Yep! I think that after the Sagra and Morpheus you’re forced to go full width (or bigger).
I think my children are playing a prank on me at this point
Edit: quite the suspicious amount of debris/crumb by that switch…
Have yet to receive but will share my thoughts once I get time with it
Or just suck in your gut and get molamola/nagra/weiss/something else crazy
Lampizator Amber 3
Synergistic Research Blue UEF
VooDoo Cable Reference Digital RCA
VooDoo Cable Reference AES/EBU
Cerious Technologies Graphene Extreme RCA
Nordost Purple Flare Power C7
Ordered an FTA Callisto usb cable from Lamipizator last week and it arrived a day early before I was even back from my weekend trip. It’ll be going between my PC and the La Voce S3, in place of the Shunyata Venom I have. I’ll be sure to give my thoughts on it in the FTA thread when I’ve had enough time with it.
Pre ordered the Vinyl One Last Kiss, get it late next month cant wait!
Get Crystal blue cos of UK which im pleastly happy about, defo think its the better looking vinyl of the 3, Tho the Japan versions cover looks fab
Nice!! Is the LTA the only amp on this chain?
Got one of these pads since I was gonna replace the red one with a black to match the cups better but saw this one had an extra cushion for the same price. Pretty comfy.
Thanks. It is for now. Looking to get into 2 channel and possibly add a power amp down the road.
Nice! It’s a heckuva chain.
Pretty neat, I was looking at ZMF pilot pad (for my emu) but this may just do the trick for less, you already said its comfy would you double your recommendation?
I ordered the same yesterday. I was not sure it will fit but I guess I have the proof now. 🤌
Yes, I only replaced the red one with less padding for aesthetic choices but this one is definitely comfier.
Got an Audiophile Ninja cable, and I’m a fan! Nice feel in the hand, great packaging, and a low profile splitter. Highly recommend for “budget” cables!!
I’m going to reveal the secret of the caps I posted the other day.
I installed them today in the Feliks Euforia.
Were they worth it?
Yes they are.
After installing the tubes and letting them warm up, they are nothing wild and are mainly used for burning in.
6AS7G Svetlana and Tad 6SN7 GTB (Tad is a German series tube manufacturer)
From memory and without having touched the Feliks before, the combination was not thrilling.
After changing to the Vcaps the combination is not bad at all after 2 hours of listening.
Not quite on the same level as the Linlai 6SN7 and 6080 Sylvania/Mullard, but close.
There will definitely be room for improvement with the tube combination when the burns are through in 400 hours.
I am already very excited about it.
In all areas, the amplifier has nominally gained again.
Bass has become even more powerful, and in the mid-range too, and the treble has become quite sweet with the Lcd2c.
And a big plus is that the 6AS7G like to mask the details a bit, which is almost gone with the Vcaps TFTF.
This will certainly increase in a positive sense when the caps have more hours on them.
On first impression, they definitely made the Feliks Euforia better and showed that you can experience good sound even with cheap tubes.
I had not expected that.
I’m curious to see how it will do in the burn-in phase.
So really strong caps that were developed back in the early 2000s.
Unfortunately, Vh Audio will replace them with the CuTf and currently offers a 40% discount on the TFTF.
So whoever is thinking about it should hurry.
Many have reported that burn in phase is terrible. At the moment I can’t say anything bad about it it possible to listen and 400h can be long in that way.
A small edit:
In the first few minutes there were very justifiable small cracks that subsided quite quickly.
The first 10 hours are already through from the burn-in and I don’t find anything where I have to say that it doesn’t work at all.
It’s more that I can’t get the Lcd 2C off my head when it’s put on.
So you can definitely listen to music, I don’t know what people had when they wrote reports saying the burn in phase was terrible.
The second positive is that the temperature of the unit has dropped a bit, which is nice.
Back from a little vacation time to a bit of a haul. Looking forward to getting time with all these.
I see a “little white rabbit” there! Looking forward to hearing your opinion!