Mass Kobo thread, 248 / 433 / 394 / 465

For discussion around this excellent portable

Edit: Changed to include all mass kobo amps, not just the 424/248


What ones would sound better through it compared to the p6p?

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Lol, but realy, anything that benefits from a bit more grip and control and can tolerate a bit of trbble sharpness. Iirc mon specificaly called out the infinity mk2 on hifiguides p6p thread and maybe triali as well. I suspect these mad 24 woukd work brilliantly but I won’t be able to test that for a week or two

Edit: mest mk2 didn’t feel like they changed much at all tbh, but VX gained a bit of image clarity, space, and air

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I did find things like a final a8k or jvc fw10k to get too hot in the treble as they could use more body and warmth imo. But really all of my favorite iems benefit from having it there as long as you aren’t going for a warmer and more chill experience


Yeah I think I’m eyeing stuff like the Thummim, Trinity and possibly the mk2 mests next

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Not tried the mests on there, but the first 2 def work well there (although there may be cases where it wouldn’t be my first choice)


Oh, forgot about the Fir M5 too

Fwiw, I thiyght the improvement on mestmk2 was pretyy minimal on 428. Tbh they are a bit of a source blind iem imo


I am quite interested in those as I think it’d probably align with my music tastes (generally hip hop/electronic)

Ima be honest man, I have a lot of iems i want to try but I have 0 desire for anything past mest mk2 currently it just works for everything and is a sound I like quite a bit. Listening to the mad24 rught now that trounce them in ever imaginable way and ik just like “but I’m just fine with mk2”

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Yeah I’ve seen a few people get like that with them, MMR and Diablo would find them at least

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Eyo boys. Got em!

Basicaly his only complaint is that he can’t afford a 406 (because we talking about 394 for sus and iirc its not ideal)

My man is looking his mind. He ordered a p6p within 24 hours of having mine in house and is now ABXing p6p vs p6p->428->MAD24s and a few other things trying to convince himself he doesn’t need the 428 :joy:


P6P + 42X gang rise up?

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If he manages to hold himself back from ordering within the day ima be shocked

Well given he’s trying to abx, that’s a great way to convince yourself of no or minimal difference of anything, so he’s on the right track lol (although slower a/b still works imo)

Its not even working anyways :joy:

And tbh, i value abx fairly highly. Not for hearing differences bjt instead for a sanity check that I can pick which device is which blind once my opinion has been formed. Plus, tbh, I find it kinda fun. Only one I’ve failed so far was I had miss pegged the honey H1 LO as being far warmer than it actualy was, so I separated it and the micro BL (LO) easily, but I pegged them backwards the first fo around

That’s fair, once you have properly acclimated it can be valuable, also if you give yourself plenty of time too. But I do think that quick switching abx right off the bat leads to basically nothing to work with in the end. I do extended a/b myself after I’ve acclimated to both things properly, but have never gotten any useful results from quick switching


Agree. Ultimately I use it once I’m use to a piece to make sure I’m not nuts. Volume match, jumble the cables, and just switch/replay something when I feel like. I was abxing everything when u got the box (new toy syndrome) and realized pretty quickly that the use is confirmation not discovery

Would the Sarda/Crassi sound better on this? Asking for a friend

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