Streaming VS local file playback & digital source quality

My experience, both on the Lumin U1 mini:

Local files on a usb plugged into the back of the Lumin > Qobuz streaming. It was tested with the same No More Tears anniversary release, most likely the same master but I couldnt confirm.

The local file sounded more solid. I dont know how else to describe it, like it was more physically present. With that said, I wouldnt of found a fault with the Qobuz streamed version if I didnt have a direct A/B or wasnt splitting hairs.


I decided to take part. What I found using a Node (the new one) as a streamer and dac comparing local vs tidal both over wifi the local file had a bit more dimensionality and tidal smoothed over everything slightly.

Pretty interesting because I thought I wouldn’t notice much difference if any. Especially using just a Node. Nothing wrong with a Node, I love the thing, but much less resolving, refined etc than higher end streamers/dacs.

Both sound good but definitely a noticeable difference to my ears. I prefer the sound I hear from the local files but that’s subjective obviously.


have you tried the same experiment with running the node only as a streamer plugged to a DAC?
I rarely used the Node as a DAC but had do this week while waiting for my new one to come in and it was more pronounced differences than I remembered…

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No I haven’t. The only other dac I have is the one in the Parasound P6 which I found comparable in technicalities with the Node. So it didn’t make sense for me to bother with trying.

Edit: I do plan on getting a dac but living with the Node has been fine really. I must’ve forgotten what the yggy, amber 3 and others sound like lol

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Would be interesting to get soome opinion on real top streaming servers like Antipodes, Grimm Audio Mu1 etc.

Even I’m a big fan of streaming only, for sure local DSD/PCM files from decent streaming servers are a different story on quality. Only had ones the pleasure with a modified Linn Klimax System Hub - impressive.

Like M0N said, some people a very, very into this audio pc topic :wink: in the German aktiv-hoeren. forum they do share stuff which is for me not worth anymore for listening to music - pure perfection of data stream :wink:



I currently use a former flagship (CX/EX combo) and as I mentioned earlier, I primarily listen to local and never looked back.

With that being said though, it is certainly nothing to write home about. I have tried both and there is a slight improvement in fullness/density and texture, but if you prefer the convenience or the discovery of streaming, keep at it.

I have certainly heard a larger difference and impact in cables, tubes, getting off the PC, etc compared to using local files only.

…but… it comes to show that everything matters (including my ethernet cable when using local files… :crazy_face:)


I’m not buying that. Apple Music introduced high-res lossless streaming last year in the middle of the pandemic, at the height of the supply chain problems.

Granted, Apple is sitting on WAY more cash to make things happen than Spotify, but streaming audio is Spotify’s only business. It must have relationships with hardware vendors to accommodate its huge user base.

I’m not a big conspiracy theory guy, but I believe Spotify is slow-rolling the debut of its high-res files on purpose, waiting to see if enough of its user base REALLY wants it enough to justify the expense of infrastructure to support high-res files. I stand by my claim that 95 percent of the Spotify user base doesn’t know what high-res audio is, couldn’t tell the difference between it and a 320 kbps MP3 file and/or doesn’t have the gear to discern the difference.


Its not the release date that matters, its when they placed the order. These kind of orders (I have this picture in my head that its a pretty big one but could be wrong ofc) are placed/discussed 6-24 months in advance and probably available months before the release. Maybe Spotify was hoping they could put some pressure on vendors, like they probably can in normal times, but if their move was triggered by the apple wake-up call it was way too late. Middle of pandemic shortages started to show and hardware vendors were putting quota on orders. Nobody wanted to sell all they had to 1 customer and risk losing all the rest. They’re maybe famous but they’re far from the bigger companies (and budgets) in the world and these also need hardware (and put pressure).

I also don’t see why Spotify would not want to go high-res. You’re absolutely right about the 95% and spotify not in a hurry but the market has decided its going there. Now spotify is behind and waiting is a risk as it could increase the effort needed to close the gap. It’s not like whoever is deciding is paying this out of his own pocket and I trust they will take the logical decision in this matter.

Anyways, just my 2 cents, there is no right or wrong, we don’t know and there are many more scenario’s possible, yours is as good as mine. I’m just of the opinion there is a reason and if spotify is healthy then unwillingness of spotify seems unlikely, it doesn’t make sense from a business point of view, at least not mine.

Btw, I only use Spotify for family and in the car so the Spotify high-res is the least of my concerns actually :slight_smile:

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That’s not a conspiracy theory. That seems like a sound business practice on the part of Spotify. Good thought!

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Can’t get anything Qobuz to play either through Roon or through the Qobuz client. It simply sits there waiting. Loging on and browsing through either client is not a problem however. Curious if anyone is seeing a similar issue before I go rebooting shit and piss my wife off because the internet went down for 1.5 minutes.

EDIT: I can play all my local files however. :slight_smile:


Calling in from California, I’m streaming Qobuz right now through Roon (and an album I’ve never heard before, so it wouldn’t be cached) and everything’s working okay for me, so their west coast servers seem to be working?


i’ve had something similar with tidal, rebooting roon core was enough to fix it.

My thought exactly but it’s happening using the Qobuz client outside of the Roon ecosystem. I’ll reboot my router tonight.

Can you use the Qobuz web client? all the clients do basically the same thing.
The actual audio streams aren’t even secured, the client generates a temporary link and anything will play it.


good idea, let me try that.

Weird, didn’t touch anything and it fixed itself. Clicked on the Qobuz client and it worked, went back to Roon and it worked. ¯\ (ツ)


Should anyone be interested, NativeDSD sent me a link to this library of DSD/FLAC samples


Ooh, 32 vs 24 bit recording, now that’s something!

I think I hear differences between 24 and 16 bit PCM, generally I find it more significant than 96 vs 48KHz, BUT I’m also pretty sure in all cases the 24 bit masters I have are mixed down differently and tend to retain more dynamic range, so it’s not a fair comparison.
I’ve seen very little 32 bit PCM.

Yeah likewise, I’m actually glad to see that more and more of the content I get even from Bandcamp downloads is 24/44 bit, there is a dynamic benefit and it’s worthwhile. I’ve actually never come across something 32 bit though.

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