Headphone/IEM user in Need of DAC + Streamer(maybe)/DDC to pair with Feliks Envy

I am solely a headphone/IEM guy no interest in speakers.

I have a Shunyata Everest to power everything , Feliks Envy 25th AE as amp and my source for everything is my MacBook Pro (band camp streaming & Jriver for library).

I am considering the following:

Aries Cereat Helene
Aries Cerat Kassandra (Used)
MPD-8 + Plink (Plink interests me as it could allow me to forgo a streamer but I am concerned it may be too warm to pair with Envy)
Suggest others

Don’t know much about streamers as of now.

Same as streamer?

I typically prefer a warmish highly resolved signature with deep sub bass quantity, rumble and slam, neutral/slightly forward vocal positioning, inoffensive highs, lifelike vocals, good staging/separation(think Chord Stuff) and high note density-I don’t like light note density. I don’t like bright or harsh sound either.

As far as what type of consumer I am, I typically just buy end game so I can move on and stop doing research forever. Same with IEMs and headphones, I buy a new set every 7-10 years or so. I doubt I’ll buy anything else once I’m done with this current setup.

Any suggestions would be much appreciated.


Welcome to the community!

I would add the Lampizator Poseidon and probably Pacific 3 to your mix. Fits your preferences well.

As for MPD8 - I wouldn’t call it warm and that wouldn’t be a concern personally with Envy imo

The newer Rockna Wavedream Reference can be an interesting option too but very early to say… judging by the older Signature it might not be warm enough for you but it’s definitely not bright.

If you can find a good deal the Ideon Absolute Meta should be high on your list too according to people who’s ears I trust (I haven’t heard it myself).

With a system like yours I would 100% invest in a quality source - my experience would lean to Antipodes or Aurender personally.

What’s your current DAC? What headphones are you using and do you have a total budget in mind for these upgrades?


Currently using Hugo2, yea I’m worried about having too warm a DAC that would make the Envy dark. Current headphones are Raal Magna/Susvara and IEM is PMG APX SE.


I’d throw the newer TotalDAC’s into the mix.
If your looking for a Chord like sound, the Mola Mola skews that way.
And you should probably find a way to listen to some of the higher end DCS stuff.
But that’s a vast range of prices.

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