So again i owe gratitude to @M0N for a stupendous recommendation based on my desires and preferences. I spent the day re-wiring some things and positioning speakers as best as my space allows. There is no WAF or nagging in this household currently (no ring on her finger and honestly she doesn’t seem to care
) so I have extreme leeway.
It took a bit of effort to get these (K-horns) tight in the corners, and i will eventually have to come up with a better solution for the one on the left of the picture, there is a partially blocked off window behind it, but the bottom end is tight and punches you in the chest
. The top end is typical of vintage K-horns, bright, airy, and Old school horn sounding, yes these are the metal horns, you either enjoy them or you don’t. These sound very concert like, big bold sound, the bass And midbass punches you, the vocals are vivid, the high’s crisp, i have a small REL sub tuned into the very bottom octaves.
The soundstage is massive, and much taller than any other speaker i own. The sound is rich and full, i absolutely love it. They can crank, like really get loud, louder than I would ever play them even when I’m in the mood for volume. Pure satiation on that front, complete satisfaction.
the imaging is OK, nowhere near as tight as other speakers i own, but i also own particularly good speakers that can image ridiculously tight so I’m spoiled. The interesting thing these do though is Somehow throw some sounds behind you on some songs. I’m not sure WTF that is about but it’s awesome when it happens. I need to pay attention when and which songs do it, I’ve heard it 2 or 3 times today and i’ve had them on several hours so far.
Lastly, i can finally enjoy classical, organ and opera. Hell yeah, that was a massive hole in all my systems that i was getting pissed off i was not able to fill. Songs that absolutely destroy other speakers sound bold and beautiful on these Monsters. The bottom end is so fucking powerful, these are complete speakers! These are full range, 3 way speakers that play every genre w/ authority, Rap…have at it…EDM, pop, hip hop, electronic music, no problems so far they handle it all with aplomb.
If you have room in your home for big speakers, any of the top name or boutique brands, and you don’t have neighbors to annoy, I can whole heartedly recommend adding a pair to your collection. I love all my speakers, but there is something bigger, bolder, more powerful and energetic that the big hoys bring to the table that’s so very satisfying to experience if you can. Happy listening always, I am so happy i just had to ramble on for a while today.
Edit to add: The other really great thing about these is that you have leeway in the listening seat. The sweet spot is many feet wide and is not limited to 24” like many other speakers. I think i can purchase a large couch that comfortably fits 3 amd reclines and center it where it will sound best and use the whole thing. Eventually my OCD dictates that there be some symmetry in the room. I must have a nice symmetrical triangle…