The Shit List

I’m doing fine for the time being

Welllll I feel like there are plenty of examples of where I gave up on that courtesy especially as of late since my patience for a lot of this stuff has really been dropping lol, but at the end of the day I’d still rather just enjoy the hobby than start fights lol

We’ll see, at minimum it’s going to be a few years, but I think it’s probably going to be longer than that. I’d want to come back eventually, but I can’t really predict when I’ll be able to, and I don’t believe I’ll ever be able to come back to where I am now. But I don’t want to leave forever, will just take a lot of time and the right things happening at the right time


@M0N I had a high school friend whose yearbook quote was “Nothing lasts
forever.” He was right, of course, yet 61 years later we ARE still friends.
Thanks for your reply.


Your Savant like knowledge and immense participation will be missed, personally though i will take this on as a challenge to work hard to help maintain this active, lively, personable, friendly and absolutely welcoming forum of most awesome group of internet audio geeks :muscle: :fire: :hugs:

Miss you already…:disappointed_relieved:


Don’t think you get a pass or use this as an excuse to leave too :triumph: i’ll hunt you down and drag you back to your computer…I can only take loss in small doses and i still miss @Andy77 :disappointed_relieved:


And before you leave @M0N just let it be known that you really did help build friendships amongst many of us that are blossoming and growing. My wallet may be empty but my soul is full.:hugs:

And dammit i wish i could figure out how to make multiple quotes and combine my posts into one like this polite consideration that is popping up as i type is asking me…i, still technically inept and cant type more than one finger speed…:triumph: come to think of it, nor can i think more than 1 finger speed…:crazy_face:


:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Such a @NickMimi thing to say.


Thank you very much for your continued service

I hope you can chill out


Oof, and I know if there is one person to not cross it’s you.

Dont worry, I am still here. I just wish I had more to talk about on the daily but unfortunately I am happy with my audio gear


A little late on this. But I just wanted to thank @M0N for a lot of things. I tend to be very dramatic, so I will do my best to keep this short and straight to the point.

  • Thank you for the all the post you have made (really help me actually find my true path rather than following the flavor of the month)

  • Thank you for the articles, shit list and Mysphere 3.2. Really help me from falling into pit traps in this hobby and the Mysphere article is still one of the best audio related article I like to read from time to time.

  • Thank you for letting the world know of how great the Mysphere really is. Every time I use this headphone, I am overcome with many emotions which I can’t say anything (even very few things outside this hobby) can do. The Mysphere is truly a game changer headphone to me and I am really glad I got a chance to own this.

  • Thanks for replying on my random exciting blurbs when a new audio product drop when I DM you. It always feel good to get the excitement out of my chest when an audio product release something new and I feel either too embarrassed to talk in public or I feel guilty talking about other people about it.

  • Thank you and @Polygonhell for this website and forum. This is one of the more fun audio forum I ever been in and the atmosphere is very relaxed. I usually like to avoid participating in forums talk and just lurk cause of some weird shyness, but this forum have this weird way of making talk more than I like.

Whatever is your next chapter, I’m sure it’s going to be a fun one. Enjoy life and have fun on whatever next. Thanks for everything M0N!


I feel like that’s become a pretty challenging thing for some, getting sucked into hype and fotm has always been a thing/prevalent but in recent years I think it’s gotten so amplified at times it’s suffocating for newcomers and veterans alike

Thanks, I wish I had the desire and time to write more of them, have a big list of topics and info of potential future articles that never got done, either because of too large of scope, lack of desire, not fitting the forum, and so on. Maybe I’ll still write another one, but that’s going to be pretty hard to do for me now, and also because I should finish all the things I’ve started first as well lol. I actually feel content with the mysphere article in that I’m not constantly adding it or changing it, I’m sure I could but I’ve just let it sit and it doesn’t bother me (then again, I had hundreds of revisions on it still, but that’s nowhere near the thousands on the shit list). The shit list is something I am set on finishing per se, getting everything filled out that I put in, make it more useful for what I put in there, but I won’t be updating it with anything new or probably removing anything either, so more trying to refine what’s there and solidify things.

That was mainly why I needed up writing so much on it lol, I just either couldn’t say anything about it normally, so I wanted to see if I could actually put down how I feel about it, and that ended up being really long lol. I swear that article was actually intended to be at a glance at the start. Felt like I needed to make an article to actually get people to try it, or at least put some info out there, because it’s criminally underrated and ignored, and there’s just not much info out there at all. It’s one of two headphones that will be staying with me, I just can’t give it up lol

Np, and I feel you there lol, sometimes I’ll go to make a post on whatever audio related, and just think “hmmm I should probably keep this to myself lol”

Well I hope it’s an IS and not WAS lol. It’s hopefully not going anywhere anytime soon, and I also hope you’ll stick around as well (if you still want to at least)


I’ll be on tonight if anyone is bored, and I’ll try to continue to get on at least once a week going forward as well (but no idea when lol). I had some nice farmers for dinner lol


Yep, meant to say is and not was. I’ll stick around, but most likely lurking around and then will probably explode into a word vomit when I find something exciting like usual.


I am guessing your schedule may be too busy and chaotic to pin something down, but if there is a specific night out of the week we can schedule a regular TS get together I am all for it. Just not Wednesday, that is D&D night.

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This is why we got along so easy, I have a nice collection of 25mm figures from the 80’s, the good LEAD figurines. Not entire armies but some REALLY nice sets. Maybe some day I’ll get back to painting and building dioramas :cry: I wish there were no need for sleep, I might then have enough hours in a day to get it all done…


@M0N im thanking you for making the best audio forum ever made but because of your situation I forgot something important…

@Polygonhell Thank you very much


To be clear the forums no going anywhere short of one of

  • People not using it.
  • Some unforeseen financial issue.
  • Me dying.

Is this in the right order?


I added one forgotten, but extremely plausible scenario


Oh we know we’re just having Mon’s celebration of life while he’s still here.


I might as well be dead lol, audio is all I’ve got/had anyways lol