What have you purchased recently?

Is the Mojo variable voltage? The suckers can get hot, I’ve got a big heatsink on top of my EtherRegen with some compound and I put a weight on top to keep it making solid contact. They get much hotter as you go up in voltage with them.


The one I have coming is factory set to 12v

a 12V power supply is always a good thing to have around but you might get a lot of heat with the 12V. I wound up using 9V and with the heatsink it’s warm but not hot. It get hot with 12v. Whether any of this makes any difference, IDK but heat like that for something that stays on 24/7 I didn’t want.

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I will def keep that in mind, thank you :slight_smile:

I was able to buy a Riviera AIC-10 for a good deal. Outside of interconnects, I feel like I’m pretty much done with source gear. Really looking forward to hearing what it can do for my headphones and I’ll finally get to hear what the susvara sounds like when driven well. :slight_smile:


Exciting! Congrats

Oh damn! Gz man! You pick ip that one from better don? Been trying to convince a bidy of mine to pick it uo for weeks now

Yeah, that’s the one : )
Nice guy, too. Real easy to deal with.

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The kids can pay for their own god dammed college! :wink:

All kidding aside, congrats and write some long flowing commentary on it here.


Recently discovered how bad the usb on my PC is while using the th900PW. Had to do something about it right away, as that’s my prefered listening method. Figured a good DDC should take care of what I’m experiencing (with m0ns help) and I found this bad boy 12 minutes away from me.


That’s a lot of LED’s, must be good!


I much prefer simple LEDs over OLED or LCD on equipment like that.


LEDs generate noise… MWAAHAHAHA! JK, you’ll probably see one hell of an improvement!


Let me ruin your day by telling you about Johnson Noise then!


I know it’s a real thing but it still looks made up given the name lol

Oh you don’t think you’ll get any noise? Well you obviously didn’t educate yourself enough otherwise you’d clearly know it’s impacted by Johnson noise


That sounds dirty… I was afraid to click on the link.


My favorite “we need to sound extra sciency in this movie while we explain how this issue will end the world” real science thing: Localized Surface Plasmon Resonance


Oh nice, in some pics that front plate looks dark blue but your photo looks much blacker, which is it in real life? I rather liked the idea of blue and wished my Mutec 1.1 had had that :grin:


The “sea of LEDs “is a pretty cool look if you ask me. Just like the soekRis DAC’s. They are distinctive, And look very much like pro , or Even lab spacegear. If that’s what you’re aiming for these components hit the mark!


I’m a bit colorblind but I’m pretty certain its fully black.

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