Alternative RAAL headphone amp


New to the forum. After tried RAAL in the Canjam London, I am sold. I want to get one. But get a bit confused by the headphone amp. The RAAL one’s are too expensive and too big for me right now. So I am thinking to run Jot R to it. Will Jot R be good enough? Or if there’s other solution to use the interface box. My budget will be around 1k in the second hand market.



I would not use Jot R if you dont need to. The new adaptor box (the 1a and 1b) can be run super well off of normal headphone amps. Mind if i ask your budget, current chain, and if you are going ca-1a or sr-1b? Once we have those answers we will be able to help with more specific recomendations


On the Jot R, good enough is something only you can answer, I know @sa11297 has tried both the Jot and the RAAL HSA-1B.
There is a newer option for a transformer T1A and T1B, which will let you use any headphone amp in the 3W+ range. It’s what I would do.
I have a ca-1a on order with the T1B, my understanding is they might ship this week here.


Hi, I am going to run CA1A. My amp budget would be 1k USD in the second-hand market. But better on the budget end as I am moving soon from my apartment, less stuff to carry.

My chain is RS6-> Amp → CA1A

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I knew, but I sold my Soloist 3xp already and my desktop dac(holo spring 2) since I am on the plan to move. That’s the problem. Jot R is portable and cheap enough. So I am trying to do that atm and run it for a short term before I settle down to get a HSA-1A/1B

While I haven’t heard the new raal, and haven’t heard the headphone transformer box, I wonder if something like a bryston bha-1 would be a good pick considering the value they provide used. Not huge but it is larger for sure, if you wanted the smallest least bulky option in your budget I do think the jot r likely is the only choice, but I’d bet it’s probably not as good as the bryston + headamp box. Personally I thought the jot r was ok but with my experience from the sr1a + speaker tap box and a nice speaker amp or the hsa1b was significantly better and definitely worth the extra expenditure

Isn’t raal making a more budget ribbon amp? or is that only for dynamics, I don’t remember

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Get that 1k gsx-mini on headfi. Super easy choice at that budget

Cheap one is for conventional cans. For ribons its just jot, hsa-1b, and that 6.5k tube amp

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Also, I may consider a speaker amp to run. But so far, I guess jot R is a good start point

Ok. I guess I will start with Burson Funk using the speaker output to drive it. Wish it got enough power

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Ill look forward to your impressions!

I thought the Jot-R would be the answer but I found it lacking and returned it immediately. I went for the HSA1-b and have been extremely happy. The Raal SR1a needs the right amp to bring out their outstanding performance IMHO.


True unfortunately of many high end headphones.
I’d like to hear the HSA1-B at somepoint, to compare it to the TI-1B with a high end amp.


I have tried the SR1a’s with a several speaker amps, and have found that I prefer the HSA-1B.