T + A Thread, Solitaire P / SE

Thread for T+A headphones


I have a set of Solitaire P as well and I think this review does a pretty solid job explaining what I hear as well. I will say though that I don’t really find my set all that dark overall. They are clearly recessed up to about the ear gain region but I don’t find them dark after that point instead having some pretty solid total extension even If not the most energetic al la HD800S/Utopia.

A feature I don’t feel was covered quite enough in the review though is talking about the way in which they stage. IMO, there the stage background can be split up into two groups. One which stages within pitch blackness. I picture this as the kind of dark club environment where sound comes from all around but in a fairly dense fashion and stage often feels kind of enclosed. I usually find it easier to define stage boundaries with this kind of staging. While some headphone with wider stage do this (susvara) I find it most common with narrow but deep stages (Diana V2, Utopia, HD580/600, most LCDs).

The other staging form is like staging within the environment. I picture this kind of a nice sunny day in the park. Terms like airy, light, and maybe even ethereal come to mind for this one. That is not to say that the background isn’t black though (“blackness of background” isn’t a term I like very much tbh but plenty of stuff with this airer staging has extremely black backgrounds while stuff like HD600 and some LCDs don’t really). Cans that do this well are HD800, D80000 Pro, and most stax. Sometimes this has defined stage width (D8kP) but sometimes it can also mean that images become more diffuse with distance leading to an extremely vast sound regardless of ultimate stage size.

IMO, the solitaire P are the panicle of the latter with estats on WES being the only thing that even competes. When listening to ambient music, while it doesn’t give you the “is that in the room with me?” feel, the stage often feels limitless because of this. So far the Solitaire P are the best headphones I have ever used for ambient music (playlist linked below) and extremely high up the list for lofi as well. They spent quite a long time as my go-to headphone for work music because of this trait.

Ambient Music Playlist: Spotify


I’ve been curious about these. I tend to like a darker headphone, so these are more appealing reading your review/impressions.

I think @sa11297 and @M0N are the only others that I know have heard them. Hopefully they’ll chime in.

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I’ve not heard them, always been curious about them, but never grabbed a pair because I’ve just heard all over the place things from people I know


Ahh, gotcha. I probably just assumed you heard them. :laughing:

I heard @Draaly’s pair. @OneEyedHito has or had one as well.
I thought they were very good but they didn’t offer anything for me that I could not get from the susvara + 1266tc combo.
To me they sounded a bit thin in the midrange, definitely not full or lush to my ear. Maybe more of a v shape or bright signature. Overall very good headphone sonically. I found it extremely uncomfortable, but maybe the headband on the one I tried was faulty or something.


Nah, their fit is dumb. I can 100% see them just not fitting some people