Allnic ZL-3000
(mostly compared to AQ NRG & JPS labs AC)
A damn great, pleasing, and natural-sounding cable on the clean neutral side with very great dynamics and technical ability. Of course, limited experience here but I think this cable is seriously good.
Nothing really stood out when I first listened to the 3000, but as each song played through the differences became very apparent. However, it doesn’t force it or make it too obvious. As per the other power cables mentioned, it is relatively easy to label the AQ as “sweet-sounding and somewhat midrange-focused overall,” while the JPS is “bass slam in your face without adding much of anything else.” Overall, I think the 3000 is a pleasing and natural-sounding cable on the clean neutral side with very great dynamics and technical ability.
Starting with standouts, what caught my attention was how effortless and convincing the dynamics were. Transitions b/w micro and macro sounded very natural and liquid (don’t know if liquid would fit into this but that’s what comes to mind). The other thing is the treble, or rather, how clean and resolving it is being delivered. I guess you could associate this due to the lower noise floor or whatever but it’s something that was a clear step-up from the other two aforementioned cables. It’s like there was this layer that got completely peeled off and I was missing all this information. Not a very helpful description but I can’t think of anything else. lol
Midrange is very clean but pleasing; has great weight and texture. It’s pretty complete overall imo and hard to complain about. Bass has nice weight, authority, and control. It’s not as slammy compared to the jps but that’s not really what it’s going for I think. Technicalities are high while sounding organic. Honestly, that’s as much as I can elaborate on. It’s an obvious step-up over the two cables and the differences were quite stark as time went on. Though this is the only power cable I have around this price so sprinkle some salt on it. I can see why they don’t come up used often; I wouldn’t want to sell mine either. haha
In any case, I think this a great cable and in terms of how big of an improvement it is, it’s on the same level as when I upgraded my usb cable to the callisto (which I’m still enjoying btw).
Wall vs P3
I can see how, depending on the setup, some might prefer plugging this directly to the wall. The difference b/w the wall vs p3 w/ the 3000 wasn’t as big as when I plugged the jps into the wall then the p3, for example. Sound-wise, plugging directly to the wall gave it a warmer tilt overall and less extension in the upper frequencies. But my electricity is crap, so ymmv. I do think it’s worth experimenting on though with this cable.
Semi-random specific notes
The 3000 helped with the Utopia’s bass and gives it that extra weight and control, especially next to the d8kp. It also helped calmed down the d8kp while enabling a more resolving treble. Finally, the ie900…well it keeps climbing higher. lol Also, I finally tried a better power cable on the dac (jps cable) and plugged it into the p3 (straight from wall before), but there wasn’t much of a difference. Though I didn’t really spend that much time on it…