Any comments or experience with these headphones? I see that HiFiman has open box models for $639.00.
Admin note: edited to include all hifiman higher end traditional headphones
Any comments or experience with these headphones? I see that HiFiman has open box models for $639.00.
Admin note: edited to include all hifiman higher end traditional headphones
You should be able to get them for basically that same price brand new on Adorama:
I’ve really enjoyed my first run he6se, although not heard the v2. But closer to the 6 screw he6. Excellent for bass slam and impact, great tonal density, pretty holographic stage, and can be very dynamic if you let it. Resolution is surprisingly good given what they sell at now, but the amp demand is pretty crazy. That’s the biggest catch, you want to have a very nice amp for these, otherwise they will be pretty lackluster
Think the Pro iCAN could drive them OK?
While they could scale higher, as long as you were after a warmer more rich forward and fun side of things, then I think it would drive it reasonably well imo
When you say “a very nice amp” my knees go week, given your point of refence for “very nice”. Can you expand a little on “very nice”? I’m assuming it’s much more than just raw power delivery.
I personally think the right place to be is some of the speaker amps in the 2-3k used range, or perhaps some of the headphone amps in that range as well. Personally I think the minimum to start getting what these cans really deliver is something like a burson soloist 3xp, vio v281, wells milo, pro ican, and it goes up from there. I do think bare minimum you want something at least like a flux fa10 (or potentially cayin iha-6). For speaker amps it can sound good with some of the sub 1k used amps, but I do really think that 2-3k used is the sweet spot for speaker amps
While you can get decent sound out of lower than that, I think you are missing out on a lot. While the price for the can itself has def dropped, the requirements of what they want amp wise really haven’t, so you aren’t in for as much of a value as you would think. It really sucks power yes and while that is a bigger priority to fulfill, it still needs good quality power so you don’t want to sacrifice quality for quality too much (and I think this balance can’t be achieved by some of the more midrange amps)
It sounds like buying a used Porsche or BMW. Yes, you can get a screaming deal on that 5/6/7 year old model, but parts and service are still going to be Stupid expensive!
I am going to start with my Liquid Platinum and then move on the Vio V220 in high gain. And then I will finish with the Pro iCAN.
Thanks, this is very interesting. I fully appreciate that not all watts are created equal, but these range from (roughly) 3W-10W at 50ohm, delivering it at very high quality.
It’ll be interesting with the recent price drop and open box deal if there will be a lot of people disappointed by these…
So they all should be higher than 3, in the case of the burson the numbers are really under reported from other outside testing (and current delivery is also important), most should be around 5 ish where it counts iirc. But this also takes into account synergy and quality as well, not just how much raw power it can push
There already have been (in comparison to higher end cans), and that’s kinda to be expected (because you have people telling them to run them off something like an a90 or 789 or what have you). But it is a good value if you can meet the requirements to drive them well
Yeah, probably not, but a guy can dream! one day… one day…
thanks again!
I just received my fourth set of HiFiman headphones. This time it is the HE6se V2.
Immediate thoughts:
I am starting off with the Liquid Platinum and it is working hard. I am past 3:00, although it is soft music: Steely Dan. Actually, I had to move it closer to 2:00.
Sounds really good to me, but I always fall head over heels in love with most gear for the first few weeks. I get shiny new toy syndrome bad!
Wow - That is something. I never had the pot much past 9:30 before my ears started dripping/ Kind of miss the LP it was a powerhouse and sounds great too.
Have fun with the new Headphones!
I had to dial it back to 2:00 as 3:00 was just too loud.
That is REALLY high on the LP. I have been using my Elex’s on the LP the last few days, as that is one of favourite pairings in the collection. And with those, the LP volume ranges from 8:30 to 9:30, depending on the music.
But these headphones, much like the T60 Argons, REALLY like power.
I have to say, after a few hours, that it is a Very nice combo (HE6se V2 and LP).
I put off my car cleaning for today so tomorrow it will be a car deep cleaning followed by HE6se and Vio V220.
Final Monday notes. I really liked these on the LP. Nice sound. The LP puts out 4.21W at 56 Ohms. They certainly did not “feel” underpowered.
The V220, in high gain, puts out 2.7W at 50 Ohms. Try this out tomorrow afternoon.
Since today is my birthday, I decided to jump ahead and plug these into the iFi Pro iCAN. Wow, these are impressive headphones. While they were good with the other amps, these really shine with the iFi.
Very big/full sound and a pretty wide stage, IMO. The bass is present, but not overpowering at all. The mids are the same, present, but not forward. Just strikes me as well balanced headphones.
I am not a loud listener and starting off with high gain and volume ranged from 10:00-11:00. After a few hours I kept backing it down and ended up around 9:00. I then dropped to mid gain and raised it to about 12:00. Perfect.
It kind of reminds me of my Focal Elex’s. They are not a bassy headphone, they are not a mids monster and they are not real trebly. But they do the whole package very well.
I think these are a keeper. Very curious to compare them to Elex’s and Monoprice M1570’s after I am finished A-B’ing amps.
I bet, the ifi likely really delivers for them
. will be curious to see what you think of them in comparison
What do you think they do better or worse than the Arya’s?
I think the arya’s do have an edge in things like overall clarity, grandness of stage (specifically in verticality), speed and separation. But I think the he6 offers more when it comes to impact and slam, tonal density, linearity, dynamics, and control/grip.
I actually do think they can be tied for resolution and control depending on the amps used but you have to boost the he6 pretty dang high for that
I’d really say different rather than better or worse overall compared to each other. The he6 is a much more traditional headphone in how it goes about things, the arya is more unique, but weigh that how you will. I do think it’s easier to get more out of the arya than it is the he6, but if you keep feeding the he6 you will continue to be rewarded
I noticed that about verticality. The stage is VERY wide, but there is literally no height at all.
And I do get what you say about density (sometimes too much depending on the song). They definitely do impact and slam.
Especially with the Pro iCAN X-Bass and 3D features maxed!
I was going through a best of playlist (2010-2019) and Sitting on the Dock of the Bay came on. It was the Smith and Myers version. I stopped still to listen to every note. Wow!
Could running the he6v2 through a burson funk be a satisfactory combo? considering using the speaker taps
I mean its a very recent product not many people has it, the numbers look good and burson is burson