General Headphone Help/Discussion Thread

It’s a pretty classic pairing, the bhse works very well with the 009 specifically

The wes paired a bit better to me on the 007

I’d agree, it’s just not as capable as the stax


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only real complaint is that the level of intimacy of the setup while great for just vibing with my music doesnt work as well for my work listening tbh. Reading reviews it seems this intimacy is something that doesnt really change with rolling on the BHSE, correct?

EDIT: Also, the shop near me will be getting x9000 at some point in the next month or two so pretty stoked to try that one now too

No not really, it’s not the largest sounding amp and is pretty forward

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Does one more stop in the middle/high tier of headphones make sense, or do I just move straight into summit (for me)? This is the question that I am asking myself as of late.

I have been seriously considering moving right on into a Susvara or 1266tc. When I think about it and look at my headphone collection and add them up, dollar wise I’m there now, just dispersed across a couple sets. It would take a little effort to do a re-allocation of assets for sure, and some additional investment, but would it really cost anymore than picking up another TOTL piece in between and then still ultimately end up moving to one of those sets I mentioned earlier? I get it that I might find that interim piece to be “All That”, but I know myself too and that I would still be wondering OK if this piece is that good what about the Sus or 1266tc, and I would eventually be driven that direction anyway.

Sure, my source is not optimal for either of those two sets, Also reasonably confident that it wouldn’t be doing a major disservice either. Thinking and taking from my own experiences when I have upgraded a headphone while using an existing source, that the improvements were significant, more so than when I updated the source to match. So even if my source does become/is a bottleneck, wouldn’t I still be gaining and also enjoying my music more, even so? Related, once knowing what headphone(s) were settled on would it not then be easier to tweak the source to match vs. shooting arrows up in the air and seeing if they landed on a target?

Sorry more of a muse than specific questions.


Honestly I feel like that will come down to if you feel like you have a good grasp on the final sound you are after, and how much variety you feel you may want in the end

Makes sense

Yes depending on how far you decide to move up source gear wise, but you don’t have to, and that doesn’t have to be immediate if you do decide to do that

Would agree

Makes sense, I would also note that at the level you are aiming for sometimes a source upgrade can change things more than you’d expect compared to some of the headphones you have now, but it’s still going to be larger with the headphone regardless

Likely yes. If you were running like a sub 1k stack I might honestly argue no depending on the headphone, but in your position it absolutely would be an improvement

Yes, it makes it much easier to fit a single or 2 headphones to one source chain, allows for much better synergy potential instead of having to sacrifice that for flexibility with a larger range of headphones


Yes, that does remain a nagging question, and primary on the con list of taking that big of a leap.

Valid point, I would plan on taking some time before making any changes to source if I go this route, but it doesn’t take a crystal ball to see that other upgrades would happen.

Thanks for addressing the other points too. I’m not in any particular hurry it just hit me that it might at least makes sense to consider a larger leap vs. smaller steps. I’ll continue to enjoy my current setup in the meantime while mulling it over, and over…

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It might not be as hard as you would think, out of what you have, what would you say you enjoy the most or use the most often?

Yep go headphones first, and then tailor your future progression ideas from there


If your looking at the top 3 or 4 headphones they all do most of it really well.
I think it comes down to what are you listening for.

Pretty much to me it’s how much do you value Bass slam and macro dynamics/energy over timbre and overall naturalness. You really don’t have to listen to a lot of headphones to establish that.

Susvara and 1266 specifically ignoring the comfort factor, it’s pretty much Bass vs Midrange, not that the Susvara’s Bass is bad or the 1266’s midrange is bad.

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I was thinking about the same question tbh. I think I prefer having multiple cans to choose from for different sound signatures though because I really don’t like doing EQ… Also now that I have some more cans, I’m realizing I can not justify owning a headphone that is uncomfortable lol. Literally only had the d8000 for 2 days and I don’t even feel like putting it on tonight because it just destroys my temples.

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Oh, I too am a believer in multiple headphones I don’t think I could go down to just one. I think 2 minimum, probably 3. I am not looking for a one headphone does all - but I may set myself up in a way that favors my favorite but still works with the others well, if that makes sense.

Interesting. I’m getting a D8Kpro on loan, should be here next week. I hope that my head has better luck. :grimacing:

Oddly enough, what you described with your D8K, I was feeling with a Diana V2 I had on loan recently. I was finally able to get it comfortable by swapping the left and right pads. I think though, the problem was the pads were new and they just were not broken in because when I put the original pads my ears were no longer being crushed.

That reminds me, I think I’ve seen you post about “crinkle” in your DV2 (if not you, please ignore). I thought the Diana I had was doing that - turned out it was my glasses frames rubbing against the pads and making noises has my head moved about. Just thought I mentioned that while it was on my mind.

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HEKv2 and TH909 about 45/50, slight edge to the 909. This was before the LCD-24 arrived on loan. After the 24 came in, I’ve been completely enamored with it and have been using the 24 70/30 with the HEKv2 (except the week or so I had the Diana V2, where I used it almost exclusively due to limited time with it). The 909 has not seem much time at all recently. Its funny how things change. I do have a feeling the 909 will get more action again when the LCD-24 gets called home. The 24 is filling the fun and engaging role at the moment.


Yeah, the d8k has decent padding on top, but it seems that almost all of the pressure end up on the top portion of both sides of the pads instead of having it on the top of my head. After about like 2 hours I just can’t really wear it anymore which kind of sucks. I have tried to adjust the headphone a lot, but I just can’t see to get it to fit my head properly with any configuration really.

I do wear glasses, but I have worn the Dv2 without them and the crinkle still happens, so unfortunately it isn’t from the frames rubbing against anything :frowning:

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I am a bit different from you guys. I rather have 1-3 that fit my needs.

1 for my pc and gaming use
1 closed for walks and commutes
1 old closed for my yardwork

But tbh im breaking my rules here
I have an HD6xx for the bhc
A 2.2pf because it was always my dream headphone growing up ( i also “had” to grab a MLP for it)
An lcd-x for the pc
An lcd-24 because…
A radiance for walks and commutes
An ultrasone 780 for yardwork
And i have a 580, 2500, and some other beat up headphones just sitting around.

I really need to shed things down


Oof. I’m realy sorry man. That always sucks. I had similar issues with diana without dms pads (and with dms pads the sound was worse because I had a full seal all the time). I completely concur that it doesn’t matter how fantastic a headphone sounds if it just isn’t comfortable to actually use.

As for the fit its self, it sounds like our different experiences proabably just come down to head width. While I dont find the d8kp super comfortable I get a nice even clamp all the way around the ear and my complaint is mainly just weight.

lol, speaking of. BTW, do you have the new pads or the old pads? The new pads felt like they would be significantly more comfortable than the old ones but I didnt get to use them for several hours to find out for certain.

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Must be a different head size thing because the Diana v2 with DMS pads are extremely comfortable for me haha. With the regular pads though I do get some temple pressure after an hour or two. If I keep the v2s I will probably buy the new pads cause I haven’t heard anything but good things about them thus far


I had both sets. The original and the new. I actually found the original more comfortable, that is what led me to believe it may be the new v2 pads (that were also new) were not broken in. Also, it was just my left side that was uncomfortable. So with the new v2 pads I swapped left for right and it was ok. Supporting the hypothesis further that they weren’t yet fully broken in evenly.

Also possible I’ve a lopsided head :upside_down_face:

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now thats interesting. The set I tried were someone elses so I wonder if the pads were broken in or maybe my head shape just agreed with them more. They felt fairly stuff tbh but they just sat there quite nicely without any real pressure but stayed in place. Felt like 1266 fit tbh. where its firm but floaty (if that makes sense).

I never got any temple pressure with the D8KP, I did find there was a hot spot on the headband at the top, and I used a ZMF pilot pad for a while, but either it broke in or my head did, because I find them quite comfortable now.
A lot of these things are just how something happens to fit you.


aint that the truth. I know tons of people find arya just mega comfy for example but the clamp is just too much for me to find it more than just middle of the road comfort wise. Same deal with empy. Mean while my LCD-R (which most people seem to find barely passible comfort wise) is a true 12-hour a day can for me. They just flat out completely disappear off my head. Lots and lots of “how similar is my head shape to the designer” in the higher end

Huh, interesting… I have like no pressure on the top of my head at all - I wish I had more pressure there on the d8k haha. Very interesting

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