Short High End DAC Comparison PT.1 & PT.2, Source Gear Progression, and General Thoughts

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Needs to be redone, don’t know if I stand by this as much as I do the other 2
PT.2 now live and public, also an article


PT2: Short High End DAC Comparison, PT.2 – Sonvs Apparatvs

PT3: Short High End DAC Comparison PT3: The Final Frontier (for me) – Sonvs Apparatvs

It was posted before but I will repeat it. This is a darn good write up and the effort to organize and slap down the layout on forum tools still amazes me. Between this and the Lampzator Owners thread you all may have me bookmarking some new items on hifishark.


On here I can now fit it into a single post, just had to set the post limit to 150k characters lol. Decided to copy this post over so that when I get the chance to do pt.2 there’s some context lol

Lol sorry about that


Any thoughts on ps audio gain cell DAC? Probably going to spend more on new DAC but I’ve heard from some friends who know my sound preferences that I may really like it (and it would save me some money which I could use for another pair of headphones or more tubes to roll for my 5 tube amps)…I have a Bifrost 2 (which I like a lot) and just keep bouncing all over the place with a list of DACs and the more I research, the more I can’t pull the trigger on one. I mainly listen with my pendant tube amp and prefer ZMF, Focal and Senn headphones. Sorry to ramble. Oh…really like this web (thanks Mon)

I had one for a bit, I thought it was alright but nothing stand out, but I do think it could potentially have the sound you are looking for. I do think it could potentially be more advantageous to look for a used perfectwave (1.5-2k used) or directstream (2k+ used) as I think that would be a much more substantial upgrade with a sound sig you would be after if you want to look into the ps audio dacs imo

No worries lol


As always, much appreciated. Your library vast knowledge of audio is truly amazing. The only thing I know is 19th C Brit Lit…which is good since it is my job…lol.

Again, thank you for the input.


So finally decided what will be the next comparison (max retail price 5k):

La Voce S3
Amber 3
Terminator II
Hugo TT2
Yggy A2
Rockna Wavelight
Bricasti M3

I would want to add a few more but I want to limit size a bit, and also since this is off of memory (unlike the previous comparison) I don’t have enough time with some of the other things I’d want to add for me to be confident. Some potential contenders that might get swapped out below:

Standby List: Crane Song Solaris Quantum, Exogal Comet Plus, XI Sagra, PrimaLuna Evo 100 DAC, Dangerous Music Convert 2

There are others I’d want to add but for this one I would like to do things that are currently still produced and also keep retail capped at 5k even if it could be found used for less

Also as a note, I do not personally like the termi nor the hugo, but will include it since they are popular choices (and I burned some of my own money for that termi to try it, so I’m not going to let that fully go to waste lol)

Format wise it’s going to be much shorter and not as detailed/direct comparison-ey as previous because it’s off memory, but I do feel confident enough to make some basic technical comparisons


Yes, this list has a lot of pieces I was interested in if I take that next step. The write ups are always interesting but I will take special note for this one.


Previous list was a cool read, but thus one im genuinely hyped for. More of within my budget than the last one was :joy:

Owning a Amber 3 Dac and loving it I have been looking at something else even better that can punch harder, in bass and dynamics. The TotalDac seems like it is up my alley. Is the Treble a problem with it though @M0N? As I am treble sensitive.

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I was also a former Amber owner and lover. I loved the traits and signature enough that I upgraded in the Lampi line. Perhaps, you may consider the same thing? They have a generous trade-up program if go through them too.

Although note: I debated about upgrading to a Baltic 3 or TRP through them, but landed a smoking used deal on something higher than that.

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In that case, I do think a totaldac d1-single-mk2 makes a lot of sense in this case, I do not thing treble would be a problem whatsoever

That’s also another option, you could move up to a baltic 3 and play with some tube choices, that should be a reasonable upgrade. Treble should be just fine as long as you don’t roll in a specifically bright tube, but I do think the totaldac might scratch the itch slightly more, although both are on a somewhat level playing field

Also you are still running the hpa 1 correct? Perhaps you could move up from there and get something nice

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Yes, @M0N I am still using the HPA-1 but have been looking into something better as I intend to buy some crazy audio equipment by the end of the year. Research is priority for me but I also know this hobby is hard to correlate research to real world listening.


Despite the fact that I want an “upgrade” I still think the Prima Luna Evo 100 is different enough in design to warrant owning one.

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It is pretty different, and gives a fair amount of options for rolling yes, although I do think the lampizator at the same price does what it goes for although more refined and more capable. Perhaps slightly less rich though. (or also sw1x too). So that’s kinda why I didn’t want to include it, since it would just isn’t a worthwhile buy to me when other alternatives exist, as it would fill a similar enough role, but still a quality piece

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Oh yeah, looking forward to this one!
I was going to wait for this until deciding on a DAC, but got too impatient and went for the Spring 3. lol


From everything I’ve read, you can’t realy go wrong with the s3 in that price range anyways. Tbh if it was just smaller and maybe a double stack instead of the vast footprint I probanaly would have ordered one as well

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Yeah for sure. I enjoy the hell out of it anyway. Plus it has a pretty good pre-amp which is pretty transparent.

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