So i agree that waiting for next gen is beneficial for the performance increase, the problem is availability and no one knows what that is gonna look like. It’s at least somewhat likely that the new gen will sell out at launch and then you are playing the waiting game trying to get lucky if you hadn’t already at launch. it’s really just gonna be a wait and see thing, even if crypto isn’t a factor, scalping most certainly will. I think depending on your usecase buying now could be the right move, if you are a bleeding edge gamer trying to push 4k res 120+ frames in the most demanding games then yeah id say wait for 40 series, but if you are still on 1440 res or maybe don’t play the most demanding fames then 30 series availability and pricing looks like a pretty good option right now.
I think one of the biggest unknowns is gonna be pricing, Nvidia has a tendency to price things higher depending on demand. Even the current msrp pricing on 30 series is 20% higher than what it should probably be imo. What if they decide to push further and see what the consumer will allow them, its very plausible that we could see a 10-20% msrp price increase on the top cards. It will likely be up to amd to keep them in check, it’s nice that there is actually competition in the gpu space again.
As for me I have a 3070 i got around launch in 2020, it runs everything i want at 32:9 super ultrawide res with respectable settings depending on the game. I’ll be skipping this upcoming gen and upgrading in 2-3 years when the next gen launches.