General Headphone Help/Discussion Thread

If you weren’t international I’d send you everything you want to play with for a while. It’s just so hard to get things in and out of customs :triumph:


Can i start a quotes thread and have this be the first entry


I keep thinking about the liquid velvet of the lcd-2pf. I was lucky enough that someone had the OG vegan suedes attached to the X i bought. I carefully took them off and put them on the pf.

Never heard a 3pf but it sounds interesting if not too much mid lushness is lost. They also can have the coolest looking wood of the lcd range if you dont count the special Rs :zap:.

The 24s im still figuring out.


Its the little things right?

I was already selling my 2pf to fund 3pf but then my new amp arrived (ath bha100)

I thought this amp was gonna suck for planars but its quite the opposite.

To my surprise, this ath amp gave the audezes everything I was wanting from them, it made them more forward while keeping a very good imaging, the level of microdetail and microdynamics it brought was what I looking for in more technicalities

And most important of all… it made them slightly brighter.

Nick was right, a small change of gear rescued my 2pf from being sold, and now im in love with them again, just like the first time.

Also got the soloist option for more macro in thw event I want more punch and they sound awesome there too.

3pf and lcd24 are currently not my priority as im saving for improving my gear, leaving it ready for the utopias I will buy next year.


< taking this back to the drawing board >


Is there a thread for the DCA Expanse?


For the first time in quite a while I’ve found myself with more than two open back headphones and without clear distinctions or specialists in my collection.
Made me wonder, how do you guys choose what to listen with in a given moment? Do you use only one for a period of time (days/weeks) and then switch? Do you switch according to the music you listen to that evening? In the middle of a session for a specific song? Different systems so different pairings? One for when music is in the background and other for critical? Those are just examples to get this discussion started


That’s a really nice question!

Personally, I pick one headphone that I’m in the mood for and then listen to that one for a couple days or even longer, mostly out of comfort and convenience. I tend to switch for various reasons:

  • after a few days I’m in the mood for something new
  • I want to experience my music in a different way again
  • I’m switching my source gear which often also results in a hp switch. I usually switch my source gear for the two points above, but also to compare and get a different feel for the different levels
  • very rarely I’ll think that one song will sound fantastic on another hp and then I switch right away in the middle of a session. But usually the switch is at the start of a session before I start listening

Every headphone brings something different to the table and it pleases me to hear a song presented in a different way, even if it isn’t the optimal or my most preferred way.


I only have 5 sets currently and two main systems that I use. I don’t know really why it is but anymore I’ve found that I listen to only two sets primarily with one set bound per system. I will occasionally try to shake things up by matching a different set with one or both systems but the change-up typically does not last longer than a session or 2 at best. If this makes me out to be a simple man then so be it. I’ve come to like what I like on each setup and that is how I roll with them generally.

I said it earlier today and getting ready to say again now, so this must be something real for me currently. When I was younger I really liked to tinker, experiment and tweak be it computers, Ham radio gear, stereo, cars etc. etc., but any more when I come to a point where I am satisfied with something, I tend to leave it be and enjoy it for the most part. I mean there are times when I’ll branch out due to curiosity or @Littledrummerboy or another member has hyped me up over something I have (Radiance), or to take something to another level, but those times seem to be spacing themselves farther & farther apart anymore.

Afterthought & Edit:
I generally listen to my library & new discovery sessions without favor towards one system or another. However, I do utilize the two systems and their unique signatures to suit my moods, and sometimes for genre (one system does lend itself better to my ears for electronic and classic rock than the other), but the primary distinction is source. One system is what I’ve defined as PC isolated with no physical connection to the audio setup and content is sourced only via my music server and streamer. If I want to listen to internet media content or check out what people have shared they are listening to via YouTube, I need to use the other setup that in addition to a stream chain from my music server also has a connection via USB from a PC to a DDC then into a DAC.


I usually use around 2-3 at a time. I switch between them pretty often and listen to the same tracks, since I enjoy hearing the differences between headphones. There isn’t really a structure to which ones I use at what time, I just pick up whatever I’m in the mood for.


For me, it’s an amalgam of what I’ve seen mentioned already. I’ll stick with a single headphone at 80~90% usage for a 2 week span before switching to another pair. The remaining 10~20% is switching out during a music discovery session, e.g. popping on the Sus on a vocal-centric track or the D8KP for orchestral.

One thing I used to do, but rarely anymore, is switch source gear for individual headphones. I’m at the point where a headphone falls into one of two chains and never really leaves.

For everything outside of music, the headphone that’s on my head for that 2 week duration is the one I stick with, even for gaming :person_shrugging: .


I really like this question and the answers so far.

For me it is a combination of which music and whether I need to use closed back or not. I find particular headphones suit particular genres, like the Elegia I love with anything complex, vocals focussed or electronic, some classical, modded T50RP with jazz and classical, LCD2C with anything bassy or guitar heavy.

DT880 with most things at the moment, very in love with their sound on most music styles lately. Senn 660 not so much at the moment as the LCD2C have supplanted them mostly.

I also find that each headphone works better with one or the other amp.

I tend to listen to a particular type of music for a week to a month at a stretch so I’ll stick to the headphones that match for that time. I do want to find a closed back for guitar music and bassy stuff but I also would like to save up for one higher end pair to experience them. I keep looking at the Denon 9200. Feel like they might be the missing piece but I can’t explain why.


I cycle through mine, pick one at the start of the week for each chain and use it all week, sometimes a headphone stays on a chain for 2 or 3 weeks, sometimes I change them at the end of the week.
Some headphones are in more common use than others, Susvara comes out very regularly as do the MySphere’s, 1266 Not so much.

Which headphone is out dictates to some extent what I listen to music wise.


$500 dollar budget for a headphone and dongle. General pop music, Adele and stuff like that. Dongle connected to an iPhone with a headphone plugged into that. Openback cans.

Comfort and not too heavy are going to be important. Tiny teeny little 5’ nothing sized head.

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To use where? Sitting in the house? While moving about and doing chores. Chilling by the TV?
Mine enjoys the sony BT, wireless model more than any other. It cancels out my noises, amd allows her to move around freely which is important

Hanging out at home, not travel, not work. This is for a friend, BTW if it was my significant other I wouldn’t be asking the brain trust I’d be getting her to use something I have. lol

I’m envisioning a one step up from baseline model with a decent dongle? Maybe $350 for a headphone and $150 for a dongle?

I was thinking a HD58X with a decent dongle would even work well, just don’t have much experience with recent lower end lines and no experience with dongles really.


Just FYSA, i have noticed most folks who are not into the hobby don’t want to use anything with wires. Doesn’t matter how good it is. Wireless direct off their tablet or phone is what people seem to want, at least everyone i have any dealings w/ outside this crew. I’ve tried to bring folks into the fold and they just don’t want wires…:man_shrugging:


Not sure bout dongle, but that focal elegia is still $299, fwiw

Edit: Oops, saw the openback req, nvm

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Hawks with w1? I get the least hot spots with those