After spending some more time with the amps, this is likely the closest thing to true realism I think I’ve ever experienced, the most balance I’ve ever heard in a system period. But if I talk about it further I’d just be gushing and that’s not really helpful lol. I hesitated making a Verity thread and will hesitate on making a Lamm thread, because I think I can’t really say anything that offers any real insight, since I have no real comparisons to make, and imo comparisons are really somewhat necessary to give context to things, but I just haven’t heard many things of this level with enough time and confidence to even attempt to make comparisons lol
I might make a Lamm thread though, because while I think their amps are largely too high for most to consider, their preamps actually are pretty attainable used, they drop a ton on the used market (you can find some under 5k), and are quite excellent (even their lower end ones) to where there a solid value, so I could potentially justify making that thread lol
I’d like to talk about this stuff more, but I just hate talking about stuff that I can’t offer comparisons to, because I don’t feel like it adds value otherwise