Not sure if anyone has posted this yet, but Jomo have shown off their new flagships, the gt600 gran tourer, I’m so glad that they are still making IEMs with different driver types in them. For a while I was thinking they were only going to make all BA IEMs based on the other models after their “rebrand” as they call it.
i saw they released a very affordable single DD iem too, the s100. Kinda wanna grab it to try it, as im not the biggest iem guy to have something super high end, but at the same time i cant deny the convenience and portability factor being awesome. Havent found much information about them yet, so it would be a pretty blind purchase.
Yeah that’s kinda what put me off getting the Game Raiders before, I have the Hakas & the Trinity Brass and love both of them. I also Had the Gae Bolg for a while which was also designed by Joseph Mou and they were great too so I do have faith in Jomo gear personally.
Im super curious about them, may just have to take the leap and try them.
It looks really nice, I’m glad they went with a single DD this time instead of a BA, the Haka is really nice with its’ single BA but it does fall apart a bit in busy recordings which I’d hope the Cappuccino is a bit better with
Been a bit …nice to see you in here again, @Kron
Thanks, been away for a while since my son was born on the 4th so been a bit busy
Congrats! Hope all went well
gz man!
Awwww congrats!!!
Sup Daddio !
Big congrats!
Yeah! What they said!!! Good to have you back and Congrats!
Congratulations. First?
Thanks all, yeah @dB_Cooper this is our first child, currently just in a constant state of trying to catch up on sleep
RIIIIP. Hahaha. It really is nice seeing you around btw! I thought it was strange to not see anyone talk about the chomos (jomo) recently
It will get worse. LOL
Seriously though, congratulations. I’ll tell you what someone told me when we had our first. Little kids, little problems. Big kids…
Enjoy man, they grow up quick.
I come back every time they release a flagship
I bet! My wife keeps saying that she’s gonna miss him being this small, but I can’t wait to see him get to school age and see all the silly things he does
L&P L4Pro. I cant find much else but ill link the other forum that has better info. Looks like they ditched an android version and decided to make an updated OS.
This is all true. Enjoy the ride @Kron!!!