Roon Runners Corner

I will try it,thank you :pray::pray::pray::pray::pray::pray:


I have reinstalled Roon under Windows and instead of deautirising it I clicked on Oops… and I was able to select the connection that it should take Roon via the Diet Pi and it runs.

In terms of sound, I can hear what you can already hear under the Ipad when you use it as a user interface.
So no difference in that respect.
As mentioned, there is a difference between Windows and Roon Server.
Thank you again for the tip, I can now operate Roon via Windows as normal as before, the only difference is that it no longer streams directly from the PC as a core.
I can also use the Roon interface with either the PC or Ipad at the same time.

Really happy, even if it was a bit of work, most of it worked with some minor failures.
It just takes some time to familiarise yourself with everything and if something doesn’t quite work, I just reinstalled it and started again.

Thank you very much, it was a great help from you. :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray: :pray:


In case it helps anyone, the recent Windows 11 2H24 update removed my ability to browse my Rock installation and connect to the shared storage. I’d previously mapped a network drive and my Music Library folder.

Just noticed today that I could no longer simply click to browse the Rock music storage. After some fiddling I saw the error that mentioned that a policy setting may be preventing unauthenticated browsing of network resources.

Some quick searched pointed me to where to go in the registry to enable unauthenticated browsing of network resources.

Back in business now as it’s just so much easier to drag and drop newly ripped or downloaded content to the Roon server’s storage.

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I love that they added pre-baked headphone presets for a lot of headphones. I did try the two available for the Sol P but didn’t end up liking them as much as not using them. That said, it’s a great feature for sure

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