for their main warehouse which is now on hold for everything and moving production around.

I hope this is a temporary transition and not a new normal as Senn was very good with their support.

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Another update. I was told via phone that there is no set date for the earpads still and she thinks theyll only get them when there is enough ordered. She suggested that i look at other retailers, so i asked for some and they only seem to give me b&h. Which them and all other online retailers still seem to be out.

I then got an automated updated email about my order, showing March 11th the earliest.

With all the pushing of the hd8xx stock lately i may see if i can contact drop and see if they have replacements or if they just say contact Senn.


A lot of after market options available on Amazon, not an option on those?


I know there are dekoni and others, but really i dont want to put the money towards that as a temp fix since i am really after stock sound and comfort.

I know you joked about zmf since they announced the hd6## pads, but i did send an email asking if there was a chance they were doing hd800s as well.

It is what it is, ive waited longer for less but this is holding up some other stuff so im a little antsy.


@j.fopps do you have an order in with sennhesier? If so do you get the emails constantly pushing the date back?

Just got another update that the dust covers were pushed back over a month to the end of (s)March

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I dont have an order in. Ive tried a few times to get an order in and ive been met with a different excuse each time. The last was that they are transitioning the consumer division and their computer systems werent ready for taking orders yet.

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Yeah, if you call they usually put you on an order. Cant on the site since its out of stock. It may also depend on who you get on their CS team.

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Yeah I gotta try again, it’s been a few weeks since I called last

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Got me thinking, zeos is pushing the hd8xx pretty hard, and hes also pushing dekoni pads for them, i wonder if any of those people would be willing to sell their stock pads. This is assuming the stock hd8xx pads are the same as hd800s pads


That may work for you. Im waiting on new pads because i am ocd germaphobe on this stuff.

When i played more hockey, there was a lot of used gear discussion. One of the things was yeah it may be cheaper but certain gear is soaked in the sweat, spit, blood of whoever wore it before. There were a lot of videos on how to clean that but the water would just become a dark grey murkiness. And even after cleanings people would say they got staph infections as it can never be really cleaned enough. Headphones are a different use cade but it stuck with me. Senn pads absorb so much everything and it all just reminds me of those gear cleaning vids.


I’m kind of surprised that the HD8XX seems to be such a flop.


totally fair and im kind of the same way, id MUCH prefer new, but im beginning to get impatient

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I dont know if its a flop but it seems to be weirdly un senn like. There are a lot saying eq fixes it, some say there is a compressed “water in the ear” feeling. Some think its an hd800s but they put a sticker over one of the holes to make it more bassy but inadvertantly screw other things up.

Right now with the discount theyre like $600. So to be fair you need compare it in that range.


It’s what you get for taking feedback literally.
My understanding is two batches of samples were sent to various influencers, the first batch everyone complained they were too much like an 800S, so they tweaked it, in the second batch thy were asked to pick the variant they liked best, and they just shipped the most popular vote.
It’s generally a terrible way to design product, someone needs to “own” it.


Slightly off topic here.

What I hear people say about the hd800s is pretty funny. Before I got it on loan and heard it for myself, it seemed like something I’d totally want to stay away from going off how I’ve heard it described by the popular YouTubers. Idk if it is a bit source picky or what, but what i had preciously deemed not even worthy of trying is now my favorute headphone ive heard so far.