It’s been a long year, but I think I’m finally done… Made some slight changes: Move some furniture so nothing next to or behind the speakers are at ear level. An all absorption panel treated room in my room felt a little dull, so I wanted to lively things up. I ripped out the ceiling absorption panel clouds and replaced them with the DIY diffuser panels dB_Cooper recommended a while back and those provided better results than an all absorption panel room. The DIY diffuser panels provided me a more spacious sounding soundstage especially at the side soundstage for both stage left and stage right and there is more liveliness in the music with this change.
I think I’m finally at that point in my journey where I think to myself, “What do I do know?” I can always upgrade the B4B DAC to the Pro or upgrade my Ultra 2.0 poweramp to an Ultra 2.0 DMC. But I just don’t feel motivated to spend more when this current system feels perfect to me. I think I will just chill and finally just enjoy my system without worrying about tweaking anything. It’s the least I could do after spending a year on experimenting on placement, room treatment, and moving furniture.
Happy listening to everyone!