Felt these needed a thread, the 800 is a legend with no real intro needed, honestly same with the HE90, although the HD60 is slept on for being how good it is too. Personally still rock my 800s more often than I expect (likely due to how well they scale, especially with current drive amps) and enjoyed my HE60 when I had it
I loved the 800s when I had one, great for music and gaming and super comfortable too, great with most use cases. Stage is ridiculously big, might be a little exaggerated in that sense but that is what makes it sound so unique and not many headphones have come close to its spatial size. Works great on both solid state and tube amplifiers too, although Ive heard that current drive amps is really where its at.
Seriously i will probably consider picking up a pair eventually once i get done messing around in the totl space.
800S are my most used cans and he60 will be bought as soon as I impulse buy a propper enegizer. Not exactly sure they fit in the same thread thoigh…
Not really, but I just figure the amount of discussion on them will be low enough to not justify it’s own thread. If anything they are more in the vein of the 6 series
Fair enough. I wonder how many people in total on this forum have ever heard he60, much the less 90.
I’m going to guess 3-5 on the he60, I might be the only one for the 90 lol
Been curious about the 800s for a looong time, never actually tried one. Maybe I’ll try to get one this year since it works well with the Allnic (according to M0N).
Does it use the same lemo connector as the utopia? And does it outclass the focal clear in detail (with good pairings/synergy and all)?
Not a lemo connector on the 800 iirc but its another funky one.
Eskamo sent me a seller with one priced decently low, and i had him agree to $899, a few minutes after as i was trying to get his info to pay he sold it to someone else. This only means that its destined to go through my hands in the future. All my used gear was acquired after i missed a too good to be true deal on them.
It has been a long time since i first heard them in a crowded b&h showfloor, back when my friends joked they were “Space Marine” earphones. Since then they dont always seem to be in forefront of the conversation but they are rarely left out which is saying something with over 10 years on the scene.
I may make a rare full purchase on these since used prices are still high and i dont think ive seen many b-stock senns in general
Should’ve snagged them when they were on sale during black friday. Around $1100 iirc…I’m sure it’ll be back on sale sometime this year, unless you want that ltd ed gold color. lol
For $1100 yeah ill grab them new. By the time i repad them ( i am ocd and a bit of a clean freak ) then i am right there anyway.
HD800s are on the hit list for 2022.
I think it can, due to it being to scale higher than the clear can, so in your case I think so
Ok, cool.
What’s your fav hp cable you use for the 800s?
I’ve been a little curious about these (and Utopia) on the CHA-1. I heard both (or maybe was HD800) in a shop in Dallas a few years ago and didn’t care for either. Now that I have a bit more experience and potentially better source gear than what they were plugged into at the shop, I feel like I should probably give them another chance at some point.
I still doubt they’d stick around over Mysphere, Susvara, and LCD-24, but who knows…
Currently using a Brise Mikumari Ref.2 and really love that overall for what it does, really really synergizes well with the headphone, although there’s honestly a lot of cables I’ve liked with the 800s. On the cheaper side of things I think Norne has always been a go to as they tend to tame treble a bit and add more low end without removing any energy, on the higher end Danacable are great for adding more warmth and chilling things out but keeping the massive stage, Nordost for something more midrange and very organic focused that’s more intimate, etc
I’d really consider trying them on your current amp, really good synergy there
The only reason I keep mine around is my current drive amp which I think transforms them like crazy, to where I actually might like them more than something like a lcd 24 (not the case on most normal amps though), so they’ve had stronger staying power for me. ALTHOUGH I will admit I honestly thought I sold them for a few years and only recently opened up a drawer I hadn’t touched in awhile and realized I still had them lol. But I have a feeling I would have gotten another pair at some point anyways if I didn’t happen to have them
Really glad there’s a thread for these now. I love my hd800s, my favorite set I’ve heard to date by far. Now that I know they scale really well, it’s got me curious what they can do. Love them on the cma800r the most, but I haven’t heard them sound bad on anything I’ve tried them on.
I was very much so not a fan of HD800S on GSX-mini. I tried it assuming they would help make up for each others weaknesses and instead found they just fought eachother instead.
All the memes people say about wanting the best version of HD6x0 cans are really looking for HE60.
It’s takes HD600 and fixes most of the issues keeping it from being a high end can IMO.
Well, now you have pointed my attention to the he60
Would pretty much agree, it’s the only thing I’d ever consider a “super 6 series”