EAMT-1c vs Thummim vs Infinity Mk2 vs Traillii JP

I already did a headphone version if this, so I figured I might as well do it for iems as well lol.

These have quickly become my favorite iems and are constantly grabbed for, all offer uniquely different yet equally valuable experiences, and all happen to be a major pain in the ass to take near their limits for source gear.

Let’s get this out of the way now, all of these are not worthwhile unless you plan to treat them with the proper source gear otherwise look elsewhere.

Now then, to get right into at a glance technical ability, I’ll just go straight for it and not bore you with any words. I will explain my reasoning after and include little blurbs on the side. Will be ranked 1-4, with 4 being the most in the category (most texture for example) or highest performing in that category, and 1 being the least or worst performing in that category. Keep in mind these are in comparison with each other, not to be taken out of context. Although note that this will not tell the full story, so make sure to read below as well

Generalized: EAMT-1C Thummim Infinity Traillii Notes
Resolution 3 2 3 4 All top tier resolution but the traillii is stand out, and the infinity and obravo after that
Speed and Separation 3 1 2 4 Traillii is still a technical beast, but in this case the obravo ended up having better separation and quicker speed than the infinity in the midrange and treble
Control and Grip 2 3 4 2 The infinity really shines here, having great command, and the thummim does as well, eamt and traillii tied
Texture 3 2 3 4 In terms of bass texture I think the traillii leads overall, but the infinity has more texture in the midrange, and obravo has more in the treble
Treble Extension 4 3 3 4 Now this one is a hard one lol, double tie, I do think the traillii and obravo tie here, as do the infinity and thummim
Bass Extension 2 4 3 4 I personally think it’s a tie between the traillii and thummim, the traillii might technically be able to go a bit lower but I think it doesn’t produce enough quality to count there
Microdynamics 3 2 2 4 Both the trailli and eamt are fantastic here, honestly the infin and thummim are also great but the other two are just a bit better
Macrodynamics 2 3 4 1 It’s pretty easily the infinity here, pretty nuts there, followed by the thummim, the other two tend to focus more on micro
Background Blackness 4 1 3 2 The obravo feels very vacant here, the infinity as well. You can sort of tell something’s off with the thummim in comparison
Placement accuracy 3 1 4 3 The infinity does a great job at placing and sizing the best, I think the obravo and traillii are runner up after that. The thummium is accurate in it’s stage, but it’s unnatrual
Stage Width 4 2 1 3 The obravo feels really wide, and the traillii almost catches up
Stage Depth 2 2 4 3 The infinity offer fantastic depth, and traillii after that
Sense of size/grandness 4 3 2 4 Both the obravo and trailli both feel pretty large overall moreso than the other iems
Timbre 3 2 4 4 This is hard because both the infinity and traillii nail timbre imo, obravo gets close
Tonality 2 2 4 3 The infinity has the more organic tonality, and the traillii is close. Both the thummim and obravo have a bit more unique yet still reasonably organic tonality that takes some getting used to
Overall Bass Quality 2 3 2 4 The traillii has the most textured and nuanced linear bass, the thummim has the most impactful and heavy hitting bass while still being reasonably technical, the obravo has very competent bass but lacks extension, and the infinity has very tight and punchy bass but lacks prominence
Overall Midrange Quality 3 3 4 3 I’d say the infinity offers the most capable and refined midrange out of the bunch, and the rest tie because the thummim has the most weight and sweetness, the traillii as the most clarity, and the obravo has the most emotion here
Overall Treble Quality 4 2 3 3 Also hard, I personally find the treble of the obravo really enjoyable and unique with tons of extension, detail, smoothness, and coherency, the infinity and traillii are also great at treble, and the mmr is a bit slightly off sounding but still good
Tonal Density 3 4 2 1 The mmr is easily the most dense and meaty sounding, but the obravo just balances it’s density better than the rest
Smoothness 4 2 3 2 See above but replace dense with smooth
Forwardness 3 3 4 2 I’d say that all are somewhat forward feeling outside the traillii which is slightly relaxed
Forgivingness 1 4 2 3 The mmr is very forgiving of poor music, the trailli kinda, and the other two def not
Organicness 3 2 3 3 I think the obravo, infin, and traillii can all be pretty organic with the right things, but the mmr lags behind because of it’s non organic presentation and weirder tonality
Source Pickiness 4 3 3 2 Honestly all of them are picky
Scaling Potential 4 2 3 4 Both the traillii and obravo can go pretty damn high, the infinity can reasonably as well

I think my most used are likely the traillii and infinity, as the other two while sweet, are indeed a more specialist pick.

In terms of music they work well with:

Traillii: general all rounder

Infinity: generally organic music that isn’t too complex

Obravo: more complex and expansive organic music

MMR: More inorganic music

The EAMT 1c is a real interesting one, it has a presentation more similar to headphones, with a really unique yet organic tonal balance. It’s got pretty amazing smoothness and liquidity, lots of resolution and technical performance in a very holographic presentation, surprising coherency, and a very open sound (which makes sense given it’s open back lol). Real unique and involving listen with a micro-centric focus

The Thummim is a warm, rich and full bodied fun iem. It’s got great bass slam and impact, lots of sweetness in the bass and treble, an interesting treble response that avoids harshness while being pretty sparkly, spatial recreation that is very spherical and engaging, and a big macro focus. A load of fun and forgiving of modern music you put into it

The Infinity is always impressive how it pulls off things like dynamics, presentation, and impact. It’s got so much control over everything that goes on leading to a very involved sound, almost a macro focus on micro lol, if that makes sense. Very organic and energetic mid forward signature without being overly that way. It’s impact especially in the mids is really enjoyable too

The Traillii is extremely balanced all around, basically includes the majority of the desirable aspects you want in an iem, all extremely refined and nuanced. With a wide and immersive stage, loads of texture and microdynamics, lots of resolution, and great speed and separation all put together in an organic manner, it’s hard to not enjoy imo.

Cable time:

For the EAMT 1c it has a weird proprietary oBravo mmcx that limits what I can try, so I only have stock and also a Labkable Pandora, which basically is an overall improvement and also adds more body and weight. So really not much I can say here

For the Thummim, honestly most of the non stock cables I had tried lost it’s impressive staging and felt off, the stock Eletech Plato is the best way to go, unless you decide to go up a step and grab an Eletech Iliad, which is a Plato on steroids, and worth the upgrade imo, general elevation of performance.

For the Infinity mk2, to me again the stock cable was best, as other cables upset the delicate tonal balance and also affected some of it’s dynamic balance, BUT upgrading to the Rhapsodio Evo Copper was a large step up in performance, and elevated it overall, highly worthwhile if you are a fan of this iem.

For the Traillii, just don’t. Keep stock, it’s a custom made PW audio cable, and it’s sounded the best out of all the other cables I have tried on it. So stock is the way to go here

Regarding source gear, honestly all of this is basically down to my Luxury Precision P6 Pro as imo that’s the best dap I have owned by far. I did also try this on other daps, but just get the P6P and be done with it lol.


Another great write up! I should be getting a thummin on tour eventually, definitely one set that I’m very excited to check out. I would love to hear/own a Traillii sometime but will be unlikely till secondhand prices come down alot… lol


Definitely sounds like something like the Thummim would be something I’d love if I eventually get to that tier of IEMs, Infinity would likely be a relatively close second. Most of what I listen to is inorganic which I think is part of what made it harder for me to get on with the HeK since I always felt like it needed organic instruments in the music to really shine so I had to listen to stuff that I don’t normally listen to.


So I finally got the Traillii in (on loan from musictek, fantastic program and Andrew was awesome to work with too). Holy ever living fuck are these massive and spacious. Unfortunately given the sensitivity its pretty damn loud straight out of the p6p at literally 1 volume so I think ima have to break out my crazy adapters and iematch to give everything else a fair shout on detail (since they are all an easy 5dB quieter on min volume than this is)


Noiceeee, and yes it’s a seriously large sounding iem. Also they are sensitive but I’m surprised you are finding that little range, although I guess when you listen as low as you have mentioned that’s not all that unusual lol


yah… the range is 100% just a me problem. I listen to most iems under 5 on the p6p through an iematch on ultra… TBH the natural volume here isnt an issue of fatigue I just find it harder to tune out the music when im at work when its this loud. Ive also got the UM FuSang and MAD24 in so im real excired to compaire the three

Edit: I have to say, just purely from an ergonomic perspective i realy realy love the Traillii cable. Tbh I’ve found every other PW audio cable I’ve ever used to be ergonomic stiff and could dog shit. The trailli cable dispute being dumb thick is none of these thing (and the covering is nice and soft too). That one caught me off guard tbh

Edit: also, an ie match turbo fucks the sound of these far more than any other iem I’ve ever used it on (including mads and Mason fs which ste both way lower impedence). Its to the point where I dont think they are even usable with one which is a damn shame. Has meant i need to up my listening level for the other iems to give the trailli a fair shout


Well after hearing a um mason fusang and getting prepped for an elysian x (after hearing an annihilator) I might have to redo this thread cause both of them have the potential to shake things up lol


Yah. Imo FuSang truly holds its own within the traillii Thummium tier. Its very different and im not confidant its what I’m looking for but it does at least compete. Same for MAD24 imo. Also, im mad currious to see your thoughts on Elysian. I am personaly hunting for “mest+resolution” and it seems like Elysian (or the forthcoming mentor FS) are the best condenders for that slot

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I could see the annihilator being considered a higher tier mest almost, more like the mest mk1 than mk2

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It’s actually irritating, I wish it was able to replace one of the 4, but it actually just does something different entirely so you have to have it alongside the others lol

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I received my Elysian X a couple days ago and it dethroned my Traillii.

This is my first post by the way. Happy to be here.


Welcome! I look forward to hearing your impressions one day. I believe @M0N is getting his pair sometime soon and may add his impressions as well.


Yes, was very impressed with the annihilator, had to find out what the X is about, but it’s likely going to be awhile until I get mine lol

Also welcome @RIPmufasa!


Once I break them in and spend some quality time I’ll definitely write my impressions.

Off first listen the bass extension is amazing specially sub bass. Treble is also well extended, very detailed IEM with great midrange clarity. Excellent height and depth. Only thing I would critique is the lower mids. Traillii does have better timbre IMO


I’m waiting to see if any of these newly mentioned IEMs compete/beat out the Thummim :eyes: I have a feeling that I’d have problems with the fit after a couple hours.

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I’d bet the X might compete for bass but we will see lol, although I still haven’t heard anything like the MMR when if comes to stage


Mad24. It is a different tuning thsm thummium, but for a well detailed bass cannon its got punch for days.

EDIT: mon makes a good point about stage though. Thummium stages wierd (but good). I dont think you will find that stage in any other iems

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Yeah I’ve seen a bit of that staging out of the Gae Bolg, it is pretty nice

Got my hands and ears on a pair of Infinity Mk2(loan). Was only able run it off my qp2r, there is hiss on low gain but I’m still able to get an enjoyable music experience. Would say the midrange,depth,timbre and punch are it’s main highlights. It’s very nice midrange mixes well with it’s punchiness, but the bass doesn’t extend too much, but works very well with certain genres. Blackground and separation is pretty great too despite its lack in width. And that’s just being picky, it’s done so well that there isn’t much need for width,to get all the info to you in an enjoyable way. This iem kinda reminds me of the Utopia but it’s been awhile since ive heard one. Once getting used to its more foward like nature, I found that it became very organic and a bit more smooth. I’m guessing it’s because of its great timbre. Pretty dang great iem honestly. Unless you want super bass, I’d highly recommend it because it does ALOT right.


I’ve got the infinity mk2 now. This is the first iem I have ever thought may be able to replace mest mk2 for me. I’m seriously enjoying it as of right now. The real test though will be at the end of the week when I go back to mest but I’m very impressed so far. No as technical as either traillii or FuSang (probabaly about similar tier as thummium? But its been a while) but very very very pleasant presentation and certainly no technical slouch