What have you purchased recently?

Oh, how can I forget the topping L30 incident, ASR was burning in flames like the sponge bob meme

That was the real headphones burner, I heard it happened again with the a70 (pro?) but never got any real evidence of that

Toppings are bright, people like crinnacle who said their og a90 that was bright af was the real neutral and everyone else was wrong, cringe

Im a certified topping hater tho, enjoy your product they supposedly work very good at what theyre supposed to do


Thats true. Transparent and neutral doesn’t really help much describing anything. From my experience, Schiit equipments (at least what I owned, Vidar 2, Magni Piety if you count that, and Midgard) always gives this bass boost to my audio chain. The Topping A70 Pro reminds me of the opposite, which it feels like its giving me a treble boost in my audio chain. But I am hesitant to call it bright because the Sylvania Chrome Top 6SN7GTA in my Supratek preamp is brighter than the Topping A70 Pro as a preamp. Going back on why the Topping A70 feels like a treble boost in my audio chain is because I am mostly comparing it from my previous preamp, the Midgard. It reminds me of using my 3 Band equalizer when I tried to make a cheap mic sound more clear, I would boost the treble and lower the bass. Thats what both the headphone amp/preamp of the Topping A70 pro reminds me of right now.

They say the bad batch was the initial batch, but they gotten better I think a year later. I was pretty scared testing it out, so I used a headphone I can easily replace first to make sure it actually works. I also made sure it was on its latest firmware version before trying it out. It also reminded me of how much I dislike digital interface on my audio equipment because I have to worry if the equipment is on the correct firmware version to make sure its working properly.

I also read/watch people review that the Topping A70 Pro amp is a “new” direction in sound signature that Topping is doing resulting in being less sterile and bright compared to their previous product lineup. This is my first Topping product, so I don’t really know if that’s true, but the Topping A70 Pro to my ears is still pretty bright compare to my Schiit gears. not as bright as I was expecting though as only 1 headphone made me a little uncomfortable listening to which was the Beyerdynamic D770 Pro. I heard the DCA Stealth with Sylvania Chrome Top 6SN7GTA with RCA Globe 45 Tubes to my Allnic HPA-5000XL, that was really bright, but also kind of addicting for some reason because the resolution on the top end was amazing. The Topping A70 Pro seems toned to that (at least on the top end), and it also didn’t have the resolution of that combo either.

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If you are getting the little Tiny Radials to produce sibilance that is absolutely a mismatch In equipment. I used allot of various amplifiers, DAC’s and musical genre’s on those adorable little speakers and sibilance was simply never an issue🤷‍♂️


I guess that’s why it’s important to try this stuff on your own gear rather than getting from recommendation people even if they are a speaker manufacturer. I still like the Topping A70 Pro though since it’s a new flavor I can get behind.


HE1000 Unveiled arrived today! :sunglasses: so far they are living up to expectations - really impressive tonality and sound stage. And my anxiety to damage them is sky high :rofl:


You are a brave man choosing the unveiled, they make me nervous… :wink:

Congrats, I’ll be curious how you find them, and with your Nimbus.


Very nice. I wish to hear more impressions :pray:

Is that an Eletech Inferno, BTW?

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I had that tube (with the black base) I didnt think it was that bright, bright doesnt come to mind thinking of it, but im extremely resistant to very trebley sound.

When aiming for a minimum THD+N Sinad of 115 like topping does, you can only do so much about the sterile sound at the cost they are, and more so with their circuit design philosophy, but if you think thats bright, thank god you didnt experience the og a90, L30 era. Those circuits were trash, I think they have gotten a lot better but im no expert. Yours looks quite nice!

On another topic I have purchased 2 things recently.

This is the woo wa3 that came to replace my broken BHC+S and it was a complete success!

Its the version with a choke known as wa3+ and it has its 6 capacitors upgraded to (4) of the better nichicon ones, and the 2 large “oil” ones of a swede brand I cant recall. It also has a mechanical IR controlled pot that works flawlessly. For $350 I didnt expect this SQ, not even near of it, its 100% an upgrade to me from the BHC+S.

This is a noisy OTL, in a super generalized way the noise caused by the gain it likes to get from its 6080 tube, its adjusted to be noiseless with tubes that have higher gain than usual, so most 6080 tubes that exist will be noisy and microphonic, but the included sylvania 7235 (and it also includes some very nice 6922 amperex tubes) are 100% silent at any volume.

I also had a 7236 tung sol that sounds a lot better and is also noiseless, and my favorite, the mullard cv2984 has way less noise floor than the other tubes I tried, so its completely usable.

Awesome catch! And I have another one.

This wywyres red headphone cable was only 145+15 shipping. I really liked it. Didnt knew wywyres made headphone cables, this one is 350 new and doesnt usually gets discounts like the more expensive lines.

@M0N It does have a midforward personality, its just like you described the platinum one, the forwardness is innofensive and the cable is remarkably technical at its price point, with a microdetail focus.

It doesnt mesh well with chains that are already as midforward as they should be, like my grado ps1000e on my questyles, but it sounds phenomenal with every other one of my grados. Didnt expect this cable to be nearly this good for what I paid.


It’s these tubes. If you don’t think their bright, than that’s fine since tubes do react differently on different gear match with different tubes. On my Supratek Cabernet DHT with my combination of tubes, this is a really bright tube with really nice treble resolution.


Yup I had that one, only tried it on cheap tube amps, the darkvoice which lives up to its name, the lyr 3 which was a bad tube amp imo (as in good solid state with a decorative tube), the tube was implemented as a bad preamp, and the BHC with an adapter where it was good.

Both BHC and DV were OTL using the tube as input and didnt get particullary bright tune from it, it was very neutral.

I wish I had a better amp to try it on since sylvania is great but the tube is gone and I move on.

I really really liked the sylvania 6as7g that looked like it was made around the same time with the black plastic base and lettering, I did sell that one along the 6sn7gta to a friend with an xduoo ta26s that uses those.

Its an amazing combination on that amp, it really wasnt on the BHC, the 6sn7gta with the 12au7 adapter sounded kinda weak, it was ok but the sylvania 6as7g was way better along a regular 12au7.

The lyr 3 preamp was basically a joke to me, compared a real tube preamp like the bha100 from audio technica.

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Yes, it’s an Eletech Inferno. I’ve used it for the last year+ on my Focal Radiance, but since I sold that headphone it’s been looking for a new headphone to pair with. So far it’s a nice pairing with the he1000 uv.

First day impressions with the he1000 uv are very positive. Pretty typical hifiman bass extension, not boosted but not rolled off either. The stand outs to me so far are tonal accuracy (everything sounds natural) and very wide sound stage. I could see these being a little bright for some, but it works for me. TBH they remind me of the hd800s, but with much better bass .


This is not audio related but I heard about using incense rather than candles to make my room smell good… and I actually quite like it so far. These definitely have a more interesting and nuanced aroma than a candle. I have heard some people use them for meditation as well. This might end up being something I get into more, who knows?


I have used incense rather than scented candles for a few decades. I have also used them while meditating. They can be a very nice way to add personality to your own space and the linking of music to scent is a very interesting exercise. :slight_smile:


Palo Santo here.


Incense brings me back to my sister’s teen days, i was 6 years younger and i remember her and her friends were big into it.

I would agree it is more complex and intricate smelling than a scented candle. But you rarely get a light scent for spring and summer, theyre mostly heavier.

Damn now i want incense to go with my bacon candle.


Mmmm BACON :bacon: :grimacing:

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I received these as a gift recently. This is actually my first true IEM as I’ve only owned AirPods and B&O earbuds previously.

Meze Audio Alba

I’ve allowed them some burn-in time for several days now and my general impression is that they’re a slightly aggressive Harman-tuned IEM.
The bass is very tasteful, it’s full with good extension and decent texturing. The mids and the treble are where I find them slightly aggressive. The ear gain is a bit high for my preferences, and the treble can bite at times, especially the upper air range. Meze like to add that ‘air’ on many of their headphones as I believe it adds size to staging and generally I’m okay with it. I think it’s more of a specific track/genre thing that can make them fatiguing at times.

As far as technical capabilities I think they’re fairly resolving, and they stage very well. The timbre is pretty natural in spite of their forward nature, with a generally even tuning.

Another possible factor influencing their sound is the included cable. It’s a very thin silver plated copper and I think these definitely need a thicker copper cable. Their elevated ear gain and treble doesn’t need any further enhancements, IMO.

I also switched out the silicone tips for foam and that helped a little bit with their bite.

As far as comfort goes they’re fantastic. Very lite weight and a great ergonomic shape. My ears are on the large side (including my ear canals) and they pop in very easily. They have a pretty opalescent finish when paired with their solid build, gives them a premium feel in the hands.

I’ve paired them with various dongles and so far the Questyle M15C seems to be the best match (a bargain for under $100 currently on Amazon). They seem to like power even if you don’t play them loud (I generally listen to music at an average of 75-80dB). Overall I like them and I’m looking forward to finding a suitable cable for them.

If anyone has any cable recommendations I ‘d appreciate to hear them (common 2-pin style).



I like the Meze Alba a lot. I think one of the problems is that while they have good subbass, they lack mid-bass and the “bass tuck” is too aggressive. That makes the upper mids and treble sound more forward than they actually are.


Yeah, I can totally see (hear) that!

They really are good, especially for their price.

Do have a cable that you like for them?

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@Hazi59 One of the things that I forgot to mention was how cohesive they sound. it’s very much like a source point presentation. probably the major benefit of a single driver.