Document your HiFi setup(s)?

Hi fellows,

I’d like to start this thread, how I’m documenting my setups.

Let’s talk nerdy, as I’m a huge lover of GitHub (as well all my websites using GH Pages/Jekyll framework) :smiley:

  • I use the free GitHub (GH) Repos (before I used the awesome App)
  • using regular markdown language & mermaid diagrams
  • just create an GH user, create your first public or private Repo and start documenting
  • easy to use browser based editor to edit your markdown files
  • no accidentially delete, everything is based on git + history (commits)
  • you need to use the file extension .md so that GH is rendering the file correctly
  • Here my example (its public, so you can just click on ‘code’ to see the markdown I’m using, to get confident on the syntax: my setup docs

:thinking: at first i had NO idea what the heck all those foreign-to-me words you used meant. Then i clicked the link and said, OH, :flushed: this is some way of keeping notes. Unfortunately i don’t type so mashing my fingers on the screen of my tablet is an annoyance i don’t care for so i am uploading my notes on my system for comparison. This way folks know they still have the option to do things the old fashioned way using pencil and paper. :muscle:

My notes are not as pretty but they too are a viable method of documentation, helping me remember what all the thingies do, what they cost, performance metrics and such :muscle: :grimacing:

Good work @gerihifi , thank you for the links and stuff too.


It’s art, if you squint


This all makes sense and it’s probably a fun project, but honestly, I just keep the mermaid code saved in my notes app, lol. Whenever I want to edit it (which isn’t often, my setup hasn’t changed in the past year), I paste it into, make the edits, and paste it back into my notes app.

EDIT: Funnily enough, I could probably stand to have something to keep better tabs on what I’m NOT using instead of documenting my current setups!