Preparing for the MR custom shop. Any thoughts?

I have found the Headphone, and I can just call it the Goosebumps 1266tc. So much (((SOUL))), emotion, and enjoyment I can’t get enough. I put it down to do my things and I miss it.
The scale this thing delivers with that subbass, how big the vocals are, and instruments hitting with a proper amount of crispiness, that physical bass…
Thankfully I don’t feel any weirdness with the midrange and don’t feel I need to correct anything there. This headphone is famous for its bass but I’m in love with its treble, makes everything alive, so good and tasteful.
All of the above clicked when I added the Genalex Gold Lion to the Aic10, it doctored the amp for me from a cow to a bull. I wanted a new tube so I don’t have to rely on rare pricey NOS tubes until I finish adding everything to the chain for the headphone I choose and tried many of the famous ones, and this one just sealed the deal for me that it gets me worried if I change anything I ruin the synergy I’m enjoying right now.
This experience is everything I wanted from listening to headphones. I’m looking no more and now all I have to do is turn it up from here. I got so used to wearing it and found a secure position with the right bass, wearing any other headphone feels weird in comparison lol. If this dies, I’m buying another one and another one.
What a relief.
This is something that i feel people don’t take the time to understand before they start bashing the 1266s, you can have an overly exaggerated and fun bass if you rotate the pads in a way the seal is completely broken and have a perfectly flat and controlled bass response, i mean, it can even become a bit bright and boring if you get the pads to really seal 100%.
These require a bit of a commitment from the user, and they deliver in a level not many other cans do once you get things right.
I am in a phase right now where i am enjoying them with a better seal and less bass, imo they are really versatile.
1266 TC has a lot of good things going for it, and if you’re the right type of listener for it - there won’t be anything quite like it. But for the people who don’t find it comfortable or can’t ignore it’s shortcomings in the midrange, it’s almost impossible to use long term.
In my opinion - that’s exactly how TOTL headphones should be designed, you simply can’t be excellent at everything and have a purposeful design is the way to go.
A curious statement as I see it exactly the opposite. A TOTL should be as close to faultless as possible. It should be the pinnacle of sound. Why pay more for imperfections? But, to each his own
While I agree with this statement as the end goal, my experience hasn’t led to me to a headphone that can do that. I don’t think you’re paying for imperfections, I think you’re choosing the one perfect for you.
I believe it is because some preferences and priorities lead to conflicting design decisions that lead to being better at one thing over the other. Flagship headphones are excellent at most things, and generally speaking a step or two above lesser headphones on all categories across the board.
When you’re really chasing the last few percentages of performance though, that’s when what they are a little less good becomes more noticeable.
This is by the way the same in my mind with system building as a whole, not only the headphone part. I gave up on the goal of having one system that can do everything. I still insisted on having one system, so I compromised on what it can do. Still almost perfect for me.
I’m very much in the inverst everything in one system camp (yes I have 2), the compromises on 1 system costing 2x as much are going to be less that those on 2 systems costing 1/2 as much.
One thing I think that’s glossed over is that the higher end systems get the more different they tend to sound, you can have 3 systems that all sound better in every category than a cheaper system and yet they still emphasize certain aspects of reproduction and that becomes readily apparent in their signature.
I don’t like the 1266, just can’t get past the Treble presentation, to the point I wouldn’t even put it in my top 5 headphones at this point. But if Bass is your driving motivation, it’s hard to beat, it’s just a very unique visceral presentation.
I’m not sure I agree all TOTL headphones should be quite so compromised, but I agree it deserves it’s place in the TOTL’s and for some it’s going to be the most appealing one.
the way I view it is that a TOTL can has to know what its design goals are. Be that balance, bass, flow, stage, or any combination of those. I have found TOTL cans that are lacking in several areas, but never one that wasnt sure of what it wanted to be.
Shows how different our ears are and should always listen for yourself. Maybe I didn’t hear a better one but I love the treble, how crisp clear and forward it is but never harsh. That and the bass just made the headphone for me.
I’ve heard from many that AIC10 and 1266 TC is a perfect match, I’ll try and get one to demo with Levante…
If I were to point to a TOTL it would be the Sus and HE-1. Regardless of individual preferences, those two headphones are universally regarded (with a small minority of detractors) as doing just about everything right and better than the others.
Therefore, "TOTL"s that require a specific unique preference in order to be enjoyed are just expensive headphones with too many compromises.
But anyway, just sharing an opinion and we all know what opinions are like.
Yes it’s not the Forwardsness, Crispness or Harshness I have an issue with.
I’ve discussed what I hear from them Ad Nauseum.
Mine haven’ t been out of their box in probably 6 months.
But as you say people value different things in reproduction, and what I like isn’t what other people do.
The only issue i would have with the 1266 soundwise would be that excessive energy around 1200hz, makes the mids sound unnatural to my ears, but then again i use EQ for all of my cans and that is the simplest correction there is, so not a problem at all for me.
I respect those who don’t like EQ but i think it is a shame that lots of people end up discarding the 1266 because of that one trait (i know a few people who thinks that is the only problem), it has so much to offer once you fix that…
and now i want one so bad haha
Have a 1266 TC on its way to me from a friend to try out with my new setup (just a loan). It’s been a long time since I owned my set and a lot has changed in my gear so this will probably be like discovering them from scratch again. Big excited as they supposed to synergize really well with Riviera.
How did this go? I have a 1266 tc on the way.
Not sure exactly what these new rings will do but they could be at CanJam.
The mention of vegan suede leads me to believe that these are for ear pad attachment.
Maybe it’s a newer pad attachment design?
Yeah, just wondering if they’ll have the options like the Dianas. Ported and non-ported, with multiple materials.