New to the forum. After tried RAAL in the Canjam London, I am sold. I want to get one. But get a bit confused by the headphone amp. The RAAL one’s are too expensive and too big for me right now. So I am thinking to run Jot R to it. Will Jot R be good enough? Or if there’s other solution to use the interface box. My budget will be around 1k in the second hand market.
I would not use Jot R if you dont need to. The new adaptor box (the 1a and 1b) can be run super well off of normal headphone amps. Mind if i ask your budget, current chain, and if you are going ca-1a or sr-1b? Once we have those answers we will be able to help with more specific recomendations
On the Jot R, good enough is something only you can answer, I know @sa11297 has tried both the Jot and the RAAL HSA-1B.
There is a newer option for a transformer T1A and T1B, which will let you use any headphone amp in the 3W+ range. It’s what I would do.
I have a ca-1a on order with the T1B, my understanding is they might ship this week here.
Hi, I am going to run CA1A. My amp budget would be 1k USD in the second-hand market. But better on the budget end as I am moving soon from my apartment, less stuff to carry.
I knew, but I sold my Soloist 3xp already and my desktop dac(holo spring 2) since I am on the plan to move. That’s the problem. Jot R is portable and cheap enough. So I am trying to do that atm and run it for a short term before I settle down to get a HSA-1A/1B
While I haven’t heard the new raal, and haven’t heard the headphone transformer box, I wonder if something like a bryston bha-1 would be a good pick considering the value they provide used. Not huge but it is larger for sure, if you wanted the smallest least bulky option in your budget I do think the jot r likely is the only choice, but I’d bet it’s probably not as good as the bryston + headamp box. Personally I thought the jot r was ok but with my experience from the sr1a + speaker tap box and a nice speaker amp or the hsa1b was significantly better and definitely worth the extra expenditure
Isn’t raal making a more budget ribbon amp? or is that only for dynamics, I don’t remember
I thought the Jot-R would be the answer but I found it lacking and returned it immediately. I went for the HSA1-b and have been extremely happy. The Raal SR1a needs the right amp to bring out their outstanding performance IMHO.