I didn’t know there was a Japanese word for it, but I know the concept. Things can look “too perfect” and a little nudge in the asymmetrical direction looks more pleasing to the eye.
Like Cindy Crawford’ mole, or George Clooney’s lopsided smirk.
I didn’t know there was a Japanese word for it, but I know the concept. Things can look “too perfect” and a little nudge in the asymmetrical direction looks more pleasing to the eye.
Like Cindy Crawford’ mole, or George Clooney’s lopsided smirk.
It actually had sonic benefits. The fabric of clothes has acoustic properties that can absorb certain frequencies and create distortion. If one is really and audiophile then one listens completely nude. Even when wearing headphones.
I would imagine that they would then take it to another level by also shaving their entire body, not unlike a competitive swimmer, to allow the sonic waves to flow more freely around the human form and into the ears with minimal resistance if enjoying 2ch setups and may have benefit for headphone usage as well?
I’m glad you bring this up as there has been some serious discussion around this. I myself am currently experimenting with the cochlea theory and have made some interesting discoveries. Allow me to elaborate:
If you don’t know, we can hear by funneling sounds through our ear canal. The eardrum vibrates and passes the waves onto the ossicles and the cochlea. Did you know the cochlea contains little hair cells? They convert the vibrations into electrical signals and pass them on to the auditory nerve.
The cochlea theory assumes that the hair on our body is a more pronounced variant of the hair cells on the cochlea. As such, it is essential to not shave to truly live through the full-body audio experience.
A smaller part of the cochlea theory also involves the cerumen model. Earwax is a natural process of the body to keep the ears clean and cleaning them with cotton buds does more harm than good. As such, it is assumed that the natural oils our skin produce are also essential for the cochlea theory. I have not washed in two months and, let me tell you, I have never experienced music in such a way.
Sure, my girlfriend has left me, but who needs love when you have music?
AKA a stylus.
It’s to a point where I’m considering having two or more naked people stand in my room to act as diffusers. Oh the things we do for the sound!
Allright now, let’s keep this on topic, otherwise M0N will be forced to move this into the naked audiophile thread.
You aren’t supposed to mention the high class threads publicly…
Standing desk is finished, my desk setup has now been reborn! Bought a butchers block from a local flooring store and the frame from deskhaus. Pretty proud of the deskmat choice; it’s the rug that “really ties the room together” and actually makes my purple/orange dac make sense and matches my Acadia frame.
Joe Hisaishi!
Hey hey, nice! I love seeing a CRT in the setup! (I have a PVM in my office right now that’s shown up in one or two pictures here on the forum.)
I spy Galileo Galilei albums!! nice stuff
Please also note the Fishmans albums!
That really does tie the room together.
Finally decided to redo my setup because I ran out of space, now the cabling a is a lot better and I have space for 2 more large devices, a bha100 will be were the lone rca cable is
Im glad to announce the sorting completely eliminated the bit of noise that my tube amps had
Great setup! You need three of these!
lol, that was my first thought too, though honestly I just let the LED blare in it’s full green glory.
Where can I get those? Is there a cheap amazon option?
I believe they are using Lego’s