Earsonics iem thread, Grace / Onyx / Corsa / Stark / Blade / Purple / Velvet / ES

Since i got the Graces in today i thought id make a new topic thread

-Only a couple hours in and im really enjoying them off my lgv50 (qp2r should be here tomorrow)
-Versitle with lots of genres
-Very nice response with bass and mids, treble is lacking some extension, but its a nice soft detaled though, so its still there.
-Stage wise, pretty awesome for an IEM.
-Timbre, Stage, and Presentaion im really liking…but again its only been a couple of hours :stuck_out_tongue:
-Cant wait to hear them off the qp2r and also have a 2.5mm DHC Symbiote SE coming in soon.


Admin note: edited to include all earsonics iem


Damn, yea these are sounding very good, would say the mids(really great for bass guitar and vocals) and staging(good balance of depth and width)are the most impressive so far. Bass at times are really prominent, and the drum hits have nice slam with it.


The grace is a really sweet set, especially for how much they go for on the secondhand market. Criminally underated imo. Glad you are enjoying them!

Up until recently it was the best out of the all BA sets I’ve heard. Very warm and organic sounding, fantastic bass for a ba with good impact and speed. Sweet midrange with great tonality and body, lots of range on vocal placement within the stage. Highs extend but not very much, just enough to get a little air in the upper treble but never harsh while being very smooth without impacting overall technicalities. Just a all around enjoyable IEM.


For real! Very pleasing just off my phone lol

I heard/read so much about the graces, but I’ve mainly skipped over iems for the most part. I saw these for $850 and thought it was worth a shot

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yes that’s a great price, really a steal. Also i didn’t catch the first time around that you were running off of your phone… in that case you should be in for a treat, I did all my listening with the QPM and it had really good synergy with the grace, so the qp2r should be a great match as well

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I wish these had a DD in them, I love the sound but a bit more dynamic slam would be super nice. Maybe after getting the p6p I’ll need to sell up and upgrade the Graces and MMR to get something with a DD :thinking: (Thummim would be super nice if I could get one)


these look really nice :grin:


Bunch of reviews have dropped for the onyx and it seems like they are being well received! Although there is one review that sticks out like a sore thumb lol

I think they could make a pretty nice EDC for the money, I will have to pay attention to the used market for a good deal on these.