General Headphone Help/Discussion Thread

Its gonna be like this. Plugging into pc

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I am currently selling this

Price is of course negotiable, but I can’t give it away completely either, of course.

The Emu Rosewood in the shape of the Walnut is a small Tr x00 Purpleheart.
Not necessarily bad, my wife likes to wear it.

Otherwise I would have said the Meze Noir, which is often forgotten.


Asked Wolfgang to join here, he does lots of private headphone reviews, he just shared his dSC Lina experience: open-end music forum (German only)

I LOVE his Envy PhonoAMP: Envy | Feliks Audio … what a beauty :wink:

He does that as hobby, blog of his Top10:


Lina and envy? I want impressions on both!


just read through the conclusions of the HM1 and Envy, thinking the same, bring him in lol!


I’m mulling over the following as potential picks for a complimentary wide & warm closed set that’s competitive with TOTL-tier technicalities. Current closed sets include the LCD-XC ('21) and the soon-arriving Emu TH900 driver-swap Teaks (I know what the TH900 mk2 sounds like from previous pair, though). Curious about anyone’s experience with these :

  • Hifiman R10P (cons - cup resonance issues)
  • ES Labs ES-R10
  • ZMF Verite Closed (might come off too strong for what I want, but that can always be tempered with source chain)
  • Kennerton Rognir
  • ZMF TBA “Atrium Closed” that’s in the works atm (iirc Zach is tuning them to be more neutral)
  • DCA Stealth (this is likely not what I’m looking for)

My dream closed set would be how the D8KP sounds on the Milo/ warm solid-state.


While the Verite Closed don’t have anywhere near the technical abilities of the Fostex they are/can be fairly warm with the right gear and they are generally pleasing to listen to with fun slam as a whole. But the reason I got rid of them is that the price got to me, 2k for the sound just felt like too much. It just seemed more reasonable to step down in technical abilities to get something that’s priced more appropriately or find somewhere else to go in that range. It’s a good headphone but to me it’s been tainted (for me) by its price vs performance. It is a generally good sounding headphone though!
That’s the only one I have experience with lol.
The rognir does look interesting however, both the cheaper dynamic and I believe they have a planar that’s way more expensive.


I dont know your feelings on focals but the Radiance and Stellia may be worth looking into as well.

so I’m trying to think if I really end up moving away from my Susvara and TC to one cheaper pair what are my options and does it make sense… I came up with the list below. Prices are my own observations of used market prices.

What headphones am I missing to consider? am I really wrong about any price or should I reconsider any of my directions?

some background - if I have to pick one of the two I have, it’s the susvara easy. For what I’m looking for in any other headphone - be similar to sus, bass > mids > treble, detail > stage kind of.
Curent dac is Wavedream, current amps are Enleum and WA33. Love all of these to death. Might need to sell, will want to keep similar sound sigs and synergy.

used market would I change?
1266tc 4000 have it
susvara 3600 have it
lcd5 2800 probably not, not enough savings
elite 2800 probably not, not enough savings
utopia 2020 2800 maybe for easier to drive and save cash? but picky with gear
he1k-se 2500 maybe for easier to drive and save some cash, treble harsh?
atrium 2300 strong maybe for easier to drive and save some cash
empyrean 1900 probably not, too bloomy
verite 1900 probably not, prefer atrium
he1k-v2 1600 maybe?
rad0 1500 probably not, too rare
mm500 1500 maybe? don’t know enough
hd800s 1100 probably not because not enough bass
arya v3 950 strong maybe
lcd-x 850 probably not, needs EQ, too heavy, better go with Arya
warwick ?
d8k ?

EDIT: intentionally don’t have the Focal Clear (not comfortable) and Mysphere (looking for regular headphones currently)

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Mysphere 3.1 and 3.2 are missing from your list


I knew that’ll come up. It’s not what I’m looking for at the moment but thank you!

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Th900/909, LCD-24/2.2PF, Grados PSK/2K/RSX? Not exactly sure synergy wise on current chain, but should be decent with all, I think. HE6 could be an interesting option too. Staying away from Kennerton? AWKT/AWAS/W5k/ADX5K possibly, but might be similar to 800s for lighter than preferred bass.


Tfw no jeklin float, HE Audio Jade, or take t2

Don’t really think the float is competitive with many of the aforementioned cans (and bass sucks ass and bad midrange), og jade could be cool but you’re really rolling the dice to get one, and I have no idea if they even are a decent value anymore (signature wise it’s also questionable). On a more serious suggestion to add what about a he60 if you want to consider stats, or a 007 2.9?

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Your price on utopia is wildly off. Ive never paid more than 2k flat for a set and they are dropping rapidly with the new one out.

Also: Soli P (3800) and D8K OG (2000) should be on this list. D8KP is ~2800 used and bravura setup is ~5k total

I was 100% takin the piss with those.

Great reqs. 009S is also starting to become real good value now too. I would add that if estats are actualy on the list. CRBN is also amazing (assuming your heard shape doesnt make it fart like crazy)

I’d just pick the 007 out of signature and focus in this case, imo I prefer the bass on the 007 over the 009 (but 009 for most else), but 007 are just plain cheap used. HE60 amazing midrange and also solid bass so another reason why I mentioned that one (but prices are climbing)

009S for me has some weird atraction to it. Like if i had to describe it i would be pretty harsh, but every time i use it i end up smiling and happy. Its like the nostalgia of the shitty food you ate growing up. Its not good, but i realy do enjoy it evey time i use it

I think for me it’s really just the technical ability that pulls it through, but it’s just somewhat energizer picky to where imo they don’t sound that good off most amps

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This is very true. Bhse works great tonaly cause it was built specificaly for yhem. Aic->iesl was like 3 steps up technicaly but a step back tonaly, and z10e was good but not the way i remeber them so it was wierd

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