Those two are my favorites but I have some stepchildren too! If you like guitars, meet woody, snowy, Layla, mustard and wavy
Ive been sinking back into my guitar love. I kind of want to play again but i mostly want to collect 3 guitars. An early 90s LP classic in cinnaburst, a gator green Gibson BFG, and a double cut junior.
I have an epiphone in sunburst that I bought off a grad student over 10 years ago but it doesn’t play any good compared to any of these and it kinda turned me off of Gibson shape so to say. But that gator green would be a looker for sure. If I buy another one it will have to be a v neck \m/
I actually really like the playability of the headless Strandberg a lot, and the lightweight doesn’t hurt at all either. If you do look into playing again, think about a Strandberg if you don’t mind the looks (they look stunning in person but some don’t like the headless look at all)
Wonderful collection, my first two purchased when I was 16 and 20 are hung up as decorative pieces now.
Meet Lulu and Betsy
I dig that PRS, amazing colors and details!
My K50 is on loan but got SW1X DAC IV, MK 433 and Focal Stellia here to try out, had to figure out some more space to get everything on at least temporarily.
What version of the SW1X IV is that?
IV Special
In this case she more likely said, “Wow, that’s it? It’s so small.”
I have been meaning to post my set up for some time, yet have gear coming and going along with borrowing gear there is never a chance to get a pic with everything home. Part of the fun is sharing the pieces we love, right??
This is after a major reorganization where I took everything off the racks and shifted my 2 channel speakers over to this side of the room after the advice of a wise sage and newly adopted brother from another mother
With all the rearrangement to make more room, there is still a few pieces of gear sitting on kitchen island waiting for dinner to be served
@dB_Cooper is the mismatched color scheme driving you nuts
What’s atop the TD?
A custom headphone amp switch box I had a buddy of mine make, 5 x 4 pin XLR on the back to the amps and 1 XLR in the front to plug for the headphone. It is reversible too, haven’t used it for that yet.
I’ve evolved but since you’re going out of your way to needle me, I’m going to demand you show us a diagram of that system or else it doesn’t count. It’s official, we need a diagram. You have a long weekend starting tomorrow, you’ve got time.
I could draw it out by hand?
Lol, I just realized you moved the whole couch and cleaned out the right corner completely of items and organized the HP’s near that area now. How are you gonna watch your football games? Did you move the TV somehow too, sheesh you did ALLOT of re-organizing and room adjustments. I see the 2 channel bug digging it’s way deep into your ear
I rigged the couch to a motorized track, like a train set. Choo choos in and out
What’s the amp on that top right.
It’s called the hernia master from what I’ve gathered.