General Headphone Help/Discussion Thread

They lowered prices on all their models. You can find Aryas for $600 now.

Here’s edition xs for lower


That’s wild

@M0N I’ve been hearing a lot of hype over the Playback Designs MPD-8 DAC. What are your thoughts on it?

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I’ve only heard the mpd-6 and apparently the 8 is pretty different (or a good step up can’t remember which) according to those who’ve heard the two iirc. I thought the 6 was alright, but in the end felt a bit middling to me for the range it was in, I kinda felt it had some similarities to the nagra but ended up liking the nagra more (pretty sure they used FPGA designed by the same guy, but my guess is that the playback designs had a weaker output stage or PSU perhaps)


Cool. Thank you for that. The Nagra comparison is very helpful.

someone told me the nagra felt distorted next to playback designs but also had amazing body and fullness to the sound so it might end up being a preference

If not part of the same chain, e.g. cables, power, comparing notes on DACs is a tough ask. Consensus is a good place to start but it doesn’t always have a happy ending.

It would depend on which nagra, and yeah would come down to chain + preference. The nagra is more chain dependant from my experience, whereas the mpd felt more consistent across different chains from brief testing of the mpd (but extended time with the nagra). Also, this isn’t an endorsement of the nagra either from me lol, it’s very expensive for what it does so not worth unless you really want something softer and richer and find a really good deal on one lol. That battery PSU also does something special lol


You can even get a Sundara FREE with a MyTek Liberty DAC II right now lol. Sundara is pretty solid. :+1: Though I would prefer Ananda Nano over XS or Sundara.

Lol I’ll pass. Lord knows I don’t need another DAC

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Definitely, definitely the aune ar5000, but the pads are itchy for me (xs material) so I replaced them with zmf beyer pads, all beyer size pads will fit in general.

They dont scale a lot the way an hd600 would but theyre still great to mix and match with gear

Even though theyre dynamic I found theyre the perfect solution in the 300dllr range (including the zmf beyer lambskin perf) to replace any hifiman arounda the price.

Theyre upper mid forward tho, very similar curve to the hd560s and sundara

The build quality is way too good

If you wanna spend around 500 emu teaks or used denon 7200 are definitely the play


I know it’s not a fair comparison to the PD, but have you heard the Nagra HD DAC X?

I have not, only the HD, tube, and classic

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Need help, someone wants to use dave as preamp to ahb power amps for susvara. How the connection will work?

1- How for One amp in mono for each channel.
2- And how for one amp in stereo mode.

I assume red in channel one and black in channel 2. And 2 xlr for each channel into dave for volume?


It looks to be pretty clearly labelled on the back of the AHB.
For Dual Mono.
From the dave you run XLR to the one labelled 1 In/Mono In.
The Red connector for the channel goes into 1+/M+ Out and the black into 2+/M- Out.
Or you can use a speakon connector in the mono out.

For a single amp, you just connect XLR’s to the Dave, and the pair with the red band go into either channel 1 or 2 and the pair with the black band into the other one. You’ll want red in the + out and black in the -. You might have to swap the channels over if the stereo is reversed.

Make sure you have the Mode switch set appropriately.

The pair with the red band is usually the right channel.


Thank you so much.

Would a Susvara 3.5 mm cable work without issue on a D8KP? I’m thinking there would be no issues but I’m not 100%.

The 8DKP uses a T/S 3.5 (tip/shaft) does the Susvara also us a T/S or do they use a T/R/S (tip/ring/shaft)? Everything I see aftermarket for a Sus shows T/R/S, may not matter but would love to know if anyone can confirm.

Normal 3.5mm will not fit d8kp because of the recess, but the d8kp locking 3.5mm will fit a hifiman 3.5mm (according to Trevor from Norn)


Yeah, I got the fitment issues with the recess and locking tabs, I’m talking specifically wiring. Are they the same or different?

Same as long as the plug fits

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