Sennheiser high end headphone thread, HD800 / HE60 / HE90 / HE1

Its seriously fantastic. Honestly isn’t even all that crazy price wise if you have a good energizer already

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Don’t have an energizer, and kinda swore to myself a while ago that I wouldn’t get into estats, but as a lover of every sennheiser I’ve heard I might need to change that.


So I did only hear it on BHSE (which obv gave it a good leg up) but I was pretty blown away tbh

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Interesting. HE90 and HE1 didn’t give that impression?


Ah, well also including the he90 yes, I think I didn’t think of it because it feels so far ahead of the hd series, but it’s still one that could be considered that. HE1 no, that’s a very different headphone (also btw he90>>>he1)


HE90 system >> HE1 system or HE90 + other amp >> He1 system?

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This. I’ve only heard the he90 as a system so I can’t comment how it is on other amps


can you even use other amps for HE90? I genuinely dont even know

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Pretty sure it’s different voltage bias thing, I’ve seen a few and they were special to the he90. I think, not really sure since I didn’t really look into that


I know my boi fopps loves his to death, but now seeing the amount of praise etc for it on this thread it might be something to consider in the future for an open back. I remember too that @j.fopps enjoyes it still in his Dap so im not too worried about source atm plus eventually plan to buy a WA8 for the VC, maybe it can do double the duty and be used for VC and some 800s lol


WA8 is a pretty enjoyable combo, I’d say that would be worth a try if you picked one of those up imo


Seems like it would only make sense, I for some reason feel like I would be interested in a planar, hifiman I particular in the future but dosent feel like it would make much sense sithymy source gear. But a 800 seems like it totally would.

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While not as clean sounding as the 800s the d8000 og plays very well with the wa8. Another option would be to go for a dryer tube amp like a phantasy ii and get something like a d8000 pro. The solitaire P also works shockingly well with both options while being planar and easy to run

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Yup, love it on the lotoo paw 6000, and the Tuba as well. Can’t say that I have a ton of time with it on anything but the cma800r though to give any kind of detailed impressions between them, but still really enjoyed it on everything ive tried it on. Super curious about a true current drive amp now lol

I actually think the 800r might be a true current drive amp, the other questyle aren’t, but I really think that actually might be one, it did sound pretty different from the rest of the questyle in some areas imo (and I can’t find anything that says it isn’t). Don’t know for sure since it wasn’t as extreme of a difference as other current drive amps, but I do think it might be one

Edit: it’s not

10 posts were split to a new topic: Discussion about spotting current drive amps

Yeah I’m not entirely sure, I tried to look around. Might explain why it’s a pretty euphoric combo for me.

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I finaly found the CMA800 tech breakdown. Check out the “CMA800 Work Principle” section. TL;DR is it converts the voltage signal into a current signal (using an OTA), does its amplification on the current, and then converts back into a voltage and uses that as both the output and the source of its negative feedback (which it feeds into the initial OTA)

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i wonder if thats the same setup as the 800r

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it is. Here is his 800R review where he explains what changed. The base topology is the same for all of the CMA amps (CMA directly refers to that tech)

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