UM high end iem thread, MEST / Indigo / Mirage / Mentor / Mason FuSang & Fabled

Impressions and discussions thread for the UM MEST Indigo

Admin note: edited to be a thread for all high end UM iems


Just pre-ordered a pair! I will be sending it out for demo’s, so if you’re interested in trying it out (for a fee) just shoot me a PM :slight_smile:


These look pretty cool, will be curious on impressions for these for sure :+1:


So these just arrived today on a loaner tour :smile:

The pictures don’t even begin to do the stabilized wood faceplates and carbon fiber shells justice, this thing is much prettier in person. This will be my first UM iem and the first time I’ve checked out bone conduction tech, should be interesting.


The mest mkII and the fusang i believe were super well received and tbh the mest actually interested me alot,ill look forward to hearing more about anything that comes out of that company. These definitely look beautiful too :eyes:

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Just briefly I will mention that so far I’m very impressed with these, I’m 100 percent still in the honeymoon period so I will refrain from any in depth sound impressions untill I get the chance to really put them through the ringer but using the stock cable with the p6p with sedna xelastec tips and I’m sorta falling in love a bit atm :heart_eyes:

More details to come later


Anyone care to share their general thoughts on the Mest MK2? And if anyone has any comparison to the Campfire Andromedas i would looove to hear it. The Mest always seemed appealing to me however as time passes im almost wishing i had it in this exact moment.

Any more extended thoughts? Comparisons to the Infinity?


I don’t have much time atm and i will be working on a more long form impression post soon but briefly to answer you question. Infinity is higher tier overall if you are looking for something more technical the indigo is not it. What it does bring is a very balanced sound signature with a great W shaped tuning, very pleasing sounding almost reminds me a bit of traillii in the smoothness and laid back tonality it presents. The secret sauce is in the bone conduction and how it aids the spatial information, in particular the imaging, probably some of the best ive heard but I need to go more in detail to explain it properly :laughing:


okay just published my Indigo impressions on the front page


I got some small impressions for sure, honestly yeah i get the hype! Very nice sounding earphones! So far loving the micro detail, or at least how it presents detail (fairly different from the Andromedas) feels like a much more fun IEM! Actually getting some weird comparison going on here, but at first it felt strange sounding for sure but now after getting a little bit more time on it it’s really reminding me of a IEM version of the LSA HP2 in the mids in particular. The mids sound very holographic but a bit , well i guess like a hologram lol. Like you really get that upper mid energy but the lower mids are on the thinner side, not a bad thing really just a stylistic thing. I was worried about the sound before because a while back Mon said that it’s not as grandiose or wide sounding as Andros and i guess i can see that but honestly this kind of feels like it traspasses wide or deep, it’s got it’s own presentation that puts you in the middle of everything. (Actually really reminds me of the LSA HP2 in presentation tbh)

Man i wish that the bore wasn’t that wide tho because then I could use the Final Audio E tips, feels like that would really be perfect with these in terms of sound. Oh also these impressions are all impressions SE on the RS6, so i bet it will keep on sounding even better on the RS6 once i get the adapters to connect my balanced cable to them. Also man I forget how sensetive Andromedas are because those go to 22 typically to maybe 28 on non compressed music, but these are at 40 off the bat. Also something i noticed off the bat to is the dynamic range, feels a bit more dynamic than the Andros for sure. So far really strange type of sound so I can’t imagine it as my only thing but It definetly has it’s own charms to be in the rotation. Although I can also definetly see how someone would fall in love with this enough to have it as their own thing.

Honestly makes me real curious about their higher end stuff for sure lol.


Listened to them and yesterday a fair bit of time as well, something that’s standing out besides the dynamics and the micro detail is also that there’s actually a fair bit of height that this IEM has besides some decent width and of course great depth. Very dope sounding IEM, tuning feels a bit more setup for things like strings/piano and when you play some more hip hop type of things or generally music that typically really comes alive with thick lower mids and bass it’s not as fun since it dosen’t have a certain type of punch. Honestly a very type of like “oooh so this type of sound is possible :eyes:” type of IEM, but I would imagine that they probably have higher end IEMs with more mature sound to them. In terms of timbre it’s generally pretty decent, again in particular strings/piano type of things.

I think the only “problem” I might have with their sound is that the treble is reeeeally energetic, I don’t think I’ve had much problems with treble any time recently and in fact i had the opposite where some combinations of things I have I kept feeling like it would be nice if it had more treble. This one is the opposite tho, feels nicer if it would have less treble energy. Even though the scoop on the lower mids sound isn’t my favorite sound signature that’s what they are going for and they and it has it’s own charm!

Honestly the bass thing on the bone conducting thing is fine but feels like it would be nice if it had a bit more bass. I’m not the biggest bass head but it just feels like it would really make the headphone more balanced.


That sounds about spot on from the impressions Ive read about the mk2 previously, I bet you would really like the indigo as it pretty much fixes everything you are having problems with.


Interesting impression. Tbh I passed on buying the indigo after my demo because I found the treble was more harsh than the mk2s (and I found them kinda disjointed tbh. Reminds me of the 1266 I’m demoing now in that it works amazing for some music and just didn’t at all for other songs with not a ton inbetween). They took mest mk2 staging up another notch in wildness (which was much appreciated) but they felt kinda worse balanced over all tbh. Instead of indigo, when wanting a bit less treble and better timbre I would probably go mason fusang within the UM lineup. Its actualy got pretty exceptional vocals but it does tone down the staging weirdness which is a bit of a shame. Ultimately they are supose to be releasing the mentor fusang sometime soonish that is targeted as a higher end mest replacement. Thats what I’m personally keeping an eye out for.

Tbh, @Littledrummerboy impressions actualy line up with some issues I was having when I didn’t have a proper seal or a deep fit. @Littledrummerboy idk if they will be your size but if they are try the tips I sent with them. Those are the only tips that have allowed me to get a super deep/tight fit while maintaining a full seal. You will have to rotate them about to figure out which rotation works best for you though. For me the rotation for right and left ears for the best seal is different even


@Towa the indigo, mason they all look intersting for sure.

Also @Draaly understood! I’ll make sure to try some smaller tips i have to get deeper insertion and then also try the tips you sent!. Yeah I will say that the fit is def different from any iem ive tried, not only is the tube long but much thicker than any other so i can see that possibly being an issue. Ill make sure to give it a try.


So far this is fair, obviously sound signature isn’t changing alot but I will say that after putting some really small tips and getting a much deeper fit the treble sounds more smooth. Still veeery sparkly and it really stands out but the upper mids in particular seem to be a fair bit more smooth. Can’t say bass in particular improves much more but upper mids really become much more smoother. This feels like a much more balanced sound that I could listen to for longer periods of time


This was the biggest notice for me (aside from stage changes) when getting a proper fit. Less of an issue on the mk2 for me but mk1 i had issues with shout and coherencey until i figured out the fit where it basically went away. As for making sure I get the best bass I found when I had almost like some suction on my ear drums when I wiggled the iems (while having a super deep fit) gave me the most bass. It may simply be that you prefer more bass than I do in iems though. If you want even more I highly recommend checking out the mad24

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@Draaly when ur right you are right.

Been using the tips you recommended, its perfect. Loving everything I’m hearing, so in terms of the changes that you get from a eartips that both have a good seal and a good and deep fit the tonal balance on the Mest is awesome, timbre on most things it’s great and no longer do i feel like mostly stringed stuff is best on it. Instead the whole range feels natural enough to where I’ve been enjoying anything from acoustic music to more pop type of shit like my girl Yuju and the usual suspects like Sole, Stella Jang etc etc. Also yeah bass and lower mids are just right, honestly really good shit. Bass is still maybe not as fun or punchy as the bass on Andromedas but it’s pretty dang sweet. No complaints.

The biggest things that I’m really enjoying from this IEM is the treble energy (altho it’s a bit fatiguing after more extended use it’s not to a point where I would tell people not to get it), the micro detail on this shit is :fire: just makes it a whole experience :weary:. Really the micro detail is where it’s at for this IEM, feels like it has a pretty good balance of micro vs macro detail. Again the height is something that I am enjoying alot, the IEM may not be as wide as other IEMs but due to how spacious it is and the height that the sound has im really enjoying that. Dynamics are also another real good strength that the Mest has.

So to recap the bass on this is pretty sick, treble energy can still be slightly very slightly fatiguing but still awesome and aslo part of what makes it so nice, micro details are really awesome and I think something else that I really noticed is the speed/decay is also pretty awesome. Just a suuuuper balanced IEM that is incredibly picky with ear tips, because you want to get both a deep insertion and also really good proper seal. Tried other 3 tips I got and they al sacrificed coherency, balance, bass and peaky treble.

suuuuuper enjoying the mest!




Hi Everyone!

Looking to upgrade from my beloved Fearless S8Fs. After much reading, etc. have settled on the Mest MKII. Anyone heard the Fearless S8F (all BA set) and the Mest MKII?

I listen to a wide range of music including classical, vocal jazz/pop, classic rock, and metal. Mostly Hi-Rez flac when possible or flac from CD (no streaming) from a Hiby R6 Pro. I prefer a flat/natural sound signature with mucho detail. Love my Fearless BA set but timbre and almost too much detail make listening to less tha ideal recordings like older classic rock and metal difficult at times.

Any thoughts before I spend good money on what looks to be a phenomenal iem? Thanks in advance!
