You’re ready to have your first custom IEMs made, or maybe you’ve found a great deal on a used custom set and need to have it reshelled to universal…who are the reputable services, and who should you shy away from? Will they reshell any IEM, or only their own? Is it customary to tip for reshelling service? How much should I expect it to cost?
These are certainly a few of the questions that have crossed my mind, and having made it most of the way through the process now, I still don’t have all he answers.
What are your experiences, and what tips or advice do you have for finding the right ‘fit’?
So I’m still going through my first reshell to custom experience with Jomo on a used set of Jomo Quatres I got that had previously been reshelled as universal by ItsFit. In the prior reshelling process, somehow one of the drivers got dented, and the modular bass venting system (ACU) was closed off. All of this discovered during the repair/reshell once I sent it to Jomo.
That said, I’ve generally heard pretty good things about ItsFit in my limited research, but I probably wouldn’t send anything to them in the future myself unless I just wanted to have a set of ‘cheap’ customs of a basic IEM.
Price seems to range a good bit, from $150 to $400 for a basic reshell, and generally seem to require shipping halfway around the globe (from the US). Add the cost of professional ear impressions and you’re into the $200-$250 range at the lower end. Mine required additional repairs and driver replacement, so ended up a bit higher than that range, and on the PayPal invoice there’s a place to add a tip. Is that normal/expected?
I haven’t gotten them back yet, but the pic looks good.
I’m surprised they have taken this long to come back to you since mine were within a week of them getting the impressions from me. I’d imagine its probably something to do with the fact that the Hakas I got are single BA, but I wouldn’t have expected the Quatre reshell to take this long. I do know they are in the process of basically a whole lineup change.
I’ve seen good things about itsfitlab too although never tried them myself, I know they tend to prefer only all BA sets to reshell.