I figured it’d be good to start an introduction thread as more people join the forum.
If you’re new here, welcome to Sonus Apparatus! As a new member, we’d love to get to know you. Feel free to let us know how you got here, your audio journey, etc. Short or long we’re excited to have you here.
Existing members can also use this thread to introduce new members they’ve referred or introduce themselves if they’d like.
Hello! I’ve been on this forum for a while now, but I wasn’t always. My audio journey started with a pair of Beyerdynamic DT770 80 ohm headphones, a Schiit Fulla dac/amp, and perusing a different forum. Various upgrades came and went, and eventually, M0N invited me to join Sonus Apparatus. This forum quickly became my favorite and the community helped guide me down a better upgrade path for my tastes. I’ve always felt at home here, and love seeing other members’ journies and discoveries as well. While I tend to be a lurker, this forum has always been the most comfortable to post on for me. Happy to be here!
Funny, all this time and we’ve really never had a new member thread.
I would encourage all new members and even the ones that have been here a while, to fill out and then regularly update their Profile as it’s the easiest way go get a read on where you are on the progression in the hobby.
Go to your user then preferences then profile and get crazy.
It never made sense early on because all the early users pretty much “knew” each other from other places and then it just was never created later as the userbase expanded.
But I agree it’s a good thread to have. Thanks for creating it @EstrangedBaron
Hello again! I’m fairly new here and was introduced to this community by Rhodey a couple months back. I’ve been mostly lurking/reading/educating myself on a number of topics, especially dacs!
Where I started - I started in the crazy world of hifi over a decade ago with an HD600 and JDS O2 ODAC (still have both, mostly as a reminder of old times). HD800 and LCD2* used to be the dream back then Once I was no longer a starving grad student, I started experimenting with more gear and headphones evolving from various Schiit stacks, some tube amps, Audezes, ZMFs and and now here in this community, still learning something new everyday!
Where I am and future goals - I have a pair of B&W 683S2 but I mostly listen to music from headphones. Favorite headphones right now are 1266 TC for metal and Utopia/Atrium for everything else, Grado GS3000x for when I want something different and light and don’t want to think much. TCs are driven by CFA3 + Studio B and rest everything by Studio B (Elrog Mo, WE reissues). Getting a d1-unity totaldac soon. Contemplating hard about ordering a DNA Stellaris but also considering AIC-10/Primavera/Egoista 845 but those are 2023/2024 goals.
I tend to be more of a reader but trying to be more of an active contributor, glad to be here.
Nice to have this thread for introductions! And good recommendation on keeping profiles up to date with latest signal chains. Just updated mine with the latest info.
Please welcome @Sleeper22 ! We meet via emails talking about Audience cables. He is a fellow fan of 2ch and we can always use more of those fans. I think he is rocking some Sonus Fabers. Anyways, welcome and enjoy your time!
I met Sandeep through a head-fi transaction, he purchased my set of HE6SEV2 (which was originally @ValentineLuke set). Sandeep is an audiophile out of Mumbai, India. He’s a good guy that enjoys good music and good HiFi equipment to listen to it on. I’m confident he’ll fit right in here with the Sonus Apparatus community.
As a part of our transaction, he introduced me to his community of Audiophile friends in India (via their Whatsapp chat group). When I have some time to fully write it out, I’ll tell the story of all of the buy/sell deals that subsequently transpired. But the short version is Sandeep helped me sell over $1.2k of gear in India, and at the same time he helped facilitate my purchase of multiple items in India that are now in route to me here in the US. It’s awesome how Audiophiles are the same all over the world - when we see a good deal on a piece we are looking for we find a way to buy it!
@sandeepkumbla1 feel free to introduce yourself, add a pic or description of your audio setup, what you like to listen to, any questions you have, any gear you are looking for (hint hint, he’s on the market for a Gustard R26 if anyone knows of one available). Just so everyone can start getting to know you here.