Audeze headphone thread, LCD 2 / 3 / X / 4 / 5 / 24

Another 2pf owner here. Driving it with a BF2>Questyle CMA800R. I had a set a little while ago, sold it, and pretty much instantly regretted it, so I just recently got another set. After trying many things at this point I can confidently say I will always keep this set around.


I currently have both versions of the focal clear and I cant live without OG vocals but I also cant live without MGs lower end prescence.

Do you think a lcd2pf could make a good clear MG replacement? Im looking for a relaxed yet fun and engangin presentation that makes an impactuful bass statement just like the mg or the elex.

I previoulsy “liked” the lcd2c but it didnt have the big bass and fun factor, it was not good for the price to be honest.
I also really liked the lcd x 2020 I had for 3 days, no qualms, better in everything but feels like its less of an audeze house sound that the 2c (closer to a normie tuning lol)

Will be driven with burson funk. He6se and lcd xc are my other contenders.

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I don’t know if you’ve tried this yet, but whenever you get the chance, try putting the OG earpads on the MG and see what you think. That combo is kind of a compromise of the traits of both.

(No comment on the LCD2, I’ve never actually heard one. o.o)

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I haven’t heard the OG Clear, but I’d say the MG is a bit more dynamically lively and forward than the 2pf, with more slam. The imaging of the MG is a bit more holographic and is a little narrower from memory as well, though the MG is the widest of the Focals I’ve heard (MG, Elex, and Elegia). Finally, the air region of the MG ime is a more extended and energetic than the 2pf.

Hope that helps.


The Mg replaced the 2PF for me even though they’re very different.

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This is a lot better than how I can put it! I struggled to describe as the two are too different for me to compare


now im put in even more doubt lol, maybe ill keep the MG instead and get something that better replaces the og clear, already got some similar cans I guess.

I still have a very strong impression of the time I used the lcd x though, as if it was as good as the mg but less intimate, didnt had that much time to compare though.

Good or Bad?
The directly answer from Audeze after the Dan Clark Stealth.
Why 14 ohms?
And the Price ouuufff.
The pads looking good maybe an Upgrade for the older models from Audeze?


I don’t think so given it’s open back and stealth is closed. Likely targeting d8000 pro, 1266, susvara, etc.

My guess is something to do with the new parallel uniforce driver tech. Audeze has a few models that are high efficiency like 24 and 4z so they’re not strangers to that concept.

I’m sure some people will try it but I’d be surprised if these became stock on all models. My guess is it would pretty drastically change them sonically.

Other things worthy of note is their blazingly low weight (420 g) and the complete redesign of the whole package. It’ll be interesting to hear more about these.


Audeze said no, the new pads were designed for and only used on the LCD-5. They will not be available for other models.

There are many seemingly subtle differences - the truth is the LCD-5 is not a replacement or new iteration of the LCD-4 the 5 is a whole new headphone.


It looks pretty sweet. Definitely interested in hearing others thoughts once it drops now that I am dipping my toes in TOTL headphones


I still think they could of found something nicer than the tortoise acetate.

The ear pads look a little Abyss, kind of scooped out inside probably to make more room.

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Purchased earlier today, hope its good. (3 week wait though)


Noiceee will be curious to see what you think of them. I’m sure I’ll be able to get my hands on a pair at some point as well (along with the crbn), will be very curious to see how it goes


ooh! Look forward to your impressions. I actualy hold some fairly high hope for these tbh

well be a long time before it gets to me. sending it to a few ppl first but at least one is a reviewer, so we should get some impressions of the sound


Btw, ty for the community service of always sending shit out to others and reviewers.


TBH, I am looking forward to the LCD-6 which should be right around the corner.


For those who like YT reviews:


My LCD-5 came today. Got this through their trade in program where I sent my b-stock LCD-4z that I got through their black friday sale. Ended up paying 2500 for these. Here are some pictures. If you think I should start a new thread for LCD-5 impressions let me know and I can do that too.

Impressions so far are positive. They are comfy and I don’t get a hotspot on my head like I did with my LCD-4z. The clamp is a bit more than I’d like but it’s really not bad. It’s similar to the Ether CX and a bit less then the 6xx.

I will compare these to my 1266 TC later but right now some initial impressions are that they have nice forward vocals. Bass is good and controlled with nice texture. Quantity might be a bit less then the 4z and definitely less than the 1266. The tonality is pleasing and I don’t find them to be bright or fatiguing in any way. Just some quick thoughts and will have some comparisons up later today or this week.

Edit: Cable is a Norne Silvergarde S3-C