Lake People G111 / G103s / RS08

Thread for the various lake people headphone amps

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Generally cleaner no nonsense amps while still being non fatiguing with some smoothness, organicness, and spaciousness. A more macro focus on things with great grip and control with nice impact, great stage width, overall pretty linear, great resolving power, and a bit more relaxed presentation. Great all rounders that do little wrong


DAC pairing recommendations with the G111?

The Revolution DAC has been amazing, but the limited connectivity (USB only, SE only) is becoming a problem in my overall system. I want to keep the neutral sound quality of the revolution DAC, but upgrade to a more full featured DAC.

I tried with BF2 and the detail is great, but everything is leaning more warm than I want.

I was considering an Aries II or a Soekris 1541 / 2541. Is something lower cost like a Soncoz SGD1 worth considering? I don’t mind a sound quality side grade, really just need better connectivity options. But I don’t want to lose the sound quality I have today.

Hmmm if you want to lean more clean and don’t want to jump to the 1k+ range, I’d consider trying to find a used mytek liberty around 500 ish, used benchmark dac2 or dac1 around similar, or an ayre qb-5 or codex around 800/600 ish. All lean more clean forward without getting too harsh, should have plenty of io, and an upgrade over what you have now. But it is pretty worthwhile to consider a 2541 or 1541 in your position imo

J2 is a good cheaper more sidegrade/downgrade alternative

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That’s kinda what I’ve been thinking…

The Revolution + Shanti is so good it’s hard to change for something less. But Maybe a J2 is a good place holder to fix my connectivity issue until I can get the Soekris.

Slightly off topic, but will the Soekris 2541/1541 pair well with a BHC?

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Glad you are enjoying the allo, a j2 would be a good place holder

I think it’s enjoyable, although it does shift the character of the amp more toward neutral and less fun

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Violetric v590/v550/v380/v340 Headphone Amps

done - I took advantage of the Geshelli 10% off deal today. As always, thanks for the recommendation! Once I get it setup I’ll try to do some A / B comparison between the J2 and the Revolution on the G11.


Are you planning to get the G111 mkII?
Also, what’s the difference between the G111 and G105 (Besides the L and R channel balance pot)? Both MKIIs are priced the same.

Not really admittedly since I don’t have much a reason to, but I can if you want me to lol

I actually don’t know, would be curious to find out as well

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No need to haha. Thanks though.
I used to have the G111 mki and liked for what it offered.

From their website:

So the G105 mkII is giving you a huge amount of control over the two outputs either simultaneously or, to some degree, seperately while the G111 mkII does not. I think it would make sense if the G105 mkII is similar to the G103 mkII with added bells and whistles for dual use? Then the G111 mkII as an updated thing apart?

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That would be what I’d guess as well, the 105 looks more aimed at studio use where the balance and dual differing output would come in more handy. I do wonder if they’re talking about pre gain in the first sentence or if the gain of each output can be adjusted. It looks like a more feature rich 103 whereas the 111 seems more purely sq focused for the price

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WaveTheory review is out for the MKII.
TLDR: Overall improvement over the MKI


I’ve seen Burson opamps swapped into some G111. Anyone have some firsthand experience?

So, Lake people G108 with balance headphones out?

Pre-order from B&H:

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G108 looks like a more Hifi leaning variant of the G105