General Headphone Help/Discussion Thread

I think the hawks are already discontinued so you’d have to buy used

My pick here for under $500 would probably be a CEntrance DACport HD and a Sennheiser 6XX, but I think CEntrance might have discontinued the DACport recently, so I’m not sure how available they are.

But yeah, in general I like single-ended dongles for non-audiophiles.

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Looks like a capable little device!


Any recommendations on headphones for a Nintendo Switch? Looking for recommendations for IEMs, open and closed backs.

Have you considered the wireless route?
That’d be a good combo

Sure if it works well. I have some airpods here I can try out haven’t even crossed my mind but would still love recommendations if there are any

I got the switch today so new to all of this. I’m used to big old consoles.

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I have a Beyerdynamic T5p (2nd gen) that I like using with my Switch around the house, but it’s kind of hard to recommend since it’s an older model that I got for cheap. Unfortunately, I don’t know anything about the current T5 3rd gen (or the new 32 ohm DT770 which is also a low-impedance closed-back).

EDIT: I’ve tried a Focal Elegia plugged into things like an Xbox controller and it wasn’t bad, but it’s out on loan at the moment so I don’t have it on hand.

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They charged $200 for these back in 2010…


I’m looking for a headphone that’s an upgrade to the DT-880 600 ohm

It’s balance-modded and also dampening-modded so the bass extension is slightly increased along with a small decrease in treble

I have tried the DT-1990 with both pads. The balanced pads sound like my 880s and the analytical pads sound disorienting because of the treble.

I like everything about my headphone. I just wish it had a more cinema-like presentation with more detail

The Kennerton Gjallarhorn/JM edition has caught my attention. What do you guys think?

Someone had mentioned the Final Audio D8000 Pro, but I consider that kind of purchase out of my means for the time being. I’d like a halfway-purchase before I jump to that price tag

The standard, not fucked up by JM version of the Gjallarhorn has more bass.
It’s a really dynamic headphone, with a Bass focused sound.
Not the most detail oriented headphone though, though not really lacking there either.


What don’t you like about the JM edition? I was under the impression the JM edition was an almost direct improvement


Spontaneously I would suggest the Zmf Eikon if you are on the bass cloud.
Candidates like the Fostex Th900 could also be considered.
Something from the Focal series could also be interesting.
They certainly beat the Dt 800.
The Denon Ah D7200 or D9200 is also interesting in terms of price/performance ratio, the D9200 is a little more expensive and goes in the direction of the Th900 in terms of price.

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When I think “cinema-like presentation” I think about the Hifiman Arya V2.
Wide stage, good bass extension.


There is a comparison thread on here

I just like the OG a lot, and I think the improvements are misguided.
But I’m largely insensitive to FR, it’s one of my least important criteria in looking for headphones.


Could consider the Beyerdynamic T1? They share some of the Beyer DNA with the DT880, whilst having a pretty holographic sound. The 1st gen would be closer to the DT880 than the 2nd gen though


I’ll look into those! Thanks!

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HD800s and T1.1/T1.2 is what I thought of.


Wanted to try a large driver planar as an experiment so I have been using an LCD-X 2021 for a while
and can’t go back after hearing the fat clean more technical bass with zero bloat or mud and the same with the subbass, separation, texture, zero sibilance, really beautiful midrange, both female and male vocals never sounded more real and textured I just close my eyes.

I’m amazed by how real the timber sounds, my ears love it that its dark but can sparkle
on demand, boosted treble or too warm never sounded right to me at least. This time I really think I found my preferred signature and honestly I can stop right here (bf2+rnhp+lcdx21). BUT the devil says you can get more, just one more tier.

Now my question is does it make sense to move to the LCD24 as a direct upgrade, I missed the ones that souldriver and bmn put for sale and I’m afraid it will disappear from the market soon or be too old lol, there are a couple available that I can find and I really wanna go for it.

Also does it sound good with the rnhp until I decide on the next chain I want for it?

Bonus: It’s nice that they provide the graph too, don’t know how much it matters but this is mine:


Is one of the holy trinity chains and you can stop right there. Unless of course you’re into self flagellation and want to continue to throw money at better sound, like the rest of us audio monkeys.


For what it’s worth, I’m really glad I didn’t stop at the RNHP+BF2, but sometimes I think I could’ve legitimately stopped at the Quicksilver+Exogal. I still listen to that chain fairly often and I still really enjoy it.